Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 98: Hidden danger finally emerges

The transformation progress of the four magic guns is not satisfactory. At least there is still a long way to go from the imagined finished product.

Unsurprisingly, the two girls' fantasies about guns were dispelled by the sudden dizziness when Hallumi was happily pulling the trigger.

My brain was swollen and aching, as if being trampled by a hundred cows. All kinds of nausea, but the uncomfortable feeling of not being able to vomit, made Hallomi not have the courage to pick up the magic gun again.

Lin also guessed that this must be after the energy of the magic stone in the magazine was exhausted, and then began to extract the mana power of the holder. But draw an excess amount, making the holder overdrawn.

In fact, he knew about it, but he didn't mean not to tell the two girls. At that time, I just wanted to send them away as soon as possible, and simply forgot to remind them. However, seeing someone lying on the bed moaning, Lin seriously considered whether it was the kind of design to extract the holder's mana power, and some insurance had to be added, such as a toggle switch.

And the charging method should be more diverse. He tried to make a container that would fit into the magazine slot in the handle. It is used to fill some irregular shapes, or the scraps left over from grinding magic stones. Then install it into the magic gun to shoot.

It's a pity that the energy conversion efficiency of this method is comparable to that of directly drawing the holder's mana power—the kind that is worse. So Lin and Fen had to think about other ways.

It is true that energy conversion efficiency is a very important thing, but sometimes a low conversion efficiency is not an unacceptable thing if it can be exchanged for a powerful and efficient destructive effect.

Unfortunately, from the point of view of a magician, the advantages of magic guns are far inferior to other ordinary attack methods she can use, so she doesn't like the current magic guns. But I still look forward to the future development of fantasy weapons from the earth.

From the point of view of a visitor from Earth, Lin also failed this gun. The pistol must at least be able to fire continuously, it can fire more than a thousand rounds without reloading, it can shoot from a distance, it can smash people at close range, it can swing the gun, and it has bullet time. additional capabilities of the class. Without reaching this level, I really dare not say that I made a gun in the world on the magic side.

The process of research and improvement is difficult everywhere, but every time a link is broken through, people can always gain a lot. Progress, however, is not equally gratifying. From their different perspectives, the magic gun that has been modified to the present is not even of a usable level, let alone actual combat.

Sometimes Lin still thinks this way, if he is serious about the whole serious gunpowder weapon, maybe the four people in the tower of the great sage now have one hand. Maybe it can be equipped with a long and short gun, which can be a good weapon for long-distance shooting and self-defense.

But this kind of thing is just thinking. No one knows what kind of **** situation they will encounter if they actually click on that branch of the technology tree. Many things are very simple when I think about them, but I vomit blood when I start doing them.

Lin's many thoughts, even Fen, who was researching with him, couldn't fully understand. After all, this one is a lich and a former demon king, not a roundworm in someone else's stomach. Two people, the physical communication is deep enough. But on the spiritual level, the former Fat House's solitary habits prevented him from taking the initiative to bring up his concerns to others.

Although Lin doesn't care about these nonsense issues, whether to talk about it or not, but taking the initiative to mention it to others always seems to be complaining about life. Someone does not.

It was precisely because he seldom communicated about things other than magic that Lin didn't know Fern's real intention for the weapon. Of course, it is not the boring thing of conquering the world again, but to deal with the upcoming war.

Fighting against the threat that was about to take shape, she wasn't afraid. Even most of the living creatures from there, she can easily play with it in the palm of her hand. But it is undeniable that the existence of certain abysses cannot be dealt with by her bare hands.

It was Fern's idea to prepare before encountering those beings. Because after her resurrection, she was also vaguely looking forward to a hearty battle. Pushing the limit of possible death again to prove that he is indeed alive. Indeed, from that endless slumber, return to this boring world.

The gap leading to the abyss is gradually stabilizing. Of course, the scale is also slowly expanding. It turned out that the magician who was entrusted to dig this hole would also hunt and kill some little devils who were lucky enough to pass through the dimensional barrier and survived. Nowadays, doing these thankless things doesn't necessarily help much.

Because the individuals who can pass through the dimensional barrier and appear in this world are no longer just those who live at the bottom and are not even as good as cannon fodder. They need to be a little stronger, and at the same time know how to hide themselves, and understand that the world of Lost Land is a place full of opportunities and dangers for them.

Someone is making trouble. Do the local residents really know nothing about the small town outside the Tower of the Great Sage?

This is of course impossible.

