Chapter 27 Injury

More than ten days later, Ito Cheng lived in the room prepared for the players on the 180th floor of [Sky Arena]. Ito Cheng took out a yellow talisman paper from his own space and used his spiritual power to activate it. . I saw the yellow talisman silently turning into ashes, and at the same time, a green brilliance emerged from Ito Cheng's body. After a while, it gradually disappeared and finally returned to normal.

"Huh, luckily I was prepared, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to recover from this injury." Ito Cheng said secretly with some lingering fear.

Speaking of the origin of this talisman paper, we have to talk about the days when Itengcheng was practicing at his own shrine. During those days of training, one of Ito Cheng's homework was to go to the shrine's sutra pavilion to read ancient books and unique books, especially the rich content about yin and yang technique recorded in them. From the origin to the history of development and finally to evolution and application.

Several of them attracted Ito Cheng's attention. One is that the origin of yin and yang is from the yin and yang family in the Warring States Period. During the Han Dynasty, the Japanese sent to the Wei State to get the remaining copies, and when they returned home, they had the original Japanese. Yin and Yang technique. The second is the Taoist yin and yang magic, which has been passed down since the Tang Dynasty traveled to Japan.

When Ito Cheng saw these two pieces of information, he had other thoughts. You must know that Japanese yin and yang techniques mostly have four major applications: praying for blessings, removing spirits, as well as enchantment, and ghost-shaking. Compared with the Chinese Taoist inheritance, the application method is actually somewhat incomplete. Although these four main parts are used by the Japanese This book has developed many details that are very unique.

So Ito Achieve thought that since he had spiritual power, he could use it to make some of Dauga's things, such as talismans! Motivated by this idea, Ito Achieve searched for some things about Taoism in the Sutra Pavilion. Of course, he didn't expect all of them. The Internet is also a very convenient way.

\u003cThe talisman is one of them, but I don’t know how powerful it is compared to the Taoist talisman and seal script.

As for this injury, we have to talk about Ito Cheng's life in [Sky Arena] these days. After finishing the first level of the game that day, Ito Cheng relied on his superb skills and quick reactions to easily reach the 100th level, and at the same time he also received a considerable income.

After that, Ito Cheng used the exploration function of the Rubik's Cube to buy the victory for himself and his favorite players through the gambling window of [Sky Arena]. In the process, Ito Cheng made a lot of money again, until the 180th floor. At that time, Ito Cheng's total income had already exceeded tens of billions. However, when he was promoted from the 180th floor to the 190th floor, Ito Cheng encountered a difficult opponent for the first time, a guy who could use nen...

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In the competition ring on the 180th floor, Ito Cheng and his opponent stood opposite each other. Ito Cheng's opponent was a slender guy who looked like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of human skin. He had a bald head and deep-set eyes with fierce eyes. Guang Guang's upper body is a sleeveless shirt, and the lower body is a set of loose silk-like trousers. It is tightly tied around the waist with a hand-width cloth, and his feet are bare.

After the first few trials, the two of them determined that each other was the strongest opponent they had ever encountered in fighting. They put aside their petty thoughts and dealt with it seriously.

"Boy, that's right. You are the strongest opponent I have ever encountered. I originally thought I would not use this trick, but I didn't expect it to be used anyway. Pray, pray that you don't die at the hands of Iku." The tall man Yiku opened his mouth, scarlet color flashed in the open and closed mouth, and said with a sinister smile.

"Just use whatever means you have. If I die by your hands, you can only blame my inferior skills!" Ito Cheng said calmly, looking into Iku's eyes.

"Okay, then I, Iku, will send you to the West." As Iku said, his body suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Ito Cheng as if he was teleporting. He stretched out his palms with both hands to attack Ito Cheng.

Ito Cheng's eyes narrowed when he saw Iku who suddenly appeared in front of him. This speed obviously exceeded the limit of human beings. This was the first time for Ito Cheng to encounter such a speed that could crush him. However, Ito did not lose his fighting spirit and quickly put his hands in front of his chest, preparing to defend against Iku's attack.

