
Chapter 176 Computer Consecration Ceremony

"What, so Mr. Principal, you don't know it yourself?" Clara was shocked.

Duncan shrugged helplessly:

"There's no way, haven't I been locked up in a seal by a group of old antiques for more than ten years?"

The basin immediately gave the answer:


When Duncan saw this answer, he had a dark look on his face:

"Don't talk nonsense. What I want to ask is, what is a person who is not born extraordinary?"

A new answer emerged from the basin:

"They are the extraordinary ones the day after tomorrow."

Before Mr. Principal cursed, Shuiwan quickly added:

"Relying on external stimulation to complete spiritual awakening."

Relying on external stimulation to complete spiritual awakening... Russell vaguely seemed to recall something, but he couldn't grasp the key.

Duncan brought the question back:

"Is the occult flu epidemic in the academy man-made? Where did it come from?"

Upon hearing this question, the golden water basin suddenly seemed to be boiling, jumping amidst the banging sound, and bubbles popping up one after another.

After a while, silver words emerged from the deep and dark water:

"It was man-made and originated from the computer consecration ceremony half a month ago."

Computer consecration ceremony?

The two of them, one ghost and one tentacle monster, collectively looked at Duncan:

"What kind of ceremony is this?"

Duncan looked confused and spread his hands:

"Don't you know?

"Every time a new batch of computers arrives at the college, it will host a computer consecration ceremony——

"Give spiritual energy, sprinkle holy water, pray and consecrate, practice magic and recite mantras, appease the machine spirit,

“So that the computer will not be infected with viruses, evil spirits, or bugs.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is this weird? IT people all over the world are keen on this."

Russell nodded slightly, but did not show any strange expression:

"There is indeed such a ceremony. Among the exorcism and ghost videos I collected last year, there is a similar ceremony for consecrating computers."

"It turns out that computer problems are sometimes caused by ghosts?" The female ghost wind chime was greatly shocked.

Clara stretched out a tentacle and scratched the other tentacle on the top: "It sounds like feudal superstition or strange customs."

"But we are a magic academy." Duncan defended.

Duncan continued to look at the deep and dark water in the golden basin on the table:

"Let me see if there are any problems during the consecration ceremony?"

Another circle of ripples spread out in the water in the basin, and a picture emerged.

A man wearing a black robe and a beak mask, with a cross on his chest, held a dust whisk in one hand, and spread holy water on the newly arrived computer host in front of him with the other hand, and then pasted a few charms on the computer host.

"It turns out that the computer consecration ceremony was hosted by 'Doctor Beak'. Could it be that the occult flu prevalent in the college is related to him?" Duncan muttered.

"Who is this beak doctor?" Russell asked from the side.

"A former third-year college graduate with double majors in the Department of Necromancy and Life and the Department of Psychiatry and Illusion. The pseudonym he used in the college was 'Doctor Beak'.

"He does not come from any witchcraft family or secret society. He is the kind of extraordinary person who does not belong to any force, but he has always had a small amount of contact with the academy after graduation."

Duncan explained.

"He's actually the legendary dual-major master!" Subway exclaimed.

Based on the characteristics of ordinary people's spiritual bodies, if they absorb knowledge scrolls from two different professions, it will only lead to mental abnormalities, disordered thinking, and falling into madness.

Only a small number of people with special talents can cultivate both paths.

This is the rare double-major genius!

"Why not let teachers from the college preside over the consecration ceremony?" Russell frowned slightly and asked immediately.

"Because the operation and maintenance side said that each time a different person is invited to preside over the computer consecration ceremony, the network is less likely to have problems. So sometimes we ask a Taoist priest, sometimes a witch, sometimes a priest or the patriarch... "..." Duncan explained innocently.

"Did Dr. Beak infect the computer with a virus during the consecration ceremony?" Duncan asked the next question.

The pattern in the golden water basin disappeared, and new words appeared.


After determining the direction, Duncan poured out the water in the golden basin and put the basin back into his dimensional school bag:

"Now we have found the suspect. If a higher-level existence is involved, further divination and exploration may be able to discover and alert the suspect.

"After that, I will contact the teacher in charge of this area and try to contact Dr. Birdbill immediately to see what he wants to do? I will leave the rest to our school.

"Spreading the plague is not a misdemeanor. Just wait and be imprisoned by the International Supernatural Detective in the Demonic Prison!"

Duncan finished packing his things and waved goodbye to Russell and others.


In the joint clinic directly opposite.

Xinyue, Guangbo and others watched the back of the little boy Duncan carrying a military green schoolbag getting farther and farther away.

"The student from the astrology and numerology department is gone, let's follow him."

Xinyue turned to look at the people behind her, and everyone nodded in agreement.

As soon as Duncan arrived, Russell started the Quiet Place Ceremony to prevent the conversation from being heard by others. During this period, he kept a sign saying he was not open for business.

It is almost obvious that this Duncan must be Russell's ally or partner.

Discussing certain trade secrets!

Students in the Department of Astrology and Numerology are good at divination and detection, and can assist doctors in diagnosing illnesses by observing faces, palms, etc. Currently, there are two students of this major in the clinic, acting as diagnostic and treatment machines.

Xinyue, dressed in off-white clothing, left the clinic through the back door. She waved her hand, and several members of the Wuwu Society, like Xinyue, followed her.

Six members of the All Things Society followed Duncan from behind.

They followed Duncan all the way to a well-traveled forest trail.

While following, Xinyue explained his detailed plan to several younger brothers:

"Don't worry, we have six people, including two sophomores.

“We have just confirmed the identity of this dwarf, Duncan, a second-year student in the Department of Astrology and Numerology.

"Before the third year of this major, the spells used in combat are very restricted. All you have to do is catch him before he finishes chanting the 'Seven Stars Protection' mantra.

“When the time comes, we will question him directly, and we can use hypnosis, and then use hypnosis to delete the memory afterwards.

“Remember our purpose and ask these questions—

"Why is the medicine prescribed by Russell so effective? Is it using some kind of supernatural medicine that we don't know about? Is Russell still in contact with Xinghuo? He opened a stall directly opposite us. Is it under the instruction of Xinghuo... ····”

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