Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1343: conflict

You must know that Prince Behar's uncles, big and small, and all kinds of distant relatives have been fighting wits and courage with the Turtledove Alliance for a long time in order to raise an elf slave girl. All kinds of deeds and wonderful points must be shown off in front of this prince. When he could and wanted to find them, he couldn't find half of them.

Now there are more than a dozen of them, both men and women. And the appearance is just like the rumors, the male is handsome, the female is pretty. Speaking of which, these elves were the reason for the prince's stay, but they were robbed by a man who was inexplicable and ignorant of dignity.

Since the empress made a move to make it difficult for her to make a fuss on the spot, then forget it. Anyway, Prince Behar didn't care about the life of a pariah. But these elves, he wants to get rid of them.

After looking at it for a few moments, without thinking about it, Prince Behar waved his hand and said, "You guys are not bad, just follow me later. Don't waste your time doing those trivial things, I will naturally take good care of you."

Yo ha, really careless. Lin Xin thought.

I got it from the Empress, and of course the elves have read the pamphlet about the nobles of the empire. The person who needs the most attention, apart from those influential nobles, is the prince in front of him.

The reason why this prince is specially marked is not only because he is the closest to the throne and the most threatening to the world, but also because this person has a bad reputation and does not look like a child in his early ten years.

Even if the nobles have a dark side, they will spend a lot of effort to maintain it on the surface. But the prince directly showed his cruelty, and all kinds of heinous things happened one after another. Cooking people alive, killing pregnant women, letting dogs eat people, killing civilians...

However, being of the blood of the late emperor and supported by many nobles, or to say connivance, no matter how much he violated the rules, he was not punished in the end. At most, the subordinates will take the blame and let others see what happened, and the matter will be over.

This kind of illegal behavior is really not a thing in the Karlsruhe Empire. Because, this kind of performance that you can still be free after doing bad things is also a kind of strength in the eyes of others...

The lax laws and regulations are actually related to the continuous absorption of various tribes by the empire in the past, and each tribe has its own patriarchal clan. Then the laws of the root of the empire cannot be formulated too carefully, so as to avoid interfering with the power of the patriarchal clan, causing resentment, and not conducive to absorbing the big clan.

Although the social background for making the law is already a thing of the past. The Karlsruhe Empire has long been a tyrant in the south, and all the tribes that can join have joined, and all the land that can be enclosed has also been enclosed. But for the powerful, such a law is a loophole they can exploit, and of course it is even more impossible to take the initiative to repair these parts.

And this Prince Behar, in that document and folk rumors, has gathered the evil of the empire, which can stop children from crying at night. Although Lin didn't know how true it was, but if there was a word or phrase that was true, he knew that if this kid in his early teens could have a bad reputation, it would only be worse in private, not better.

Even if the elves do not have a mission to go out this time, it is impossible for them to follow this kind of person. It goes without saying that they are all here with a mission. The first is to protect a certain magician, and the second is to obey his orders.

In other words, if Lin nodded, it was possible to give the elf behind him as a gift in exchange for the fulfillment of the mission. Although this kind of thing is not explicitly stated, World Tree also acquiesces, and all the elves know it.

But as a member of the Great Traversing, how could it be possible to engage in such things as treating people as commodities. Not to mention that this is obviously a meat bun beating a dog, and if there is no return, the other party may take it and do nothing. Instead of flattering the little kid in front of him, he might as well sleep a few more nights with his relative who is the emperor.

Thinking clearly, even if the prince in front of him deliberately ignored him, Lin still smiled and said: "Your Highness, everyone behind me is the right-hand man sent by His Majesty World Tree to help me. If I want to help the goddess, I can We cannot do without them. So we can only decline your kindness."

"Follow me, it makes me happy. Maybe I will give you a little lord Dangdang and become a nobleman of the empire. What's wrong with that? Could it be that the goddess of gold coins can give you more than me?" Beha Prince Er said dissatisfiedly, acting like a child.

It's just that he never thought that his method would be useful to other ordinary people who have never seen the world, or small nobles from other countries. After all, Karlsruhe's imperial title is there. As a prince, he is born superior, and he does have the capital to be proud of. But this arrogance is not useful to everyone.

Furthermore, elves who can follow someone, despite their youthful and beautiful appearance, are all hundreds of years old. There is not much effort under his hands, and his heart is so dark that it shines. It's just that these abilities are not easy to use in front of the absolute authority and power of World Tree, which gives people a taste of obedience.

Even if they don't use scheming, they certainly won't believe what the human prince said. Even if they were sent out by the human magician, they still have their own means to escape. But since it was not treated as a gift, they were happy to continue watching the show.

