Magic world

Chapter 1502 Catastrophic Change

ps:  Thanks to “Xing Zhiyi” for his valuable monthly vote, and thanks to “nxcx” and “Dazzling Sora” for their rewards.

"...What you are seeing now is the message sent back from the front. In five minutes, an important meeting to determine the future of the earth will be held..."

The voice of the news anchor came out from the TV sets around the world. At the same time, the words of the five alien visitors shaking hands with the representatives of the world's heads of state also appeared on the TV screen.

However, this kind of scene did not last long, and then it was replaced by a slowly closing wooden door. At the same time, the screen also jumped to the comment studio with the words "live broadcaster broadcast" in the upper right corner, and entered the room where many experts speculated randomly. link.

"Little Reimu, tell me when the results come out." Ito Cheng, who was not interested in watching the experts, sociologists and others, casually ordered.


As soon as he finished speaking, the virtual optical screen in mid-air suddenly flashed and disappeared.

Ito Cheng closed his eyes and devoted himself to meditation to pass the time. After all, for a high-end meeting like this that will determine the future direction of the world, you can't expect to discuss anything in just eight or nine hours. If you add in the wrangling behavior of various countries for their own interests, one day may not be enough.

And just when the vast majority of people around the world were attracted by the conference, some sneaky people appeared in every corner of the world under the cover of thick fog.

New York, USA, near a signal tower.

A tall man wearing a brown hooded cloak appeared under the signal tower and stopped, taking out a stick about one meter long from the cloak. A silver-white metal rod over ten centimeters thick was thrust into the ground.

The next moment, dozens of red and green light spots similar to traffic lights appeared on the metal stick. Then the lower third of the stick body quickly rotated, throwing soil around like a drill, driving the stick body to quickly sink into the ground.

In less than half a minute, the metal rod completely disappeared into the ground.

The man in the robe filled up the small hole left on the ground with his feet, took out a communication tool similar to a mobile phone and put it to his ear. He said in a deep voice, "No. 73, the layout is complete."

Then the man in the robe put away his communication tools and disappeared into the thick clouds again.

In this way, time passes without the general public noticing it. Several hours passed peacefully.


at this time. A signal disorder that seemed to be affected by strong electromagnetic interference suddenly appeared. In cities around the world, snowflakes appeared on TVs that were broadcasting global summit meetings, as if the signal had disappeared.

"Master, a strong magnetic wave diffusion phenomenon occurred." At the same time. Reimu's figure reappeared in front of Ito Cheng. Urgent news report.

Ito Cheng's brows moved slightly. Opened his eyes.

"The phenomenon of global strong magnetic wave diffusion was discovered. Affected by it, global communications were interrupted. Wireless transmission signals were offset, and some factories exploded due to voltage conversion, and the subsequent effects are still spreading."

Xiao Lingmeng waved her hand and waved a virtual optical screen, showing some of the images she could still monitor.

"Where are we?" Ito Cheng asked quietly.

"The network signal of the Black Ball system has been interfered with, and the communication wave frequency is currently being recompiled. However, before the compilation is completed, the Black Ball network can no longer achieve global communication."

"All communication systems in the local urban area, including wired communication networks, have been cut off. Some of the functions of the city's multi-functional intelligent robots have been damaged. Currently, all the public security, medical, security and defense intelligence in the urban area are paralyzed or semi-paralyzed. The nanomachine network has been affected by channel interference, and some nanomachines have crashed and require urgent repairs."

"Other than that, daily necessary resources such as water, electricity, and gas are all normal."

Reimu Xiao reported the information related to Akiruno City one by one.

Ito Cheng narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and then ordered sternly: "I order: First, immediately open the city's guardian barrier. Second, immediately start deciphering the length, crest and other relevant information of the external interference signal, and find it as quickly as possible." Come up with confrontation and solutions. Third, open the plane portal, mobilize guardian elves to enter the city, and temporarily replace the multi-functional robots to maintain urban security and alert and defense work. Fourth, issue a city-wide elimination ban, prohibiting anyone from going out and walking around at will, and mobilize All active police officers and Special Personnel Management Bureau employees in the city join the security work. Above!"

