Magic world

Chapter 1370 Planet Will

ps:  Thanks to "Soul Jue" and "" for the reward.

Iris Gainsborough was born in a slum. Because of her special identity as the last descendant of an ancient species, she has been chasing the rising Shinra Corporation since she was a child. Her life can be said to be precarious, often accompanied by danger, but despite this , she still maintains an optimistic and cheerful personality, does not resent the world because of her own experiences, and is still willing to trust strangers.

So even though what Ito Cheng said was totally unfounded and he himself was very dangerous, Iris, who was incarnating as the representative of the will of the planet at this time, was also willing to pay sincerity to him. Of course, there is also the reason why she is the will of the planet, and there is a friend of Claude who can also kill Sephiroth outside. It is not that she has no resistance at all, but it is not the main reason. After all, if Ito succeeds Everything he said is true, so for him who can break the barriers between universes, the resistance of Claude and the others is simply to die!

For the trust given by Iris, Ito Cheng also began to make corresponding returns. After obtaining the recognition of the planet, he temporarily left the Forgotten City and returned to the metropolis. He found Tifa and others, the protagonists of the original work, and passed After some complaints and requests, they helped establish a small company in the city.

Then Ito Cheng opened the Rubik's Cube World to release his men and resources, and began to repair and transform the Final Fantasy World, which was in a dilapidated state under the attack of the Jenova meteorite. It may not be able to be fully restored without external force for more than ten years. and technological improvements.

With the endless supply of resources and technology from the Rubik's Cube world, the original small company quickly developed and expanded. In just over half a year, it reached the level of the original Shinra Company, dominating the world and becoming the leader of mankind on all planets. An attack of familiarity, longing, and gratitude.

During this period, people from Shinra Company did not fail to sabotage and steal technology from Ito Cheng's company. However, under the guard of Pandora, ninjas, and the army from Ito Cheng's cube world, they were all captured and killed, and Shinra The action becomes invisible.

that's all. It's been exactly one year since Ito Cheng entered the world of Final Fantasy. Shinra Corporation was completely absorbed by his company and became the sole overlord on the entire planet. At the same time, the planet that had been treated and opened up was restored to life, and the people gained new happiness and life.

[The host has obtained 90% of the authority of this world. Can devour the world. ]The information about the Rubik's Cube appeared in Ito Cheng's mind.

"Iris." After browsing the information in his mind, Ito Cheng released his mental energy. Call out with your mind.

"Sure." Iris's voice sounded in Ito Cheng's mind.

During this year. She deeply feels that Ito is helpful to the world and is often harassed and chatted by him. The kind-hearted Iris has become friends with him unknowingly. Learn to call him by his first name.

"It's almost time. I want to take the planet out of this universe." Ito Cheng stated softly.

"Is it finally starting..." Iris said with some emotion.

Ito Cheng didn't answer, waiting for Iris to recover on her own.

"I understand, what should I do?" Sure enough, Iris soon recovered from her sigh and asked.

"You don't need to do anything, just continue to maintain the normal operation of the planet as usual." Ito Cheng shook his head slightly and said.

"Okay, I will maintain the planet well." Iris promised.

"Well, then I will go and prepare first. Maybe you will feel something strange later, but don't pay attention to it. It is just an inevitable reaction when the planet leaves this universe. When the strangeness disappears, it will be when we meet again. ." Ito Cheng reminded.

"Okay." Iris said.

"See you later," Ito said goodbye.

"See you later," Iris replied.

Immediately, Ito Cheng's figure flashed, disappeared from the lake in the Forgotten City, returned to the Rubik's Cube World, and appeared in the void of the Rubik's Cube World.

"Start." Ito Cheng ordered quietly.


As soon as he finished speaking, a large amount of pale white energy clouds and mist suddenly appeared in the void, flying at a speed visible to the naked eye to the front of many time and space channels hidden in the void, squirming like living creatures to form mysterious and complex weird patterns. All passages except the space-time passage leading to the Final Fantasy world are wrapped and sealed.

[The seal of the space-time channel is completed...the current time-space point transfer movement begins...the dimensional distortion begins...the dimensional distortion is completed...officially entering the relative dimensional void space. ]The information of the Rubik's Cube is presented.

