Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1354: Goblin Luka

After a serious setback, all actions against Lin and the elves were slowed down. Of course, this does not mean a complete stop, and 100% cooperation with what the elves are going to do. It's just downgraded from the original armed conflict to a non-cooperative attitude.

Originally thought that the advantages of the bank should make the nobles flock to them, kneeling and licking them one by one. But in practice, Lin was again reminded of how low the lower limit of human behavior can be.

That's right, all nobles hope that a bank can be built in their territory as soon as possible, or at least they can use the function of the bank as soon as possible to minimize the loss of their property.

But they are nobles after all, a group of masters, how can some trivial chores be done by themselves. If everything is done by itself, what is the purpose of raising so many people? So the matter is handed over to the subordinates.

Here lies the problem! There are actually two ways to win a race. One is to be faster than everyone else, and the other is to make others slower than oneself.

Since the priority of building a bank was handed over to the empress by a certain magician, the nobles really had no room to stretch their hands. But they can buy other noble subordinates who receive preferential services from the elves, slowing down the progress of the bank's construction.

To put it simply, it means that I can't outrun you, but I can hold you back.

Such behavior is more obvious in some commercial towns that are jointly ruled by multiple nobles. Because of the large number of managers and complex personnel, more opportunities can be found for those who want to hold back.

There are also many reasons, such as the originally delineated bank construction site is not good, and another site needs to be selected. The number of holy emblems that provide the service of the Goddess of Gold Coins is insufficient and has been preserved, and there are too few privileged rooms exclusively for nobles. Also, the bank uniforms worn by the elves are too ugly, and the local style should be considered. What proportion should the bank use local manpower, and what proportion should non-human Homo sapiens occupy?

All these things, listed out, even Lin felt amazed. I feel as if I have returned to my hometown and met people from black backgrounds who are looking for trouble in their careers. Anyway, the other party didn't take hard and soft, and only came here to find trouble, which was not at all like the behavior of the lost people.

The land-lost people that Lin has been in contact with all the time, their attitude in dealing with problems is very simple, that is, to cooperate or not to cooperate. Once the attitude towards the general direction is determined, when encountering details, they will follow the general direction to deal with these details. Ride through the thorns and thorns all the way until the thing is done.

But the group of people I met now is that although they seem to be willing to cooperate, as long as they encounter a small problem, they will overthrow everything and start over. Stuck on small problems time and time again, if someone with a more impatient temper is allowed to come, he might be punished to a mental breakdown.

Fortunately, the elves who followed Lin were all old fritters. Facing such a clumsy trick, their attitudes were calm and calm. Besides, in all the process, the problem of traffic movement is left to the local lord to arrange, instead of relying on the advantages of the flash technique to shorten the time wasted in traffic. Anyway, as the old saying goes, the goddess of gold coins is not in a hurry.

The use of the flashing technique will be given up, in addition to being clumsy, it is also because the reconnaissance of the bank's location requires the assistance of the lord. These people do not have the protection of the elven robes, and World Tree does not want to work hard for these people. So instead of the elves flashing to the destination first, and then waiting for the local lord to send someone to meet, it is better to act together from the beginning, and save the effort of contacting.

Perhaps doing so will prolong the time and increase the chance of uncontrollable factors emerging. But from the current stage, the bank of the goddess of gold coins is a big trend, and there is no way to stop it. It was never Her Majesty the Goddess of Gold Coins who should be anxious.

As for a certain lazy human being, after showing part of his strength—in the eyes of outsiders, his full strength—after the promotion of the bank, no one went to find this only human being.

The nobles would rather wait for the sixteen elves to have free time than to find the human being who has been idle all the time. The reason is also very considerate. Since the magician is the chosen one of the goddess, he naturally has his own reputation, so everyone doesn't have to bother him with trivial matters. That elector should stand in a higher position and control everything.

But this does not mean that someone can be lazy every day, wait for the report from the elf subordinates below, and then go to the Emerald Palace to sleep at night. At least the bank job in the territory directly under the Empress fell to Lin. And since he promised to help, of course Lin couldn't just eat and sleep all day, he had to do some serious business.

According to Lin's previous judgment, the imaginary expert, that is, Alegria's intelligence chief, finally appeared. It's no wonder that the other party was well hidden by the empress, not only because he didn't have a noble title, but more importantly, no one would take a goblin seriously.

If he was clearly put on the table, it might lower the empress's evaluation in the eyes of outsiders, and it would also bring disaster to the goblins. So as soon as the two parties discussed it, the goblin agreed to become the man hiding behind the empress.