"Yes." Little Lingmeng responded solemnly like an ordered soldier.

Immediately, Reimu's figure dispersed into countless photon particles and disappeared from Ito Cheng's eyes. But at the same time, along with the Chinese-style towers, Western-style magic towers, obelisks full of technology, and the soft light emerging from the surface of a monument, a huge transparent barrier enveloped Akiruno City. in the sky, then flickered twice, then became transparent and disappeared into the air.

Waves of energy from heaven and earth began to gather in the sky above Akiruno City.

In addition to the barrier, in the inner part of the city that is divided into warehouse areas, in one of the warehouses, a huge Mead-style dimensional transfer magic circle that occupies the entire surface area of ​​the warehouse suddenly lights up, and then passes through it. In the huge beam of light that descended from the sky, dozens of guardian elves of different looks appeared in the warehouse, but they were all generated according to the guardian knight system of the Book of Night.

When the light dissipated, these guardian elves quickly rushed out of the warehouse, used flying skills to fly into the sky, and flew to various places in Akiruno City. During the flight, they used amplification magic to convey the ban order.

Then, after the security work was taken over by multi-functional intelligent robots, the police officers of the National Police Agency, who were basically idle at home, also wore police uniforms and took to the streets with special tools to take over security.

"Buzz!" Reimu's body, which is the core control terminal of Akiruno City, also buzzed, entered full power operation, and began to decipher the strong magnetic waves appearing in the outside world.

Seeing Reimu Xiao leave, Ito Cheng also stood up. He moved to the corridor of the room and looked up at the sky.

In the originally empty sky, the artificial angel, which had entered a state of invisibility since the end of the monster wave, appeared in mid-air, and seemed to be unable to maintain its entity, looming.

"The changes in the Black Ball Network have indeed affected the situation of artificial angels." Ito Cheng thought to himself.

What is an artificial angel? In the words of the Hanged Man in the Forbidden World, it is a scientific angel. Its generation principle mainly relies on the condensation of the aim diffusion stance. Although some things have changed in this world, the general principle has not changed. Therefore, after cutting off the black ball network, which replaced the external system used by the Forbidden World's board sisters to create artificial heaven, it was originally strengthened to a level close to Ah Layer's artificial angel's status quickly declined. It can only rely on the subconscious waves provided by the residents of Akiruno City themselves to maintain its existence.

Don't forget it. The human subconscious is actually a kind of wave, and it will also be affected by the impact of high magnetic waves. So judging from the situation, the damage suffered by the artificial angel in this impact can be said to be very huge!

Then Ito Cheng withdrew his gaze. Turn around. He walked towards another empty room.

She just waited for him to reach the room. Little Reimu's voice rang in his ears again.

"Master, there is something new."

As soon as he finished speaking, a virtual optical screen appeared in front of him. I can only see the screen at this time. A dozen heavily armed aliens stood in the conference hall of the global summit, aiming their energy weapons at the heads of state representatives and the five alien visitors.

"This is a picture that was suddenly played after the global signal was cut off, and it was broadcast live worldwide." Xiao Lingmeng explained.

Hearing this, Ito Cheng's eyelids jumped and he realized something.

What a coincidence, or in other words, too well prepared!

Cutting off the global communication network prevents everyone from knowing the real situation at the United Nations Headquarters, and plunges the people into unknown anxiety and panic. Regardless of the veracity of what was said later, it will inevitably plant a seed of fear of fame in the watching human beings, making the people suspicious and wary of the purpose of the alien visitors, even if the five alien visitors in the current picture are affected. The same holds true.

In this way, no matter whether this person from the Galactic Federation really wants to help humans complete the ascension of the earth, they will not be easily accepted by humans, which means they have failed.

Coupled with the current loss of contact, panic will further intensify and chaos will inevitably arise. Even global resistance cannot be achieved because of the inability to communicate. By then, with the expansion of ambitions of some careerists and the guidance of some aliens with ulterior motives, the earth will completely fall into a state of chaos and become those who have no plans. Let the earth ascend to the environment that the losers wish for.

