Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 95: Lich Specialist

"Want a weapon?"

"Yeah, can't you?"

"Of course not." Lin tilted his head and looked at the beauty who made the request.

Leaning lazily on the bench, the two long legs crossed together. Now she is wearing a narrow skirt dress with a red blazer. It is completely the modern OL fan of the earth.

The chest of the white shirt was stretched tightly, and the buttons were barely buttoned. It was not a question of some man's cutting and sewing. This full of malice, or bad taste, came from that lady's request. The murderer is not the tower owner who is about to be marginalized. There are two girls who call her elder sister all day long, no matter what, it's not Lin's turn to do these things like sewing clothes.

Of course, Lin is not completely without credit. At least with my own impression and mechanical knowledge, I made the world's first sewing machine in Midi. Although it is very rough, it has all the necessary functions, and the two children, one big and three women had a great time playing.

Starting with the dark tight leather jacket given to Fen, with the sewing machine as a catalyst, the clothing style in the Tower of the Great Sage has deviated from the aesthetics of the Lost World.

During these days, apart from learning and practicing magic, the trio from the original Tower of the Great Sage, and the newly revived Lich, apart from communicating and playing codes, used it as entertainment to change moods, that is, to change into one set after another. Costumes seen in Lost World.

In terms of exposure, the dark elves and the succubi are the same, with or without clothes. In terms of temperament and elegance, the high-level figures of the elves have a demeanor that others can't learn.

But the clothes originating from the earth, or to be more precise, the designs derived from anime works, are novel and rare, and have no functionality at all, just to attract attention. In terms of purpose, watching the performance of the three women can be said to be very successful.

All the designs are from albums kept by Lin Suo. What I draw by myself is not like the adult books that were hidden from my parents when I was a child in the earth age. At the beginning, it was just a random graffiti, but later it was connected to the earth, and it was the last thought.

Now these costumes are reproduced one by one from the hands of the three women. Is this feeling nostalgic, or is it the excitement of seeing someone again?

In any case, a large amount of high-grade cloth was purchased from the mall system of the Chamber of Commerce affiliated to the Magicians Association. Because the only requirement is that it is comfortable to wear, and there is no special fabric that can carry magic, so the price is not as exaggerated as imagined. And those magic cloths that can be used to make magic robes, I also bought a few pieces.

The most surprising thing is that among these cloth goods, there is silk. The smooth touch and bright colors are all amazing. However, the embroidery technique is much weaker, and it is precisely because these patterns can be called "simple" in Lin's eyes, and they are too different from the Suzhou embroidery and Shu brocade in his hometown, so he didn't think that there were ancestors from the old country. In the morning, I traveled through hundreds of years.

This batch of silk and the cloth that can be used to make magical equipment such as robes have not been moved yet. Because Lin couldn't think of a good design, and the three female compatriots were unwilling to sew a suit of clothes indiscriminately based on the premise of cherishing materials.

I thought it would last for a while longer. But Lin understands that nothing lasts forever, there will always be emergencies that break the deadlock. What he didn't expect was that it was Fenlai who made a request that he had never made before—weapons.

"I said, my lord." When Lin used the same address as his two apprentices, it was usually in a teasing tone. "Why did you think of this today? You don't even think about your identity. Even if you make a fire stick, it can be higher and better than what I made."

"I'm not here to see if you have any novelties in your mind. I dare not say I am proficient in the weapons that have appeared in Midi, but I have played with them all. I can't count on you."

"You haven't forgotten that you have been cold for a thousand years, and you don't notice the progress you made in the middle of it. Is this okay?"

After finishing speaking, a certain man who didn't know a thing or two looked at Fen's expression and felt a chill in his heart. If the two little apprentices talked to themselves like this, they would have to eat a big chestnut, and then hold their heads in grievance, looking at the murderer.

But the former demon king didn't do anything, just looked at the poor creature with a half-smile and a half-smile with clear eyes. The index finger rests on the lower lip, as if holding back a smile. His eyes almost narrowed into a crescent shape.

Maybe eyes can't kill, and they can't pierce thousands of holes in Lin's body. But being stared at by such eyes, a sense of guilt arises spontaneously. It makes someone feel so guilty that they want to find a hole to crawl in and hide.

In this game of wide-eyed and small-eyed, Lin Hua retreated gorgeously. He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender and said, "Okay, okay, it's not like there isn't something suitable for you. I just don't know how it will work yet."