[The transformation of space-time channel mode begins...]

Almost at the same time that the information was presented, the space-time channel leading to the Final Fantasy world immediately trembled and changed, showing that one end of the vortex shape remained unchanged, but the mouth of the vortex inside quickly expanded to the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye it changed into a vortex. It can be seen that the central passage in the external space continues to expand outward, and it stops only when the other end becomes larger than the diameter of the inner port, making the entire passage look like a trumpet without shrinkage.

[The transformation of time and space channels is completed. ]

[The devouring begins. ]

In an instant, an extremely large suction convection force was generated from the channel, sucking up the Final Fantasy World at the front of the channel, making the originally oval shape of the Final Fantasy World become more slender, like sliding into a bottle and an egg. Same, flowing into the Rubik's Cube world...

At the same time, the World Tree also joined the devouring process as usual, assisting the Rubik's Cube in stabilizing the dimensional sea and avoiding dimensional shocks caused by the location changes in the Final Fantasy world.

It's just that compared with the previous devourings, the Rubik's Cube World and the World Tree, which have been greatly improved in function and power after being supplied with the infinite energy of the Universe Cube, are more powerful, so the devouring speed of the world has increased significantly. A significant improvement, so it was in the shortened passage of time that Ito Shigeya could feel. The Final Fantasy World was smoothly swallowed into the Rubik's Cube World, and it still maintained the shape of a planet hanging in the boundless void of the Rubik's Cube World.

And at the next moment when the Final Fantasy world and the Rubik's Cube world merged, a shadow of the Gate of Truth and an energy belonging to Alaya's consciousness came to the Final Fantasy Planet together, and were submerged into the planet according to their respective divisions of labor. The core and surrounding planet began to extract samples of the planet's will and the consciousness energy of all humans on the Final Fantasy planet...

Almost at the moment when the two exerted force, Iris, as the incarnation of the will of the planet and in control of the sea of ​​life cycle on the planet, felt something strange, and found that there were two forces invading the will of the planet and the sea of ​​life, and merged with them. Together.

"Iris, you should feel the influx of two abnormal forces now. Don't worry. That is the certification of the new cosmic power to you and the humans on the planet, just like you did to me, and it will end soon." At this moment, Ito Cheng's voice explained at the right time.

Iris, who did not reply immediately, carefully felt the changes in the will of the planet and the sea of ​​life. Make sure those two forces are indeed just blending with it. Become one with them. And connected to the source in the universe, instead of like Jenova, he answered, "I understand."

Then Iris stopped talking. Continue to maintain the operation of the planet as before, while feeling the nature of the two added forces.

On the other side, buried in the center of the Rubik's Cube World, in the Gate of Truth beneath the Rubik's Cube Continent, with the connection to the Final Fantasy Planet and the acquisition of the planet's will sample, the "Netherworld" copied when it devoured the Godslayer World suddenly began to squirm. , mixed together with the newly obtained sample of the planet's will, forming an energy group exuding a faint dark silver light, brewing within the Gate of Truth.

At the same time, a strange feeling of power was transmitted into Ito Cheng's heart through the Gate of Truth, making him feel the existence of the real "world".

"So this is [the world]." Ito Cheng murmured to himself as he looked at the scene in front of him that suddenly became a little different in his eyes with bright eyes.

At this time, the world presented to Ito Cheng was no longer the simple connection of regular lines in the past, but became vivid and complete. Fish and water, water and land, rocks, rocks and trees, flowers and plants, flowers and people, and people and the world are no longer separate individuals, but are related to each other, can be reincarnated and transformed, and have a symbiotic relationship with each other.

To put it more bluntly, a huge ecological cycle system appeared in his eyes, but it was different from the purely academic ecological cycle system. The ecological cycle system in Ito Cheng's eyes was more complex, larger, and more vivid and inexplicable. And you can be influenced by him to a certain extent!

That is to say, the moment he felt this power and saw the changes in the world before his eyes, Ito Cheng once again felt that the quality of his soul had been improved, and he was getting closer and closer to the soul.

