Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 492: fellow?

Lin greeted the two nobles in front of him with the etiquette of a magician. After all, it's on someone else's territory, and the other party's attitude seems to be friendly, so there's no need to insist on making the other party an enemy.

After the white swordsman William Greco introduced each other, Baron Engels cordially invited Lin and his party to dinner, including the silver-bearded dwarf and two apprentices who were regarded as followers by others. At this time, Fern slowly moved to the big boat and came behind someone in the way of a normal magician, casting the magic of levitation.

There is another one who loves to cry and follow, screaming desperately in other people's minds. Although I abided by the agreement not to speak in front of others, the bombardment in my head was even more unbearable. Fortunately, he had done the same remote positioning procedure as the spy's eye before, and with a flash, he took the box cut in his hand again.

The sudden appearance of the weapon, of course, caused a commotion among the baron's guards. Lin had no choice but to explain: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's just a cane, it won't hurt anyone." By the way, he wiped the blade of the sword with his own hand, and after showing that there was no hair injury, he reassured the conscientious guards a little.

The banquet belonging to the nobles has not yet started, and everyone is resting and chatting in the reception room on this big ship. Only then did William Greco talk about his search for rice wine.

After leaving the Wadwo tribe, William Greco did not search around like a headless chicken, but directly asked for possible clues through his contacts. But there is no news related to 'rice'.

As an excellent cargo transportation channel, the golden waterway will of course have all kinds of business news and gossip. Therefore, it became one of the ways for William to find rice.

In every river port city, he exerted his influence, or found some well-informed organizations to find the existence or news of rice, but he found nothing.

Until he remembered a friend on this golden waterway, a baron with the same name as him. The other party is not only the son of the grand duke of Vida's military country, but also married a wife who is very popular and powerful.

Ruan Shihui, a descendant of the royal family of a certain kingdom in the Northeast Continent of the Lost Land. That kingdom was established more than 200 years ago and destroyed more than 100 years ago, with only three kings. This is a normal state in the area in the northeast of Midi that still maintains chaos. Until today, there are still continuous building and destroying countries.

Once you understand the context of that region, this phenomenon will come as no surprise.

There are many races of Homo sapiens with different appearances in Midi, unlike the earth where there are only differences in skin color. And the Homo sapiens with the largest number of lost lands and the strongest overall strength is undoubtedly 'human beings'. What about the rest of Homo sapiens?

Also, how many races of Homo sapiens other than humans have the means to establish and defend their own country surrounded by human kingdoms, like the kingdom of Pyat Jaime of the elves?

If they join the human kingdom, can they get equal status?

In conclusion, the vast majority of Homo sapiens other than humans were driven to a corner of the Lost Continent—the northeast. In this chaotic land, humans no longer have the upper hand. Anytime, anywhere there will be people who gain the support of the majority, build a country, and lose it because others who don't support it rebel.

After all, different races have different beliefs, different living habits, and even different taboos. These are not problems that can be solved by cooperating with anyone. Let the murlocs live in the desert, the dwarves to farm, the elves to mine, and the halflings to live in the cold mountains... Maybe these are some extreme examples, but in reality, as long as The slightest failure could lead to rebellion.

It's just that rebellion is not called rebellion in that chaotic land, it's called 'different ambitions'. Countless races are there, uniting for interests, opposing for interests, and loyalty is an out-and-out luxury in that land.

Such an environment is both a crisis and an opportunity. Ruan's ancestors should have established a country under such an opportunity, and then died for some reason.

It's just that before they subjugated their country, they chose to spread their branches and bring their accumulated strength to other countries, instead of placing all bets on the small kingdom they established. Although at the beginning, such an approach was only to win the support of other countries to consolidate their own kingdom. But after that misfortune, such an approach became the biggest reason to preserve their family's strength and survive.

Maybe the country that was leaning against has perished, but those who survived have become queens of the royal family. In terms of status, even without a title, it is enough to be rampant in the noble circle.

In terms of strength, the wealth accumulated by the Ruan family should not be underestimated. It is used to build private soldiers, defend one's position before other nobles, and use money to overcome obstacles.

In addition, people from different branches are loyal to different countries and obtain the real power titles and territories of the country. And because of the ties of blood, the tribes connect these different countries, becoming a bridge of communication between countries, or a medium for conspiracy and calculation.

In short, in the chat with Baron Engels, his wife, and the white swordsman, someone saw the prototype of a large multinational enterprise, and even small city-states and small countries were even controlled by them in turn.

