Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1248: Ways to bless the gods

Do Transformers' Cybertronians have souls?

Answer: Not sure. The consistent feature of Meiman is that the settings serve the plot. The setting can be changed, the origin can be changed, the relationship between people can be changed, and even the gender can be changed. All kinds of if lines are flying around, and then just put on the name of a multiverse. So the ghost knows whether the Cybertronians have souls or not.

But the robots of the Earth Elemental Plane do. Strictly speaking, robots are not like the mechanical life forms of the Cybertronians, they are magical creatures derived from earth elemental creatures. So the robot has a soul, and it is also bound by the spirit of the earth element, that is, the fire seed after the spirit of the earth mother is replaced. However, there may be one exception.

Hefquin, the queen of the hive, exists in the form of countless nanoworms, which can be arbitrarily combined into the form she wants to be. And as long as there is enough matter, she can theoretically copy herself unlimitedly until she devours the entire universe.

However, she did not embark on this seemingly smooth growth path, because she could not assess what risks she would encounter if she continued on this path. When the future is uncertain and unknown, it is called "gambling" to resolutely embark on this road because of small profits.

However, creatures that can grow into elemental lords have a common characteristic in their personalities, and that is 'gou'. They don't have a life limit, so they don't need to gamble like a mortal with a life limit, and they can spell out their own future within a limited time. Infinite time is their greatest weapon.

Therefore, after Hefquinn increased the number of nanoworms enough to form an imaginary-class colony ship by itself, he stopped expanding. She had to figure out what she had become before she could consider the next step. To describe it as building a house, it is to tamp the foundation first before building tall buildings. Instead of seeing that it is easy to build a building, just build it regardless.

And a very unexpected discovery is that Hefquin feels that his connection with Tinder is no longer as clear as it used to be. It was this change that made her stop her pace. So facing the question of the halfling goddess, the mechanical girl with two ponytails could only spread her hands, shook her head and said, "I don't know what I am now."

After Hefquinn noticed his abnormality, he immediately confirmed one thing, that is, he couldn't change back and become a normal robot. But she was more excited than regretful. It was as if in the era of elemental creatures, she was obviously a metal person who emphasized physical strength, but she liked to study magic like a gem person. She's not afraid to explore the unknown, but she's never reckless.

With Lin's palm facing the sky, Hefquin differentiated into some nanoworms and put them on the palm in the original form. The nano worms piled up like a hill on the hand, even if they haven't aggregated, there are still enough to be observed by the naked eye.

Raising his hand in front of the goddess of gold coins, Lin said: "Any single individual is her, but it is not her. Only the whole is her, Haifukuen of the earth elemental plane, and hive queen of robots. I am like this Say, can Your Majesty understand?"

Ke Yin just shook his head and said, "I don't understand. Explain clearly."

Sprinkling the nanoworms in his hand on Hefquin's head, Lin used the whiteboard technique to simply draw a magic circle in the air. It's just a pentagram, with two concentric circles on the outer circle, and there are twelve runes in the circle. This is the Spirit Gathering Formation that magicians first learned when they were doing elementary meditation.

"This is a complete magic circle."

It was originally a simple line, but suddenly it was divided into two from the middle, and at the same time, the shape of an object appeared behind the magic circle. It was also composed of whiteboard pens, making the schematic look like a magic circle engraved on two stone slabs.

"In actual use, because the magician has to sit in the gathering array to meditate, the area of ​​the gathering array is not small. Then in drawing or carving, it is not very important to draw on a complete object at the same time The cheap magic material bluestone usually used as a base is made up of small pieces into a large area, and then painted with a magic circle. So the magic circle is divisible, but it must be pieced together in use. Spell model In fact, it can be used in this way, but it is meaningless."

In terms of physical phenomena, copper wires can conduct electricity, but it does not need to be complete from beginning to end. Broken copper wires can also conduct electricity, just connect the broken parts, or even touch them. When the voltage is high enough, the two copper wires don't even have to touch each other, they just need to come within a short enough distance for the electricity to jump across. For details, refer to the lightning that fell from the sky.

The conduction of magical power is very similar to the conduction of electrical energy. It does not require the conductor to be a complete thing formed in one piece, as long as it meets certain splicing rules. Before crossing over, the only thing someone knew to destroy was the optical fiber used for communication. Compared with the troublesome welding operation, most people will directly replace it with a new one, without considering the problem of signal degradation.

