
Chapter 159 The Blazing Sun of Victory

Underground in the library, in an empty underground cavity with a radius of tens of meters.

When Nocturne raised the black flag and gathered negative energy, Russell's intuitive perception immediately felt——

He was locked by some kind of cold murderous intention!

Russell turned around and ran quickly to the left.

"You don't think you can dodge attacks like this, do you?"

——Nocturne noticed something strange just as this thought flashed through her heart.

The running Russell left an afterimage in place!

Every time he took a step or two, an identical "Russell" stayed in place.

In the blink of an eye, Russell split into five people.

After the wind chime returned to Russell's body, it immediately began to split the soul, and then let the ghost soul use the illusion of disguise to look like Russell, achieving an effect similar to a clone.

In a fierce battle, the fake can be mistaken for the real!

Nocturne suddenly fell into difficulty in choosing, not knowing which Russell to target, but the spell had been completed and he could only choose one at random.


A cold and heavy word came out of the girl's mouth.

A jet-black ray came at an incredible speed, instantly crossing a distance of tens of meters and hitting Russell directly.

This Russell was unscathed.

A second after being hit, Russell realized that he had been hit, and quickly shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Ah, ah, it hurts! I was hit."

He acted too fake, and he made the wrong choice... Nocturne suddenly understood.

Death Ray has no effect on Ghost Wind Chime (and her ghosts).

——Because the wind chime is dead.

Nocturne immediately thought of a way to crack the "Clone Technique".

Her left hand emitted a faint blue light, and she waved violently at the five Russells, causing an invisible wave to surge in.

Spiritualism: Cultivation of spirits.

The other four fake Russells are all spirits and will only be knocked away.

Unexpectedly, the five Russells were already prepared, and at the same time they raised their right hands, with their palms facing forward, and activated the "driving spirit body" to resist.

This is a psychic-level game.

Like the gentle breeze blowing over the mountains,

The five Russells did not move at all.

Relying on a personality that is infinitely close to that of a third grader, coupled with his connection with the contracted spirit body, and Feng Chime's own first priority in controlling the divided soul, Russell's control over the divided soul is no less than that of three people. Peak strength in the middle of grade, but must allocate a small amount of energy to maintain the skeleton giant's nocturne.

Nocturne did not stop, sneered, continued to activate the extraordinary ability to drive the spirit body with all his strength, and then pushed forward.

As long as the two sides wrestle for long enough, the other four souls will sooner or later be wiped out because they cannot withstand the struggle between the two forces!

on the other hand.

When Russell and Subway both went into battle, the pale and hazy Sleepman and the old man were actually moving at the same time.

After being knocked away by Russell for the first time, Sleep Demon quickly flew back.

It flew in the air the whole time, casting its hypnotic spell again and again towards Russell on the ground. It is not intended to make Russell, who is half a third grader and in the middle of a fierce battle, fall asleep; it is only intended to create sleepiness and cause disturbance.

But Russell relied on the mental resistance of a fourth grader to easily resist the sleep demon's hypnosis, just pretending to be affected.

Shortly after Subway summoned the Yellow Turban Warrior, the old man also completed a long series of chants and released his most powerful spell.

"I didn't expect that an old man like me would have to fight with cultists."

Seven bright "stars" flashed and appeared, floating around the old man, swirling around the white-haired old student holding a staff and wearing a hood.

Seven-star protection.

This is a spell in the realm of stars and requires a relatively long time of chanting to be released. Each of the 7 stars corresponds to a day from Monday to Sunday and a planet in the solar system. Each star can be used to shoot out to launch an attack, or to twist fate and bring good luck to the owner.

Under the command of the old man, stars one after another shot out one after another, attacking the sleep demon in the sky trying to hypnotize Russell, dragging out a gorgeous light path in the air.

After each hit, the Sleeper will be knocked away and become much lighter.

The radiant energy seems to have a lot of restraint on this pale and hazy shadow demon.

Then, the dedicated Sleep Demon flew up again and released another area-of-effect hypnosis spell on the five Russells gathered together on the ground.

Russell, who was completely unaffected, quickly pretended to be sleepy, yawned, and asked all the ghosts to make similar actions.