Only one or two hundred years is not enough for this family to grow into dinosaurs. The range of their radiation only accounts for a small part of the entire Midi. For those real big countries, this family is still not worthy of contempt.

The foundation of the Ruan family is some industries that Midi has never owned or paid attention to before. Especially food! They mastered many special crops, but the grain types and planting techniques were only spread in a small area.

...It's all about this, their ancestors didn't travel through the seniors, someone really doesn't believe it.

The combination of Ruan Thihui and William Engels, in addition to their own mutual love, is also the combination of wealth and power of the two families behind them.

Like the warship that everyone is riding on now, Grand Duke Engels managed to sell the empire's first-line warship that was "eliminated" because of "lag behind" after launching for half a year, to his son. The cost of buying the ship was paid from Ruan Shihui's dowry.

In addition, a fleet of ships for trade was established. With the banner of the unicorn, there is no danger on the golden waterway. These expenses, of course, are paid by the Ruan family. Then the nobles of the military state harvested taxes, and the Ruan family made money while also strengthening their own influence.

Regardless of the calculations behind these, for a certain white sword master and a certain magician, the key point is the rice brought by Ruan Shihui, and it is still rice.

Rice is not very popular in Midi because of the huge variation in growing methods. And some extended products, of course, will never come out. Perhaps there are too many choices, so that they feel that they don't have to do some thankless things and push something that is not yet accepted by the world. Or...the other party really doesn't know that it can be used in this way?

All kinds of mysteries are difficult to get to the bottom of the woman in front of me.

After all, I learned from the conversation that Ruan Shihui belongs to a branch of their family, and is far from being a direct line. The reason why they hooked up with William Engels was purely because the two young men and women met mung beans and met their eyes. The status and status of the two parties can only be regarded as casual chess for the two families, so the two young people were allowed to combine.

Putting aside the troublesome things of exploring the time-traveling seniors, Lin listened carefully to the life-loving pure white swordsman talking about the hardships of wine making.

First of all, with rice seeds, and Baron Engels' family power, it is not too difficult for him to ask for a piece of land as an experimental paddy field. As for the rice growth cycle, the climate is suitable for four to five months, and a group of professional farmers harvested the rice smoothly.

However, with rice, how to make wine became the second problem.

Because there is no previous experience to follow, the professional winemakers in the Engels family and the Nguyen family can only try to use existing technology. Anyway, the key point of winemaking is 'fermentation', and the details can be adjusted according to the situation.

Some people made it by brewing ale, some people tried to make it by brewing beer, and some tried to make it by brewing wine. William Greco is looking for a wine suitable for warm drinking in several ways. The method used when conducting various researches like a fan - trial and error method.

After such a toss, it really made him come up with some tricks. According to William Greco, at least according to William Greco, in the small tasting, the warm wine has received good reviews. In fact, this is why Baron Engels is willing to help. Alcohol itself is a profitable thing.

During the chat, the baron knew that William Greco's idea came from the magician in front of him, so he directly sent a bottle of several kinds of drinks that he thought were suitable. Lin also directly tasted the taste of cold wine. At the same time, the brewers in charge were also called.

After trying one by one, Lin felt that there were several flavors that were already similar to earth rice wine, but the taste was very Thinking of the flavors he had tasted before, and asking a few brewers, he knew where the problem was.

Unlike some natural fermentation brewing methods, wines made from grains all need koji to help ferment. Midi also has the technique of making koji, but that is koji made using wheat as the base when brewing beer. There will be a slight difference in taste from that brewed with rice koji.

Secondly, after the brewing is completed, is there any heating procedure and how many times? However, this batch of wine has not been subjected to this method, because heating the finished product is not the standard brewing method of Midi. Without the heating process, the yeast in the wine will continue to ferment. At this time, the storage environment will be very particular. If the storage is not good, the wine may become rancid.

In short, after a round of tasting, Lin discussed the winemaking method with those "professional" winemakers. Of course, I don't know much about wine making, but that doesn't prevent someone from telling some bluffing truths.

But these are all things that have never been done before, and these experts are quite disapproving of a certain magician's pointing. On the contrary, it was the baroness couple who didn't understand, and the white sword master, who were stupefied by someone.

To compete with these experts, after all, we have to work on the finished product to make the wine better. Otherwise, the light will speak out, but it will not be able to convince the brewers who have mastered a craft.

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