
Chapter 117 115 The potion prepared by Russell is also very strange

Chapter 117 115. The potion prepared by Russell is also very strange

College teaching building, inside the laboratory.

Russell, who was wearing silver-white experimental clothing, was operating the crucibles, flasks and other utensils in front of him, mixing magic potions.

In the past few weeks, Russell had failed many times in the process of refining potions and wasted several expensive materials, which made him feel quite distressed.

Fortunately, in the process of studying potions and going from repeated failures to success, Russell was able to occasionally detect the spiritual feedback of practicing the "way of herbalism" and feel the spiritual ascension.

It seems that the upgrade method of herbalists is easier than that of psychics, but it is more expensive.

During this period of time, Russell has successfully refined night vision potions, healing potions, and poisonous potions. The function of the potion was as expected, and there was no mutation due to Russell's magical talent.

The extraordinary talent is indeed difficult to understand... Russell's thoughts were churning.

Today, Russell refined the invisibility potion and the flying potion at the same time. He faced the two quartz crucibles in front, slowly poured spiritual energy into them, and waited for the potion to be refined.

After many failures, he was sure that he would be able to successfully refine it today.

Feeling that time was almost up, Russell forced the ghost to open the lid and let the potion float into the air and fly into the two glass bottles that were originally prepared.

"First try to see the effect of the invisibility potion." Russell raised the glass bottle containing the invisibility potion.

"Doubtful? Where is the potion inside? Was it there just now?" A female ghost who didn't know when she appeared behind Russell exclaimed.

I saw that the glass bottle in Russell's hand was empty, with nothing in it.

Russell shook the glass bottle and heard the sound of the potion sloshing in the bottle.

"The potion is still there," Russell said.

"Then why can't you see it?" Feng Chime asked.

"Because it's an invisibility potion." Russell looked helpless.

He drank half the bottle of potion.

If this were a normal invisibility potion, this would set its transparency to 50%.

After drinking, Russell found that his hands were still opaque.

Medication is ineffective.

"It seems that the invisibility potion I refined is only invisible. It is similar to the invisibility cloak made by someone." Russell sighed.

This is a negative variation.

Russell was not too disappointed. Anyway, he still had a contract spirit of Professor Black Amber in his left hand, the "Invisible One", which could also give him the ability to become invisible.

And it's not that there are no positive ways to use it, such as using invisible potions instead of ordinary water to prepare new potions. When Russell drinks the potion, the enemy will think that Russell is holding an empty bottle.

Russell picked up another bottle of flying potion.

Although he can now drive the ghosts of large creatures such as Tyrannosaurus rex to carry people flying, this method of flying is very inflexible, and the flying speed of ghosts is also relatively slow, which is not at the same level as the flying ability provided by the real flying potion.

"Speaking of which, Wind Chime, why do you ghosts fly so slowly? What is the reference frame that determines your flying speed? How do you keep up with the earth's rotation speed? In addition, if you ghosts are not affected by air resistance, as long as there is a direction With forward acceleration, it should be able to accelerate to infinite speed." Russell expressed his confusion.

Wind Chime tried hard to think about this question, but had no answer.

When Russell focused his attention on the potion bottle in his hand, he suddenly felt the potion bottle flying upward, almost out of his control.

Relying on the grip of the second-year transcendent, Russell held the potion bottle tightly and prevented it from flying away.

"Russell, you haven't taken the medicine yet? Why are you flying?"

Since the upward force of the potion bottle exceeded Russell's own gravity, Russell was dragged by the potion bottle and flew into the air, with his head pressed against the ceiling of the laboratory.

"I see, this is the flying potion, the potion that can fly by itself."

In the following time, Russell tried to use his own thoughts to control the flying potion he refined, control the potion to fly in different directions, and perform various acceleration and deceleration operations.

After half an hour of practice, he was finally able to use the flying potion proficiently and fly around the laboratory. The speed is far beyond what can be achieved by driving ghosts before.

"Yes, although the function is slightly different from expectations. However, the flying potion has indeed completed its mission of allowing the owner to fly."

Russell said, holding a potion bottle in his hand and being held up in the air by the potion bottle.

