Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1055: metal monster

Sitting in the belly of an unfamiliar metal monster, especially next to his father who is capable of beating himself half to death, the restraint of Marquis Falshid is hard for ordinary people to understand. But even if you don't dare to touch and pull around, you can always take a look. So he kept observing the interior of Kavi's custom-made car with curious eyes.

The interior design of the custom-made car already has the level of a car in the 21st century on Earth. Especially the various control functions and panels after programming, in conjunction with Midi's research on the artificial soul of the 'golem'. Don't talk about automatic driving, as long as someone is willing to put in the effort, the crystallization of cutting-edge technology in the old magnesium album "Knight Rider" is not a big problem.

But driving is the same as flying, handling is a very important experience. This kind of experience has to wait until driving or flying is completely integrated into life, and it becomes the same thing as breathing, eating, and drinking, before someone will get bored and consider the so-called 'automation'. Until then, I'm not busy putting all the good stuff in place at once. There is no economic benefit and a waste of time.

But even so, for the lost country bumpkin, everything inside the custom car is a novelty. And looking at his own father, controlling this metal monster like his arms and fingers, the awe and fear of Marquis Falshid gradually faded away. His strong curiosity made him stretch out his hand involuntarily and feel around.

The inside of the car is one scene, and the outside of the car is another scene.

A metal monster that has never been seen before is running on the main road of the capital, and of course it will attract the attention of all passers-by. Even though this custom-made car was not moving at full speed under the control of the Grand Duke; but compared to other noble carriages, its speed was still beyond the reach of others.

Fortunately, because of the large number of nobles in the capital of the Gwana Empire, the main roads are planned to be particularly open. The intention is to separate the nobles on horseback or carriages from the roads for pedestrians to avoid accidents. And the Grand Duke drove on such a road, shuttling between the gaps between the carriages.

It's not that no one wants to stop this rampant metal monster. After all, it snakes forward and often passes other carriages, which is quite dangerous. But firstly, it did not hit anyone; secondly, its speed was extremely fast; most importantly, the family crest of Grand Duke Kavi was on the front of the metal monster. It is also very big and conspicuous, and it is impossible to pretend to be invisible.

As a veteran aristocrat, the Duke of Kavi's family reputation is quite good. But no matter how kind nobles are, they are not easy targets for common people to offend. Not to mention that the opponent is still a family that is good at martial arts. Simply put, they are particularly capable of fighting. Don't mess with anyone, don't mess with such an opponent, so some brave people who were eager to do justice chose to back down one after another, and nothing happened anyway.

However, although the intrusion warning activated by the city gate guards was later added to be a false alarm, in fact it was Grand Duke Kavi who came driving a car. However, the defense system of the national capital, which has already been activated, has already drawn the attention of all interested people to this car that has just entered the city.

The turbulent undercurrent in the past two or three days, which was originally calmed down by Marquis Falshid's avoidance, is now turbulent again. Each family also sent their own spies, wanting to see what the so-called 'car' is in the first place. …

It’s just that the grand duke was driving fast. Those who wanted to see the car, who had accompanied Marquis Falshid to greet him at the city gate, had suffered a lot.

The people sent by other families are okay to say, but they just heard where the car went. When they ran to the destination with their proud fast legs, they couldn't even eat the car farts, so they could only inquire again. He was quick-witted, and ran to the gate of Grand Duke Kavi's mansion early to wait for him.

And those who followed Marquis Falshid, as well as the deacon who was originally sitting in the passenger seat of the car as a backup driver, all climbed on the outer edge of the carriage and chased after them hard. As a servant, of course it is impossible to sit in the carriage with their master. Either sit in the special seat for the attendant, or climb next to the car, or follow with only two legs.

Just to keep up with the speed of the car, some people used their two legs to follow, but then they all got into the speeding carriage. But when they all got into the carriage, the overloaded weight made the two overloaded horses slow down.

In the end, some people who believed that their footsteps would not lose to the horses simply got off the overloaded carriage. Relying on his familiarity with the capital and the flexibility of one-person action, he was able to barely see the taillights of this custom-made car by speeding through the streets and alleys.

This is because they are not allowed to perform combat skills without reason in the city. Otherwise, there will be chaos everywhere, not only the guards of the capital will come to the door, but it will also lose face to the Grand Duke.

After finally coming to the gate of the duke's mansion, the locked gate prevented the owner of the house from entering. Lord Kawei wants to activate the ability of 'savage collision' and directly crash into the door. Considering that this is his own mansion, he gave up.

Marquis Falshid wanted to get out of the car and call for the door. Fortunately, it didn't take long before the followers who were chasing after him appeared. It was their duty to call the door, so even though they were out of breath, they still shouted at the gatekeeper in the mansion: "The Grand Duke has arrived, open the door quickly."

In fact, when the gatekeeper saw the huge family crest in front of the car, he planned to open the door. It's just that such a metal monster has never been seen before, which makes them hesitate again. Fortunately, all the people who came to call the door knew each other, and they were indeed knights serving in the family. This made them bold enough to push open the heavy door.

Before the iron gate was fully opened and opened enough to get in, the Grand Duke stepped up the accelerator and drove the car stopped in the middle of the courtyard. Then he opened the car door by himself, got out of the car, and walked towards the main house in a loud voice.

Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^ While saying: "I'm so hungry." While yelling, let the chefs serving in the mansion prepare lunch.

In fact, Midi does not have the habit of having lunch, even the nobles. But the difference between nobles and ordinary people is that they have 'afternoon tea', an activity that has both social and stomach-filling functions.

But Lord Kawi has been with Gabrash Tripwood for a long time, not to mention the taste of food is influenced by the successor of the big foodie empire, even the habits are. So at this time close to noon, he felt hungry.

As for the users of the duke's mansion, they are used to the aggressive attitude of their master. With an order, everyone naturally moved and tried their best to do it. No matter how unreasonable the request is.

But what to do with the car parked in the middle of the courtyard, waiting in the courtyard, the young man in charge of stable affairs looked dumbfounded. His original duty was to take the horses back to the stables and take good care of them after the dignitaries of the family came back. But this metal monster seems to have nowhere to pull...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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