Then, with a thought, Ito Cheng once again separated several phantoms of the Gate of Truth and projected them to C Continent, Soul Eater Continent, Datang World, Naruto Continent, Zero Degree Warrior World, and Kenichi, the Strongest Disciple in History. The world, Magical Girl Nanoha's dimensional world, and other worlds that were simply devoured before have allowed the Gate of Truth to merge with the core of the continents of these worlds, extracting special energy that can enhance the will of the planet.

"If I could condense my soul and my godhead now, I should be considered a god and demon with the highest level of star spirit." After doing all this, Ito Cheng exhaled softly and chuckled.

Then he raised his head and ordered, "Rubik's Cube, send me back."

[yes. ]

[Transmission begins...]

As soon as the words fell, a huge vortex immediately burst out of the seal, spinning at high speed and sucking in Ito Cheng, who was suspended below it, and disappeared like a bubble. Then accompanied by the familiar breaking sound, Ito Cheng's figure appeared in the demiplane again.

Ito, who did not stay in the demiplane for long, activated the dimension transfer magic circle with his thoughts and returned to the shrine home in Akiruno.

The next moment Ito Cheng returned home and took out his mobile phone to turn it on, a pleasant ringtone rang immediately.

Ito Cheng casually glanced at the caller ID on the phone, then pressed the answer button with a smile and put the phone to his ear.


"Brother." Chen Xichen's voice rang on the phone.

"Why did you remember to call me?" In the past, Chen Xichen, who knew his phone number, had never taken the initiative to call him, so Ito Cheng asked curiously about the sudden call from Chen Xichen. .

"Do you know what day it is today?" Chen Xichen on the phone sighed and asked.

"What day?" Ito Cheng repeated in shock.

"Today is already the third day of the Lunar New Year." Chen Xichen replied directly.

"Uh..." Ito Cheng, who didn't pay attention to the passage of years at all, or was somewhat forgotten due to the time difference, let out a low groan.

"Because you are not here, Grandpa has never had a good look on his face since the Chinese New Year, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. So brother, for the sake of your little sister and my happy life, come here quickly. Come on, even if you just show your face and leave." You don't need to guess, you can imagine that Chen Xichen must be begging at this time.

"Okay, I understand, I'll be there later." Ito Cheng sighed.

"Then it's decided." Chen Xichen asked.

"Well, it's settled." Ito Cheng nodded and confirmed.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home. I won't tell you any more. International long-distance calls are very expensive, byebye." After Chen Xichen finished speaking, he hung up the phone quickly.

"Ha~" Hearing the busy signal from his cell phone, Ito Cheng held the phone in front of him and pressed the cancel button. He chuckled and called up the schedule to check the date.

February 10, 2016.

Immediately, Ito Cheng put away his mobile phone and activated the Flying Thunder God Technique to disappear from the shrine courtyard. The next moment, he appeared in the corner of the community where Mr. Chen's house was located, at a winery in China, one of the many worlds swallowed up by the Rubik's Cube World. He took out two bottles of Maotai, a few fashionable new clothes, and some out-of-season fruits from his grandmother's house, then walked out of the corner and entered the unit door, and went upstairs to the door of Mr. Chen's house.

But compared with the previous two years, this time the door of the old man's house was no longer deserted. There were more than ten men and women carrying gifts standing along the wall. Obviously, these people came here to give gifts to meet the leaders.

"Hey, brother, are you here to give gifts too?" A relatively cheerful young man who looked to be under thirty years old stopped Ito and asked.

"No." Ito Cheng shook his head amusedly and said.

"Hey, who are you kidding? Eight out of ten people who come here say they are not giving gifts, but are here to pay New Year greetings. They all understand." The man curled his lips with some disdain.

Ito Cheng, who was too lazy to pay attention to this person, smiled softly, walked to the door of the old man's house, and was about to reach out and ring the doorbell.

"I wonder why you don't understand the rules." Seeing this, a middle-aged man who happened to be waiting in line at the door frowned and said.

Ito Cheng glanced at the person who spoke, did not answer, and rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong..." (To be continued...)

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