It looked like he was using his willpower to resist hypnosis.

keep going!

One more hypnosis and I'll collapse!

A bit like Pinduoduo... Russell pretended to yawn and cursed.

In the end, the dreamer failed to wait until Russell fell to the ground due to sleepiness. Instead, he was beaten to pieces by the stars shot by the old man, and became almost transparent.

Russell seized this opportunity and pointed his mobile phone lens at the sleeping monster in the sky.


Photo Psychics!

The seriously injured Sandman couldn't resist Russell's soul-obsessed photography, and his soul was about to be taken away.

Unfortunately, as a spirit, the Sleeper has nothing left but his soul.

So an entire pale and hazy spirit body was absorbed into Russell's mobile phone.

Nocturne’s contracted spirit has been solved!

Taking advantage of the moment when Russell was taking pictures, Nocturne seized the opportunity and with a wave of his hand, knocked the four fake Russells disguised as souls away dozens of meters away, revealing Russell's true body!

On the other side, the battle between the Yellow Turban Warriors and the Skeleton Giant also came to an end.

Previously, as the battle progressed, the yellow scarf warrior's body was slowly eroded by the black smoke of death, and he was about to be at a disadvantage.

At this time, a gray spirit quietly flew out from the ground and possessed the skeleton giant.

"The Hidden One".

Professor Black Amber’s gift to Russell!

"Invisible blindness"!

The skeleton giant instantly became invisible.

But on the other hand, it also fell into blindness because it was unable to detect light. Although Russell didn't know why a skeleton without eyeballs could perceive light, it was probably magic.

Originally, being invisible and blinded at the same time during battle was not a big loss. Anyway, both sides could not see each other, and the gains and losses were barely offset.

But the skeletal giant was surrounded by streams of black smoke, and the visual effects were too obvious!

"Hit hard where there is black smoke!"

Subway directed the Yellow Turban Warriors from behind.

The yellow scarf warrior did not respect martial ethics and bullied the blind man. Two giant hammers fell down in succession, smashing the blind skeletal giant into a state of confusion.

As we all know, blunt weapons kill skeletons.

"I'll let you turn on special effects, make you dazzle with special effects, and you won't even be able to enjoy the invisible buff." Subway laughed loudly.

Russell, who saw this scene, expressed his confusion:

“It is reasonable that the black smoke field cannot be invisible.

"But why can clothes become invisible when you become invisible?"

As a psychic, Nocturne immediately sensed that the skeletal giant was disturbed by some kind of spiritual body, causing its strength to be greatly reduced and unable to fight normally.

She quickly cast her psychic spell, pushed forward with her palms, and pushed the Hidden One away from the skeleton giant.

But it's too late.


Another hammer fell, and the skeletal giant was completely smashed. The bones clattered to the ground, and the black smoke that contained the meaning of death around him also dissipated.

Another opponent was dealt with.

Russell, the Yellow Turban Warriors and Subway, as well as the old man surrounded by three stars, looked at Nocturne, who had both the Skeleton Giant and the Sleep Demon defeated and was left alone.

Cough cough cough.

Just as Nocturne was about to respond, she suddenly coughed violently. It felt as if liquid had entered her trachea, creating an extremely uncomfortable feeling similar to choking on water.

It's the invisible flying potion!

When the battle began, these invisible potions had quietly left the dimensional pocket and approached Nocturne, and now they were finally put to use.

The contracted spirit body Sleep Demon was knocked unconscious and the summoned creature was killed, which brought short but severe backlash pain to Nocturne, coupled with the unbearable feeling of choking.

Now, the lower half of the girl's face, which was not covered by her bangs, was as pale as a corpse.

She coughed violently, frowned, and endured triple pain. She no longer had the chilling gloomy temperament before - perhaps the previous aura was the natural temperament overflow after practicing black witchcraft.

The most powerful red-robed priest of Chaos Red finally fell into a short-term weakness that lasted for a few seconds!

Even so, she still put up a final resistance, raising the flag and reluctantly casting her dark magic. In the surrounding land, decayed skeletons emerged one after another.

"I miss my classmates, so let me give you my last gift."

A shining golden point of light flew out of Russell's hand and threw it in the direction of Nocturne.

Blazing Sun Spell!

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