As a member of the spies from all over the world, checking the people around you can be regarded as an occupational disease. Fortunately, in the small town, everyone is extremely restrained, except for meeting each other, nodding, or pretending to be a good neighbor, there is no other radical behavior.

Everyone knows that other people are also up to no good. But no one goes to investigate private matters, and the result of getting to the bottom of it is usually to turn their faces. Turning one's face means exposure, and even the danger of life. So opening or closing eyes is the choice of everyone.

It is precisely because of this attitude that the magician hidden in the crowd can sneakily carry out the ceremony of calling the abyss in the depths of the forest, where few people frequently walk, and it is almost successful.

His deeds were not discovered by no one. But in reality, opening the door to the abyss is an extremely rare thing. The various secret rites are, as the name implies, not well known. To put it simply, even if it is discovered by someone, it is just a very complicated magic circle. Individuals with good intuition may feel that this is a bad magic circle.

But for this group of people who walk on the edge of danger and carry out secret work, those who can get a certain level of qualifications and still survive are people with particularly keen intuition. A while ago, some people's eyelids twitched wildly, or their hearts jumped from time to time. In short, all kinds of bad omens came one after another. And this feeling does not fade with time, but gets stronger and stronger.

And this strong premonition has come true today.

A few days ago, a few chickens disappeared in the chicken coops of the residents of the small town for no reason, leaving only chicken feathers on the ground. Today in the ranch, a horse was brutally mutilated and covered in bite marks. The murderer is not a beast or a monster. In the territory of the Tower of the Great Sage, the tower owner's two big dogs can be said to be the hegemony of one party, and the monsters in the forest are extinct. The remaining beasts are even more afraid to approach the territory where humans live.

Now that such a tragedy has happened, we can only find the murderer from other directions. Fortunately, the various evidence left at the scene is really too sufficient. It's hard to admit mistakes. Like a wound burned by high temperature moxibustion, there is carbonization around it. The adjacent land has a similar situation, and there are bursts of sulfur smell.

This is a good thing done by the devil. Maybe everyone can't understand the magic circle, but the characteristics of the devil haunting, at least I have heard in the bedside stories when I was young. And this scene is exactly the same.

So here comes the problem. Is this demon alone, or an outpost?

If you are alone, tell the tower owner about it. In addition to letting the magician solve the trouble, you can also investigate the magic tower's attack methods by the way.

If they were sentinels, where did they come from? how many? Who is the monarch on the other side of the abyss? The answers to many questions are crucial, but not all of them have answers.

The abyss invasion is a big event. Every abyss invasion in history is based on the country. Let's see how many countries have been destroyed. But those are only historical events after all, too far away from people living in the present. And living in comfort for a long time, the sensitivity of many things is not enough. Plus they have no experience, so they don't think it's a big deal.

No one even had the idea of ​​reporting to the Tower Master. And this tacit agreement was actually observed by the whole town. Some with malicious intentions even helped to destroy the corpses and hide the evidence that the demons had haunted them.

Compared with the invasion of the abyss the entire southwest peninsula suffered. The Tower of the Great Sage must be the first to bear the brunt, so everyone is quite optimistic about its success.

Whether all these were caught by Lin, or by the monitoring system of the magic tower. Actually there are. But it was the same old problem, and what was captured was only cold data and information. Lin couldn't figure out what the meaning behind it was. In particular, he is a guy who likes to bully the weak, so naturally he has never been in contact with chaotic creatures such as demons and dragons.

Since it is a situation that cannot even be recognized, it is impossible to say how to judge. And the most important part, how to prevent and countermeasures.

It wasn't until this creature ran into the pasture near the town and hurt large livestock that Lin officially paid attention to it.

The first step, of course, is to mark the other party and write down the other party's vital signs. Also through this action, Lin confirmed that the target of the marked light spot was a race that had never appeared in his database. This aroused his curiosity somewhat.

The second step is to order the two little apprentices to attack with two dogs. The biggest reason and reliance for giving it to the two girls so reassuringly is, of course, the tower of the great sage that he is stepping on. As long as it is within the attack range of the magic tower, Lin is confident that he can protect anyone from harm.

Besides, the target creature is a strange guy who can't be seen even with the eyes of the arcane during the daytime, but the other party will appear on the monitoring screen of the dot map. This makes someone even more curious. What kind of skill or magic can make the whole living person invisible. If you can study the opponent's methods, will you be able to find a countermeasure?

This time, the two girls and the two dogs successfully completed the task. It was a gratifying event, but Lin was brought back by the corpse of the demon, and he was completely depressed!

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