Because only chaos can better attract faith!

Just when Ito Cheng thought of this, the heads of state representatives and the five alien visitors in the picture were transported out of the United Nations headquarters building under the escort of heavily armed alien soldiers, and waited for an alien spacecraft to disappear. In the sky.

Fortunately, people on earth don't trust these aliens very much. Except for the United States, which is the host and the president must attend, most of the other countries send their number two figures who can represent the country and deal with problems after they happen. People who would not affect government operations attended the meeting, so the situation was not too serious.

However, these had nothing to do with Ito Cheng for the time being. After telling Reimu to pay proper attention, he continued to walk towards the room.

About half a minute later, Ito Cheng entered the empty room.

When he arrived here, Ito Cheng immediately threw out eight paper talismans and arranged them according to the directions of the eight coats of Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Xun, Gen, and Dui, and then made seals to establish a knot in the room. boundary.

Then, Ito Cheng, who had completed the arrangement of the barrier, grabbed it with one hand in front of him. The air in the entire room immediately vibrated, and the crowd gathered in Ito Cheng's palm. In just over two minutes, the air in the entire room was completely shrunk into a ball, and he used his space ability to throw it into another dimension.

At this time, the entire room artificially became a vacuum.

Then Ito used his thoughts to open the Rubik's Cube world and let out a room of fresh air. After the concentration was about the same, he moved Erica Simmons, Seleni, Kira Yamato, who were new humans, and Lark, a normal human being. Chata, Ritsuko Akagi, Haruo Kiyama, Scarlett Ohara, Atsuko Seiya, Dr. Zola, and Yui Ikari, who was transformed into a guardian knight, almost covered half of the large laboratory and summoned the scientific researchers. come out.

"Start the protection program." After a few people appeared, Ito ordered.

"Yes sir." A neat electronic sound rang out from several people's bodies, and then an extremely thin layer of energy protection appeared outside their bodies, covering their skin.

Needless to say, it is the Book of Spirits, a personal terminal popular in the Rubik's Cube world, that makes this sound and has this effect. But it goes without saying that the version held by these people present is definitely not the low-level version that ordinary Rubik's Cube people can hold.

"Your task is very simple, decipher the strong electromagnetic signals that are spreading outside." Ito Cheng said bluntly. Then he summoned Little Reimu and asked her to be responsible for telling the scientists who were present what she had learned, and transmitting the information to the Elf Book in everyone's hands.

Everyone who knew the seriousness of the matter quickly devoted themselves to deciphering the matter.

Seeing this, Ito Cheng turned around and left the room without disturbing the others...

Still unknown to the people around the world, the same group of mysterious hooded people quietly entered various forests or inaccessible places around the world. Of course, mysterious places like the ocean are naturally indispensable for their existence.

At this time, in the Amazon rainforest, known as the lungs of the world, a mysterious hooded man appeared inside the forest.

I saw him suddenly stop, then take out an aluminum tin can with a diameter of about eight centimeters and a height of about 20 inches from the waist under the burqa, put it on the ground, stretched out his fingers, and touched the The electronic lock was pressed several times quickly.

Then there was only a soft sound of "chi", and the top of the aluminum can bounced up slightly, revealing a thin circle-shaped mark, and then four vertical marks also appeared on the wall below the aluminum can, as if it were pulled apart. It fell down like a banana peel, revealing an aluminum alloy cylinder with dense holes inside.


With a soft chirping sound, the cylinder quickly rotated and sprayed out streams of strange water mist, which quickly spread around.

The mysterious hooded man who was supposed to be the first to bear the brunt of the incident suddenly flashed with blue light and disappeared from the aluminum can the moment it was opened.

The strange water mist spread rapidly to all directions. All the plants and animals it encounters along the way, whether they are weeds that are seen in daily life, or rare plants that are difficult to see in the outside world, whether they are rare animals on the protection list, or unknown species that have not yet been discovered by humans. Falling into a strange state.

The vegetation began to grow wildly, and the animals began to mutate, appearing to have been affected by nuclear contamination and genetic mutations. (To be continued...)

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