However, when Lin explained, he did not stop the change of the magic circle in mid-air. The magic circle stone slab that was divided into left and right pieces was re-divided into ten by ten small blocks, and the same things as the second and third layers appeared at the same time.

"The magic circle can be divided, which means that we can divide the magic circle into smaller units, and have a second reserve and a third reserve. When any part of the original magic circle is destroyed, the reserve part can be destroyed. On the top, let the magic circle continue to operate normally. And the result of the operation of the magic circle will have the same effect on any part. Speaking of this, do you understand, Your Majesty Ke Yin."

Hearing this, Ke Yin said: "The idea of ​​replacement is a novelty. Regardless of how to achieve the replacement, the magic circle can be divided and combined. Even if I am not a magician, I know it. This is common sense. But it depends on us. What does it matter?"

Lin flicked his fingers, and the schematic diagram of the magic array stone slabs drawn by whiteboard pens in the air immediately turned into the appearance of coins. Although there is a slight distance between the coins, the magic pattern remains the same.

Lin continued: "The same principle applies to coins. What we need to do is not 100,000 or millions of coins imbued with divine power and equivalent to divine artifacts, but a group of divine artifact-level coins. And the ability of this group of artifacts , in addition to keeping the coin strong so that it is difficult to be damaged by external forces, it also protects the coin from being eroded by alien energy during the flashing technique."

Although he realized what the magician in front of him wanted to do, Ke Yin murmured, "How could such a thing be possible?"

"How is it impossible? Isn't there a successful example here." As he spoke, Lin waved his hand, as if introducing the mechanical girl with twin ponytails beside him.

"Ah!" "Ah." "Ah~" The three voices came from Ke Yin, Hefquin and Freya, which naturally represented three moods. Ke Yin suddenly realized that Heffquin felt like he was lying on the gun, and Freya was just making a voice in response to the occasion and cheering for the scene.

However, it is not appropriate to use the analogy of copper wires and electricity to explain this kind of distributed structure. But to use a metaphor that everyone in the information industry understands, it is a 'disk array'. Each coin is like a physical hard disk, some coins store a certain part of the data, some coins are used for backup, and all the coins together form a complete data, that is, a high-capacity virtual disk.

It's just that the data stored here is a magic circle that can exert supernatural effects.

Seeing the halfling goddess and the twin-tailed mechanical girl in a thoughtful mood at the same time, Lin gave them some time to think. But before they could think it through completely, they said, "The coins I imagined are constructed in such a way. And in order to save effort, this power must also borrow the power of the Midi Dragon Vein. But it is not the combination of coins and The dragon veins of Midi are closely connected, but the concept of 'money' that you belong to, Your Majesty Ke Yin, is the main one. Although the situation of Haifukuen is different from that of divine power, I believe that if she can succeed, you must be able to References for reference."

However, although the halfling goddess looked at someone and listened to all the words, she didn't react and was still thinking.

Lin stood in the position of convincing the goddess and tried to keep working hard. He asked: "Your Majesty, is there anything to worry about? Or do you think that after this thing is done, it will not bring any benefits?"

Ke Yin finally answered someone's question and said: "No, judging from the results you described, it should be of great benefit."

"So you feel that things are impossible to achieve, and everything is wishful thinking?" Lin asked again.

"No, although there are difficulties, but with so much help from you, I think it is possible to do it."

"Since this is the case, why not do it? The so-called success is the result of accumulating a little bit of advantage, and finally it will come naturally. And these advantages are what you have to work hard to achieve. If you want someone to sit at home , Success came from the sky, it was **** luck. Unfortunately, I am the kind of person who doesn't believe in my own luck."

Someone thought, they were forced to travel through time, how bad must they be to encounter this kind of shit. Is it because he didn't study when he was young, or did he do too many immoral things in his previous life?

However, Ke Yin's reaction was different from what someone imagined. The halfling goddess let out a long breath, turned her head, and said to Freya: "Do you know what I hate about this guy? He always gives a bunch of reasons that people can't refuse."

"Hehe." Lin pretended to giggle a few times. At this time, do not refute or say anything. Because no matter what you say, it will sound like a bravado, which is just annoying.

Fortunately, Ke Yin didn't intend to deliberately sing a different tune, but said: "Okay. You have said so, and if I don't do it, it seems that I will suffer instead. It's just that I have another problem."

"Your Majesty, may I ask?"

Twisting a newly minted coin, Ke Yin said: "According to your request, we don't have to use new coins. Can't we use old coins? Why do we need to mint new coins?"

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