
Chapter 125 123 The blood sacrifice has been completed, and all the demons have come to the world! (

Chapter 125 123. The blood sacrifice has been completed, and all the demons have come to the world! (3k)

Russell's heart moved when he heard the wind chime's words.

For a long time, Feng Chime has lacked the memory of his life and only retains a certain amount of common sense. This is the first time Feng Chime has discovered items related to her memories during her lifetime.

Is it a novel that Feng Chime remembered deeply during his lifetime? Russell suddenly had a guess.

"Which one? Isn't it the "Immortal Emperor Lin Daiyu"?"

"No, another one. Look to the left."

Russell followed the instructions of the wind chime attached to her body and found the novel titled "Luo Qianqiu and the Elixir".

"Are you sure it's this one? Have you read this novel before your death?" Russell asked.

"Well, I'm not sure, my memory is very fuzzy." Feng Chime wasn't sure either.

Russell took the two books "Immortal Emperor Lin Daiyu" and "Luo Qianqiu and the Elixir", sat down at the table, and started reading them one by one.

The author of "Immortal Emperor Lin Daiyu" is called "Metro Warlock" and is a new generation of online novel authors.

Russell looked at the introduction:

"A generation of immortal emperors were reborn in the Red Mansion, and turned around as Lin Daiyu. Let's see the Jia family change the sky, and then let the world change the sun and the moon!"

He flipped through the catalog again.

Chapter 1 Sister Lin fell from the sky

Chapter 42 Lin Daiyu uproots the weeping willow

Chapter 75 Daiyu buries flowers

"The titles of these seventy-five chapters are quite normal." Russell thought as he turned to the corresponding page number, and the content of the chapter came into view.

"Let's talk about that man-eating flower demon who has been practicing for thousands of years. If he devours everyone in the Jia family today and refines their blood and energy, he will definitely be able to make a step forward and break through to the peak of the half-step Nascent Soul stage..."

Well, the author named "Subway Warlock" has quite a rich imagination... Russell applauded from the bottom of his heart, closed "Immortal Emperor Lin Daiyu", and picked up another gorgeously bound book -

"Luo Qianqiu and the Elixir"

The author's name is ordinary, "Wang Xiaoming".

The book was very thin, and it took Russell 10 minutes to quickly scan it.

His feeling after reading it was that he had wasted 10 minutes of his life.

Judging from the character introduction, the protagonist of the novel is an alchemist named "Luo Qianqiu".

But the protagonist never appears from beginning to end.

At the beginning, Russell thought it was the protagonist's baby, but as soon as it was given birth to by its parents, it mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

The whole text after that is as boring as boiled water, filled with a lot of irrelevant and messy plots, with a hammer here and there, and it seems that there is no main line at all.

Then inexplicably, the whole book was finished.

"This is a self-published novel by some weird author. There must be limits to self-pleasure!" Russell sneered.

"Is this the novel "Luo Qianqiu and the Elixir" you were exposed to before?" He asked Feng Chime in his mind through the contract.

"Maybe... no, I feel like this book is not interesting. I shouldn't be interested. Maybe it's because the names are similar?" Feng Chime's tone was uncertain.

Seeing that he had gained nothing, Russell could only put the two books back on the shelf.

Russell then walked towards the ancient classics area pointed by the wooden puppet and rummaged through the documents he needed.

He found several classics involving the Demon King, piled them on the table, and began to study them.

Russell was not sure that the contents recorded in these books were true, but even if they could only be used as reference.

In addition to the documents related to the Demon King, he also found some occult books related to the principles of sympathetic witchcraft and piled them in front of him, hoping that they would be helpful for occult card drawing.

Reading time always passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, hours flew by.

Russell went out for dinner in the middle, and then returned to the library to continue studying the Demon King and the card drawing problem of mobile game metaphysics.

As the night outside the window became darker and richer, most students left the library one after another.

Later, Russell was the only one left in the entire library, and the wooden puppet who acted as the librarian and didn't need to sleep.

In a huge library, only one lamp illuminated a table, which stood out like the only shining island in the darkness.

The night was silent and silent, except for the whistling of the wind and the chirping of cicadas.

"That's it, because the Demon King disappeared not long after he ascended the Throne of the Abyss. Almost all the legends about him were compiled by later generations. Even demon worshipers like the Red Order of Chaos don't know much about the Demon King. , and it’s basically limited to hearsay.”

In a certain book, there is also a saying:

The Demon King is a mortal from ancient times who succumbed to desire and the pollution of the abyss and eventually became a demon!

"Could the Demon King be transformed from a mortal? I wonder what his name would have been when he was still a mortal?"

When he thought that the mighty Demon King's name as a human might be the ordinary Xiao Ming Xiao Gang or Tom Jack, Russell felt a little smile in his heart.

Russell just read slowly, and time passed by minute by second.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom.

A dull, weak, thunder-like sound broke the silence of the night.

