
Chapter 163 The final prophecy

Abyssal plane.

As the library returned to the academy, the giant clod of earth, together with the library building above, disappeared in a rapid flash of light.

Here is an endless miserable green sky, with hundreds of demons of different shapes hovering in the sky, roaring and hissing endlessly.

A few more minutes passed.

The space twisted and warped, and a figure stepped out of the distorted space.

It was a woman dressed in black widow's clothing, with a beautiful face, majestic and cold temperament.

Thorn bird!

"Have you been sent back?

"I came, but it's a little late..."

Seeing the empty green void ahead, the Thorn Bird said coldly, but he didn't feel too disappointed.

In the distance, a six to seven meter tall Balrog with flames burning all over his body, holding a flame whip and a thunder sword, saw the human woman stepping out of the gap in the space, roared and flew towards the thorn bird.

This is the true body of the Balrog, not the half-projection and half-entity that originally chased Russell but did not fully arrive!

In the roar, the flames on the surface of the Flame Demon burned even hotter, and the billowing heat waves suddenly extended to a thousand meters away. All the surrounding demons felt the breath of the high-level demons, and they all backed away in horror, leaving the Flame Demon alone. The devil passes.

The thorn bird felt the heat coming from behind and said nothing. He just turned his head slightly and looked behind him, his dark eyes as deep as lake water.

The next moment, Balrog seemed to see the most terrifying and horrifying thing in his thousand-year demon career, and an emotion called "fear" that he had long forgotten arose in his heart.

The Balrog stopped flying in fear, turned around suddenly, and ran away from the woman in black gauze.

The thorn bird ignored this episode and just raised its head silently toward the empty, pale green sky, as if listening to something.

After a long time, the thorn bird seemed to be talking to itself and said to the void:

"Thebes, your mission in the academy is completed, you can leave...

"Well, Arctic Wolf, you have completed your mission quite well. This week's awakening potion will appear in your cabinet on time...

"Giant Bear, from now on, your new mission is to pay attention to whether there are geniuses in herbalism and alchemy in the academy. Here is a list of key ones to focus on. ..."

Russell, Subway, Clara, the old man, Duncan and others left the library together and bathed in the evening breeze of the college.

"As long as you're safe and sound."

At this time, figures fell from the night sky.

It was Professor Opal and various teachers.

When they saw Duncan, the expressions of several teachers suddenly paused, the corners of their mouths twitched like a cramp, and then they looked away in embarrassment.

Duncan didn't seem to have any shame, so he just stared at them.

In Professor Opal's arms, there is a well-behaved black cat. The black cat's hair lost its luster due to haggardness, but when the cat saw Russell, he still managed to raise his head and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"We rescued Professor Black Amber deep in the jungle. There were some spell traps, but they were easily broken. Now it seems that this is also a strategy of the devil cultists to induce us to leave the academy!" Professor Opal said.

"Professor, long time no see." Russell said hello to the all too familiar black cat.

"Long time no see, kid..." Black Amber responded in a gentle tone.

Duncan's eyes swept across several teachers and said loudly:

"I decided to reward a few students who indirectly rescued Mr. Principal. I will first reward the old man, Russell and Subway, with 100 million credits each! I will think about the rest of the rewards later."

"No!" Black Amber, who was still listless, suddenly became energetic, "This number is too outrageous."

"Ten million credits?" Duncan began to bargain.

"No!" Black Amber flatly refused.

"one million?"


"One hundred thousand?"


"It's better to reward some college coins. To advance to the third grade and enter the higher education institution, you only need to get 180 reward credits. Beyond this part of the credits, what's the use besides looking good?" Russell added the blow from behind.

Russell stood aside, waiting patiently for the bickering between the principal and Professor Black Amber to come to an end. He quickly took out the inspection report from the school hospital and showed it to Professor Black Amber.

"Professor, Professor, the Demon King is sealed in my heart.

"So the so-called prophecy - 'Russell will eventually awaken the devil in his heart' - is just literal. It does not mean that I will degenerate into a villain."

After Russell finished saying what he had never had time to tell the professor, he felt a little relieved.

He had always felt that Professor Black Amber was too worried about him, as if such an unclear prophecy would turn him into a villain.

"I see..." The black cat in Opal's arms looked thoughtful after reading the physical examination report from the school hospital.

Black Amber was silent for a while, and then said:

"Actually, I have thought about it before. The second prophecy will only come true literally, and it doesn't mean anything."

"Then Professor, why do you..." Russell hesitated.

Black Amber hesitated, wanting to say something, but the words seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"Because of the third prophecy." Duncan came over and interjected.

"What is the third prophecy?" Russell asked curiously like Duncan who made the prophecy.

"Don't say it openly here, principal..."

Just as Black Amber was about to stop him, Duncan said bluntly:

"Russell will eventually destroy the entire supernatural world."

ah? Even Russell, who had always had a calm expression, was slightly stunned after hearing this prediction.

The surrounding teachers, Subway, and Clara were silent.

There was dead silence.

"The prophecy is just a prophecy, don't take it so seriously." Duncan spread his hands.

He clapped his hands, and a floating note emerged from the clouds.

The note clearly said "Transcendent World".

"Russell, as the principal, I order you to tear up the note."

Russell tore the note into pieces.

"Look, the prophecy came true." Duncan pointed to the confetti flying in the evening wind.

All the teachers were speechless and completely disbelieving.

"Mr. Principal, does this really count as the prophecy coming true?"

Within the psychic communication network established by Clara, Clara was really uneasy when she asked about Duncan, whose identity she had just learned.

"I don't know either. Who knows about prophecies? Prophecies are meant to be misinterpreted." Duncan's attitude was quite relaxed.

After noticing the distrustful looks cast by others - including the old man - towards him, the thirteen- or fourteen-year-old principal stamped his feet angrily:

"Can you just trust me? I'm the only fifth-year student in the Department of Astrology and Numerology in the history of the college!"

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