As the leader, Lin, of course, would not hang things up just because the other party was not targeting him. Although he doesn't need to buy people's hearts, the elves know to do their best, after all, the banner of the World Tree is still easy to use.

But when encountering a problem, you should bear it, and you still have to bear it, otherwise, how can you ask the people below to do things. Being a leader is such a tiring thing. If I were alone, I might have slipped away a long time ago.

Facing the obviously duplicitous prince, Lin couldn't help but sneer, but said: "Your Highness, the conferment of noble titles is a major event, but it's not good to just promise others so easily. What's more, we are all under the command of the goddess, so it's not easy to accept it." The title of nobility. Forget about it.”

Theocratic power and imperial power are naturally at odds, so it's just right to talk about it now. Unless the other party is stupid enough to admit that the title or something is just bait, he doesn't intend to give it, as long as we pass by. If these plain words are spoken out, it is a clear fool of people, and it is even more unwelcome than deceiving people. As for directly challenging the theocracy, it would be a matter of death, and no one could tell what was wrong.

Fortunately, this child is cruel, and his IQ is still above the line. He squinted and stared at the magician in front of him. The two 'dogs' led by iron chains seemed to sense his intentions, and they were agitated, baring their teeth, barking lowly, as if they were about to pounce.

Seeing that fierce look, Lin didn't move, and the elves didn't move, but the other nobles retreated more than half. A small number of them have suffered under these two 'dogs'. And these things are not covering up, but complaining everywhere. Therefore, the reputation of these two 'dogs' is no lower than that of their masters.

But even if it has a bad name, it doesn't seem to be very useful in front of you. None of the dozen or so elves was good, they all stared at the two 'dogs' dancing happily in front of them. Especially Miriam, although she is blind in both eyes, her other senses are more intense without her eyesight. The strong murderous intent was almost turned into substance, and it was pinned on the two slaves who were not human beings but dogs.

You must know that the Karlsruhe Empire is characterized by many races, and its specialty is that there are many mixed bloods. The two 'dogs' led by Prince Behar were not trained, but were born with the ferocity of a 'beast'. Then use drugs to stimulate, so that the rationality is completely lost, and the body is strengthened.

Such a 'human beast' is actually no different from a beast, so it is naturally very sensitive to various intangible sensations. The gazes of more than a dozen high-level elves are enough to arouse their importance, and the murderous aura of the red sword master is even more terrible.

For a moment, the two 'dogs' who had always been unscrupulous, seemed to have their tails between their legs, and retreated a few steps timidly. No matter how Prince Behar swung the chain and whipped the whip, they just didn't want to run into the group of people and elves in front of them. Even before his murderous aura grew stronger, he hid behind those heavy armored guards, looking extremely useless.

Of course, the person who is most dissatisfied with this bear is the person who raises these two dogs. Prince Behar was furious, and jumped up and cursed: "These two useless bastards! Kill him and cut off their dog's head for me!"

This time, no one else stopped him. All the nobles looked at the heavy armored guards with two princes of Behar kicking the two 'dogs'. Kick them away a little, and when you have room to perform, you immediately wave the steel sword in your hand! The head rolled to the front of the group of elves, and the blood sprayed from the severed neck was sprinkled on the green hall.

But I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, the direction in which the two people who were killed were kicked out was particular, and even the direction in which they were chopped was also particular. The stinky blood spurted out greeted the elves and their party. Lin naturally bears the brunt.

Although the incident happened suddenly, such a trivial matter certainly did not bother the Elf and his party. Without anyone having to do anything, the elf rubbed the ring on his hand. In an instant, a magic shield stood in front of everyone, blocking all the splashed blood.

Although he was not splashed with he ended up in a mess. But if you don't fight back when you are beaten, you will lose in momentum after all. Prince Behar is not tall and young, but he stared fiercely at the young man in front of him and said, "You know, what I want, It’s never been out of reach.”

Lin said slowly and in a seductive tone: "Your Highness, I don't know if what you said is true or not. Maybe you want to pick the stars, the moon and the sun, and you can pick them up. But what I know is that everything There will always be a first time, and the first time is the most unforgettable. When you encounter it, you must taste it and taste the taste. Don’t encounter it for the second time, and you are still like the first time Just as overwhelmed. That's not good."

The express hint in the words does not know whether a kid can understand, anyway, Lin said it.

Maybe I understood it, maybe I just heard the sarcasm in the words. Prince Behar stomped his feet angrily, wanting to instruct his guards to break things up. It didn't matter that the emperor's guards had already entered the hall and were guarding everywhere.

In his opinion, those close guards only dared to deal with his guards, and dared not touch him himself. So even if his guards are dead, so what, as long as he can teach this group of elves and this **** **** pariah a lesson before he dies, it will be worth it.

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