It's very rhythmic, like a drum beating in rhythm.

This sound that is similar to thunder is not loud, and is far less loud than real thunder. Even a strong second-year person like Russell, whose senses are many times more sensitive than ordinary people, can only do it in a quiet environment like the library. , to immediately discover the existence of the sound.

Where did this sound come from?

Russell's heart tightened.

The next moment, he suddenly remembered a strange college story he had seen.

"Top Ten Weird Stories on Campus, No. 25: The terrifying thunder sound near the library at night."

That was one of the top ten strange stories he learned in order to get closer to Nocturne!

At that time, Professor Black Amber once told Russell that this strange story was completely nonsense, but that a certain boy snored too loudly while sleeping.

Is that true?

Russell closed his eyes and listened to the rhythmic sound.

Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom.

He made an immediate judgment.

This is not a human purr!

This place is about 200 meters away from the nearest dormitory building. Who snores so loudly?

Since Russell discovered that the "mysterious missing student" may be true, he has not really come into contact with any other strange stories, nor has he collected any information related to the missing student "Duncan".

According to Russell's speculation, Nocturne and other cultists from the Red Order of Chaos wanted to investigate the campus ghost stories, probably because they wanted to confirm where the Demon King was sealed in the academy. Unfortunately, most of the ghost stories are just embellished nonsense and have no meaning at all.

But after tonight's experience, Russell suspected that the strange story about "the terrifying thunder near the library at night" might also be related to some kind of real secret in the college.

Russell closed his eyes and continued to listen to the shallow, dull thunder.

"Strange? Why do I feel like I have heard this kind of sound somewhere? Or something similar?"

When this intuition occurred, Russell's confusion deepened, and he planned to listen patiently for a while.

The night returns to silence.

The rhythmic roar suddenly disappeared.

From beginning to end, this roaring sound, which was similar to thunder but much weaker, lasted less than 3 minutes.

"Could this sound be random? Is it just that I stayed late in the library tonight, and I have the abnormal physique of a 'player', so I was very lucky and happened to bump into it?"

Russell's thoughts wandered and he made speculations.

He walked towards the wooden puppet at the door, the librarian:

"Did you hear a special roar just now? The sound was like thunder, but it was very weak and had a certain rhythm."

The wooden puppet shook his head: "No, my hearing is very average. If my hearing was good, I would think the library is too noisy and I can't calm down when reading."

Are you really the administrator... Russell was too lazy to complain, nodded slightly, and returned to his seat.

He wanted to wait a little longer to see if the roaring sound would happen again.

A full hour passed, and the roaring sound that sounded like thunder never appeared again.

In Russell's ears, there was only the evening breeze carrying songs and the scattered chirping of cicadas.

"Forget it, let's go."

Russell packed his things and prepared to leave the library.

Suddenly, there was a new sound outside the museum.

Russell suddenly perked up his ears.

The sound was like a rapid drum beat, like the roar of dozens or hundreds of men in military boots running over and stamping on the ground. The sound of treading on the ground seemed to contain sounds similar to the roars, grinding of teeth, and the hissing of mouthparts of wild beasts.

The sound got louder and louder, and in less than ten seconds, it amplified into a clearly audible terrifying roar, and the deafening sound of a beast stamping on the ground.

Here they come!

"There are a lot of people - no, not necessarily people - running towards the library!" Russell exclaimed to the wooden puppet.

Deep in the night.

Three figures wearing devil masks were suspended in the dark sky. Every figure is wearing a red robe, which means that they are the chief priests of the Red Order of Chaos.

"The blood sacrifice has been completed and the door has been opened... It took us a lot of effort to complete the blood sacrifice ceremony in secret. This large abyss summoning circle has finally been activated."

A man in red robe sighed, with weakness in his voice. Obviously, completing the ritual and activating the magic circle cost him a lot, and even cost him a certain amount of life.

Under another dark demon mask, a young woman’s sinister laughter came:

“Haha, where are the demons—the children of the abyss running to?

"Let me see, it's the direction of the library..."

She looked down through the mask——

In the dark academy, hundreds of demons of different shapes were running or flying.

They have just descended into the physical world through a large summoning circle, completely venting their instinctive desires and madness.

Among them, there are goat-headed demons that Russell has seen before, with sheep's hooves treading the ground; some are like giant flies, with blue bodies, flying in mid-air, and making a sizzling sound that makes humans feel dizzy. ; Some are similar in appearance to gorillas, with fists as big as human heads; some are made of shadows, and have the ferocious appearance of demons. They move silently, as if they are integrated with the night itself; some are human-shaped, but The arms are replaced by sharp blades, and the double blades glow with cold light under the silver moon; some are more than 6 meters tall, with fire all over their bodies, like a burning, crackling flame, holding a bright red flame whip in their hands... …

They are like strange waves surging in the night, rushing in one direction——

A quiet and independent library in the dark.

Because it is an important plot twist,

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