Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1125: loop condition

The wind element lord was extremely puzzled by this task that suddenly fell on him. Pointing to the Sands of Time that was taken into someone's arms, he asked: 'Magician, since this is the request, why didn't you send that one back? ’ He also shook the time hourglass that was trapped in a temporary sealing magic.

This sealing magic was put on immediately after Pandi got the hourglass. He knows better than anyone how unstable the time hourglass that contacts the outside world is. He didn't want his unintentional casual words to come true, so he had to properly separate the unreasonable wishing device in his hand.

And the subtext of that question actually refers to why someone would take another grain of time sand out of the hourglass to do such a thing. Of course, I also hope that he will return things to their original places instead of playing with them in his hands.

Letting a super wishing device like the Sands of Time wander outside is simply a precursor to getting into trouble. Among other things, if that magician intentionally messes up, he uses the Sands of Time in his hand to make a wish of 'to monopolize the hourglass of time and not be known to outsiders'. Then the wind elemental elves will lose this powerful magic item forever, and they won't even know that they once had it.

Of course, one's own side can also abolish the Sand of Time in the opponent's hand in the same way. And it's not the first time that the wind elemental spirit has done this, using the hourglass of time to interfere with reality. But now that we know that the production of the Sands of Time is so difficult, and the quantity is limited, if one grain is used, one grain will be lost, how could Pandi not consider some more trouble-free methods.

Without relying on the mind-reading skills of the box cut, Lin certainly didn't know the little Jiujiu in Pan Di's heart. But he could still see how much this wind elemental lord wanted to protect the secrets related to the hourglass of time. Even this one, as if he didn't care about it at the beginning, handed the time hourglass into his hands casually.

Unfortunately, there is no room for compromise on this requirement. Lin held the hot, freshly baked Sands of Time and said: "The characteristics of the Sands of Time make it remember the characteristics of that world every time it passes through a 'different' world. Instead of being integrated into the new world as you enter it, forgetting the original characteristics. This makes it a special item that will be "memorized" by multiple worlds at the same time, and because of this, it can be used as a good material for my magic research. But here comes the important point, except for this new sand of time, the other sands of time have been imprinted by multiple worlds. In other words, by counting the number of these imprints, you can figure out how many times you have used the time hourglass. Such a situation is not conducive to my magic research. Because I only need one future anchor to help me find the correct parameters, many anchors will only confuse the audience. Just imagine, if I wasted too much time researching the Sands of Time before, would I have less time to plan and arrange in the future? It is even possible that the research cannot be completed, and you have to face that situation. At that time, you will say whether we have lost or lost miserably. '

There are too many reasons, and the Universal Truth cannot find a place to refute. But he still made his last effort, pointing to something in someone's arms, and said: 'Then what about the other sand of time? '

’ This is what you gave me. It's my reward. You never said anything like asking me to pay it back. Even if you say, without any reward, I will help you with this troublesome matter? Even if you don't want to be an elemental spirit, you still have to have the spirit of contract. ’ Someone brought out a certain spiritual statement that he didn’t trust, and the pan-truth had nothing to say.

Although the magician in front of him could be used as a research target, he also obtained an invaluable treasure—a profound knowledge of magic. But this knowledge is not exclusive to him.

When he borrowed part of his body to turn it into a cloud platform, he already knew the relevant knowledge. For the rest, just find out your own method of casting spells. This is how the inheritance of advanced magic is played.

Not to mention there is a way to create the Sands of Time.

The time hourglass before was used once, and the opportunity was lost once. The previous guards of the eye of the wind have studied the hourglass of time for so long, and no one has found a way to replenish the sands of time.

Now this magician has taught himself all the methods and steps from beginning to end. Maybe some steps can't be reproduced, but there are so many people, there are so many wind elemental lords, and the most important thing is that there is no time pressure, so I can always find a safer alternative.

So after coming and going, if you really want to talk about the fair principle of the contract, Pandi really can't be ashamed to get back the sand of time sent by his future self.

Not to mention that he still owes a token that can use the power of the elemental spirit. Because a certain magician was doing research before, and there were also two elemental planes, fire and water, who were going to 'greeting', so this matter was temporarily put on hold. Now that the matter here is over, it's time to gather other wind elemental lords to make that token.

Stuck outside his cloud city, the thirteen overwhelming robot fleets were nominally waiting for him to hand over the elemental spirit token. If the wind elemental elves make some small moves, or anything that touches the nerves of those old opponents, I'm afraid everyone's end will not be so good.

As for how to go back to the past and return the sand of time that was handed over to the magician, everyone tacitly did not mention it.

Among the magic spread in Midi, there is the magic of traveling through time; and the knowledge leaked by the magician in front of him is also full of this aspect of magic. Besides, there is no limit on when I want to send it back. If this little thing can't be done, Pandi thought, probably without the other party coming forward, he would have to be ridiculed to death by other wind elemental spirits first.

Traveling through time and prophecy have never been a big deal for lost magicians. The ghost knows why this person in front of him has to go out of his way, take a road that no one has traveled, and walk so hard.

A certain traveler from the science-side world did not hear the voice of the wind elemental lord. To be honest, even if he heard it, he could only complain.

Although someone has always wanted to use the scientific method he knows to re-analyze and define magic. But magic is, after all, a product of spiritualism. Who knows if someone's analysis and definition are so compatible with the products of this ideal world because they believe so much?

This becomes a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. No one can tell where the source is.

But now Lin's attention is returning to the little trouble that the Taoist priest reminded him before he left. And this little trouble was brought about by Hefquinn who dissociated from the Iron Throne but failed to reassemble the split.

Strictly speaking, she can only be regarded as a leading party. The person who came here has been frequently in and out of Fengyan and other worlds, and he is already familiar with it. It's just that now is not the time for her to show up, so if she shows up, it is undoubtedly Hefquin's fault.

"The matter is settled? It seems that you don't have any missing arms or legs. It saves me a lot of work." Fen who flashed forward wore a saffron-and-white robe, and her elegant temperament was different from the past. The mechanical girl with two ponytails followed behind the former Lord Demon King, just like a little follower, with low eyebrows and eyes, not daring to speak.

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