The eyes that were already bright suddenly burst into even more dazzling brilliance. The whimsical ideas from different worlds all stimulate the essence of Finn Tikal as a magician──seeking knowledge.

She who once dominated the world, who once slaughtered gods, who once aspired to the throne of nothingness, even if she doesn't know everything about Midi, many things can no longer arouse her enthusiasm.

In the past, he could rely on the raging fire of revenge in his chest to drive himself forward. But from the moment of his resurrection, he was perplexed like a lingering nightmare in his heart.

This is also the reason why she will go back to the tower of the great sage, back to this man, she has nowhere to go. Will stay, also for the same reason.

So when the concept of programming language from the earth came into her eyes, it was like a drowning man catching a straw. I don't care if it works or not, just catch it first. This is also the reason for the crazy investment some time ago. Because it's boring, she really has nothing else to do.

A different world from Lost Land is no stranger to Fen. The rulers who slaughtered the old gods in the past came from Outland. The inhabitants of the abyss have also dealt with each other, whether it is demons or devils, talking with fists is better than verbal dialogue. One after another, the kingdoms of God that have fallen in his hands, as well as the astral world and the underground, it can be said that everything that is known to be explored has its own footprints.

But the earth is a new existence. What is conquered is still the second, the most important thing is the knowledge and culture from the earth, those that have never appeared on the land of Lost Land. Regardless of whether the talisman is practical or not, or the principle of actual combat, at least it can make my dead heart fluctuate a little.

As for Fern's request, a certain man had been thinking about it for a long time. He wasn't worried about the consequences of giving the Lich a weapon. He doesn't care about that kind of shit. What's more, even if this lich and former demon king were not given weapons, wouldn't she be able to cause damage? no kidding. The ultimate big devil who was beaten up by a group of children after losing his wand only exists in children's books.

Lin found a wooden tray, took out four semi-finished products from the casting room, and returned to the dining room. A certain overage mature woman was chatting with two immature little girls about unnutritious topics. Seeing someone walking in holding something cautiously, they naturally pay attention curiously.

Speaking of which, the tight leather jacket back then was not designed out of thin air. The witch who was originally dressed like that was armed with two guns of parsley and sage, and double guns of rosemary and thyme on the back of her feet. With unique fighting skills, she gorgeously defeated One after another...angels.

Now that the clothes are all made, how could the signature weapons not be considered. This is not a country that claims to be democratic. If you hold a pistol and flaunt it on the road, you will only be regarded as an idiot, not a threat, so be careful. The reason is also very simple, because the dwarf firecrackers or goblin firecrackers that are often mentioned in many fantasy novels have never existed in the world of Lost Earth.

Besides, the laser gun can't be made for the time being, so it's also good to make a magic fire gun to practice your hands first. However, there are still various problems that cannot be solved, which is the reason why the four semi-finished products were not handed over to Fen. It was not brought up until now when it was brought up.

However, even though Fen was about something that had never existed in this mysterious world, she was somewhat disdainful. Grabbed it directly from the barrel, weighed it, and said: "This stupid guy, if you want to use it as a boomerang, the shape is wrong, and it is too heavy."

Lin did not explain much, picked up another gun and fired a few shots. Because he was worried about his aim, he shot in the direction of no one. The victims were a few innocent cups, water bottles and clay pots, which were shattered under the impact of magical energy.

This is a work that has been contemplated for a long time, combined with the knowledge of the magic circle and the runes used by the dwarves to enchant weapons.

The trigger part is a miniaturized transformation based on the strategic-level magic of the Tower of the Great Sage, the light bomb attack array. The barrel part is the same as the firearms on Earth. As the most difficult part to make, it took Lin a lot of thought.

Due to the earth's limited material factors, the durability of the barrel is reduced, and the risk of chamber explosion increases. In order to make the compressed magic energy group shoot in a fixed direction, the barrel of the lost ground is more troublesome than anything else. In order to solve such a problem, the rifling design, which was supposed to have nothing to do with magical energy, appeared in someone's eyes again.

The six rifling lines correspond to the magic circles of six different energy forms. The forces that do not merge with each other have a more or less repulsive effect, and it is well restrained that the light bullets fired will be shot straight from the muzzle of the gun, and will not find another way to run out where it should not come out .

The original design idea, however, brought quite special results. That is to say, every pure magic energy group has a chance to be assimilated and affected by any one or more of the six rifling lines, causing each magic bullet fired to have different attribute energy attached, which of course also brings different the result of. This is completely random and uncontrollable, and Lin himself doesn't know what attribute the next shot will have.

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