It's just that the imaginary flesh-to-flesh impact didn't appear. Instead, an unprecedented force slammed into Ito Cheng's arms, and Ito Cheng was thrown away fiercely. If it weren't for the fact that Ito's body modification was somewhat inhuman, it's just that this time, Ito's arms were not only numb but also fractured!

Ito Cheng was thrown into space and before he could land, Iku had already invaded his side. He pressed his hands on Ito Cheng's abdomen and hit him with another huge force.


Ito Cheng's body instantly fell to the ground, blasting out a large human-shaped pit in the arena made of hard stone slabs, and the flying smoke and dust blocked everyone's sight.

"Hey!" A mouthful of blood spat out as Ito Cheng coughed, staining Ito Cheng's clothes red.

"What kind of attack is this? Why is it so powerful?" Ito Cheng thought in his mind and struggled to stand up. His arms drooped numbly as if they were useless.

"I didn't expect you to be able to stand up under the attack of my Nian. Your body is really strong." Iku tilted his head and looked at Ito Cheng who was standing after the smoke cleared with interest and said with a smile.

"Nian? Is this nian..." Ito Cheng frowned and said after listening to Iku's words.

"Huh? You actually know Nian?" Iku said with some surprise, "Yes, this is Nian. This is the Nian that I have gained since my last defeat on the 200th floor at the risk of my life! I originally thought that I would reach the 200th floor. I haven't been able to meet anyone who can let me use my mind before, so you're an accident. But it's okay, just use your blood to announce my return to Iku." Iku said with a somewhat arrogant smile.

"Hmph." Ito Cheng snorted coldly, mobilized the spiritual power in his body to restore the feeling of his arms, and used Qi to restore his physical energy.

"But now that I have used Nen, this game is over. Now I am giving you one last chance to admit defeat or be killed by me!" Iku said

"Come on, if you want to fight, just fight with all the nonsense." Ito Cheng raised his arms slightly, clenched his hands into trembling fists and shouted.

"Since you want to die, I'll let you die." Iku was angered by Ito Cheng's words and disappeared from the ring again.

Ito Cheng closed his eyes slightly to magnify his perception and concentrated. A black and white picture gradually appeared in his mind. He saw a black shadow suddenly appear behind him in the picture. Ito Cheng instinctively hid. , and dodged the opponent's attack.

"Oh? Is it a coincidence?" Yiku secretly thought in surprise and continued to attack.

However, in the subsequent attacks, although there were still attacks falling on Ito Cheng, most of the normal attacks had been dodged.

"Hmph, do you think this is enough? I released the element." A trace of pride flashed in Iku's heart, and he appeared near Ito Cheng again, but this time he launched an attack without getting close to him, and another attack An unimaginable force hit Ito Cheng's body, and Ito Cheng's body was thrown out uncontrollably again.

"7hit" the referee shouted!

"Bang" Ito Cheng's body naturally fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"Remove dirt! Reincarnate in the Pure Land! Vajra! Pure! Like all Vajras! Everything is pure!" Ito Cheng fell to the ground, listening to the referee shouting numbers beside him, and chanting the incantation of yin and yang in his heart quickly to bless himself. With. First, he eased his pain and cleared away distracting thoughts, and then continued to chant "Return to destiny! Universal! All Vajras!" to strengthen his defense, and then he struggled to get up.

"You can actually get up. I really admire your perseverance, but if you had just lied there, you wouldn't have suffered so much! Now just keep lying there!" Iku shouted with an impatient look on his face, fiercely Launch an attack.

The spiritual map appeared in the mind again, and thoughts without distracting thoughts better controlled the movements of the body. The body of King Kong could cooperate with thoughts and actions to the greatest extent, so that Yikku's attack did not succeed for a while, even in the middle From time to time, there are attacks from Nian.

But after all, there was a gap in strength. After Iku increased the frequency and speed of Nian's attacks, Ito Cheng was finally knocked into the air again, and Iku took three points, ending the game.


"It seems that there is no point in continuing to fight if I don't read it. I will take the hunter exam after making some money. The time is almost up." Ito Cheng stopped recalling and mentally planned.

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