Another reason is that this goblin named Luca is actually a liaison between the empress and the goblin group of the empire, and does not fully represent the goblins. To be able to become a direct face-to-face liaison with the emperor of the empire, Luca has the ability.

However, considering the jealousy of the goblin group, Luca doesn't want to get too many benefits and become a target for his own people. So when doing things normally, he is low-key and low-key. From this point of view, this little guy does have wisdom beyond goblins.

As a country united by multiple races, the Karlsruhe Empire certainly had the race of goblins, both civilized and uncivilized. And because of the various problems in the goblin's personality and the influence of their uncivilized close relatives, the empire's treatment of the goblins is of course not much better, and the jobs that can be done are also some low-level jobs.

Furthermore, for a country that advocates force and allows itself to rely on strength to fight for everything, it is no surprise that the thin goblins have become the weakest in the empire. Such a disadvantaged group met a weak emperor, and the two sides saw each other, so they united.

Although the goblins are weak, the role they can play is far greater than imagined. Because of the huge number, goblins can be found in almost every city and village in the empire. Because it is the most menial job, and they can be killed easily, so few people are wary of these goblins. The combination of these two factors makes the goblin a very good member of the intelligence network.

Furthermore, in the history of Midi, the goblins were Homo sapiens who once built an empire, so there is no doubt about their intelligence. So even though the situation of these goblins in the Karlsruhe Empire is not good, they still have cultural heritage and are preserved.

One of the most important items is the goblin script that is rarely seen by outsiders. And these seemingly graffiti words have become an important medium for goblins to isolate themselves from the forum and to transmit information. Luca integrated the information passed from all over the place, sorted it out, and handed it over to the Empress.

Perhaps the work content of the goblins in various places is doomed that they will not have access to such confidential information. However, Luca's intelligence analysis ability has reached the level of seeing the details. As long as there are some signs of things, he can follow the clues and find the factors behind them. Then cross-comparison with news from other sources to obtain intelligence with high credibility and authenticity.

These are also the main reasons why Alegria was able to maintain itself uncontrollable under the oppression of many nobles.

Lin will meet Luca because the elves' travel is not fruitless.

Where will the bank be located? It's not about your mood. On the earth, no matter which country it is in, banks have their commercial nature, and the location of the establishment must naturally take into account the local demand. It is impossible to set up a magnificent bank hall in a small mountain village with less than a hundred people; it is also impossible to throw an AT in a financial center like Wall Street in New York. The two are of course reversed.

Putting it in a confused place, maybe the banks under the Goddess of Gold Coins are not so commercially inclined. However, in the initial stage of construction, considering the limited manpower, the center of gravity will be prioritized in towns with large populations.

In addition to population considerations, if the industry is used as the reference target for selection, then the bank will be placed near the gold, silver and copper mines first, and the pure farm is the last consideration. This choice is of course because gold, silver and copper ore can be directly converted into equivalent Keyin coins with the help of the Goddess of Gold Coins; and there is no place for agricultural products that the Goddess can contribute.

There are not many lords who own gold, silver and copper mines. Usually they are big nobles, and relying on these three types of mines, they can live a fairly wealthy life. This kind of person is also more sensitive to money than other nobles who plan food in the ground, so they are particularly active in attracting banks to settle in their territories as soon as possible, even near the mines.

Because there are these three kinds of mines, apart from the purpose of making utensils, the biggest item is to make money. Regardless of whether the lords who hold the mines get the permission from the emperor to mint coins, or they sell the ore to the emperor and let the imperial official agencies mint coins, they must pay the taxes they have to pay for owning the mines. Pay a sum of money on coinage.

If the ore in their hands can be directly turned into circulating and it is not limited by coinage technology, let alone the emperor, who would not be happy?

Therefore, the noble lords who own such mines are of course actively seeking cooperation with the Goddess of Gold Coins, and even build banks near the mines in their territories. And if you want to find the goddess to cooperate, don't you have to find the group of elves.

Therefore, with the convenience of inspecting the location of the bank, the elves have the opportunity to touch the population and mineral situation of each region. Even from the living conditions of the local people and the exquisiteness of their houses and utensils, their wealth can be inferred.

It's just that the content of the elves' comments needs to be translated to a certain extent. For example, they describe the taste of the residents of a certain place as wood turtles, another place is better than wood turtles, and another place may be unbearable wood turtles. The best comment is 'a bit of a look'.

From the internal documents written in these elven characters, Lin once again confirmed the black-bellied nature of these white-skinned pointed ears.

In short, there is no reason for Lin not to combine the information obtained by the elves from inspecting various places with what the Empress holds. It's just that he has no obligation to hand it over for nothing, and the same goes for Luka the Goblin. Only then did the two parties meet to discuss cooperation.

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