This is a good direction for mutation. The flying potion, which could only be taken once and lasted for a period of time, can now be used for a long time.

The only pity is that Russell discovered that currently only he can control the flight direction of the flying potion, and the control with his mind is limited to a distance of more than ten meters. For others - such as wind chimes - the flying potion will just fly randomly and uncontrollably.

Russell reasoned based on his knowledge of witchcraft principles and believed that this was because the flying potion was refined by himself and had a mystical connection with him, so only he could direct the potion to fly.

"Even if it's a flying potion that flies around randomly and uncontrollably, it's not completely unusable. For example, you can put the na ring into the potion bottle and let the potion fly around while making a na na na sound to attract the enemy's attention?" Russell Think freely.

He took out various materials from his Dimensional pocket and began to refine new potions.

"Russell, what potion are you going to refine this time?" The wind chime hung upside down in the air to show off its wealth, lowered its head and asked curiously.

"You're blocking my view, please increase the transparency..." Russell replied while busy:

"Oh, I plan to make a bottle of invisibility potion first, then use the invisibility potion instead of ordinary water as the base, and then make a bottle of flying potion. In this way, I will get a large mass that is invisible to the naked eye and can be commanded at my will. of water…”

The white horse passes through the gap.

In a blink of an eye, time has come to April.

The end-of-school-year assessment is in early June, which means there are less than two months left in the school year.

In the past nearly two months, Russell was too busy practicing herbal medicine and filming horror movies to even have time to fight against evil and act bravely for justice.

The branch line "Spark and the Rampant Society of All Things" was temporarily dropped by Russell.

According to Russell's experience, as the protagonist, it doesn't matter if he temporarily puts aside a certain branch line. This branch line will come to him sooner or later, so he doesn't need to worry at all.

As long as he doesn't intervene, the conflict will remain there until he intervenes before it completely breaks out.

In addition, during this period, Russell routinely attended several Wonton Club gatherings, met several other first-year students who were promoted to offline, and reported the information to Professor Black Amber. besides. No real gains.

As for why the demon worshipers of Chaos Red want to create a large abyss summoning array in the academy to summon a large number of uncontrolled demons, Russell has not yet come to a conclusion.

He could only make a preliminary guess based on common sense that summoning a large number of uncontrolled demons to the academy might help break the Demon King's seal - if the Demon King was really sealed in the academy.

There was no trace of the "blood sacrifice plan" mentioned by Vermouth and other cultists before. It is still a mystery when and where this group of cultists will hold blood sacrifices.

Everything in the entire academy was peaceful.

It was so quiet that it felt a little scary.

The biggest achievement is that the new horror short film has finally been filmed.

With the support of professors and the "Shadowless" Light and Shadow Art Club, horror films are directly uploaded to the college's official website for students to watch online or download at will.

Absorbing fear is the real "eating" for Feng Chime. If you fail to absorb fear energy for a long time, you will fall into weakness and even your soul will dissipate.

After completing the monthly "eating" standard, the excess fear energy can slowly strengthen the wind chime's personality level, making her soul energy richer.

Compared with frightening ordinary people, causing fear in extraordinary people can increase the efficiency of wind chimes in absorbing fear energy by countless times.

On April Fool's Day, April 1st, Feng Chime was finally promoted to the peak of the mid-2nd grade.

Russell was highly involved in this process and also felt the spiritual feedback from practicing channeling.

Unfortunately, the efficiency of practicing channeling to achieve spiritual ascension has become increasingly low.

This is also the result Russell expected.

There are two reasons for this.

On the one hand, practicing the same type of extraordinary way will gradually lead to adaptation and cannot provide unlimited upgrade experience. He has been practicing channeling for a long time, and the improvement brought by practicing the way of channeling is weaker than before. a lot of. The herbal medicine he just learned can provide him with more spiritual feedback during the practice process.

On the other hand, it is because his realm has reached the second grade, and the process of spiritual cultivation is undoubtedly much slower than that of the first grade.

One day in April, the White Wolf Club held another large gathering.

In the dense forest area between the junior college and the senior college of the college, the luxurious and spacious three-story villa appeared again.

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