
Chapter 181 Medusa

After a few minutes passed, the entire trading area of ​​the official website was in a state of excitement, exclaiming how could there be such a powerful extraordinary item in this world.

As for the bids they gave, they were getting higher and higher and more and more outrageous.

And more people began to question whether Russell really had such a terrifying artifact.

Ignoring the sparks of complicated emotions in his eyes, Russell put down his phone and started his programmer thinking:

"Does it mean that as long as you keep wearing this belt for more than 24 hours, there will be no side effects?

"After all, it's just the moment of wearing that exerts a side effect that lasts for 24 hours - well, if that is indeed a side effect."

"This..." Starfire rubbed her chin, lost in thought, "I haven't tried it yet. I just made this belt and lacked relevant testing."

"Also, there is another question! For an extraordinary item with side effects, if the conditions for enduring side effects are triggered twice in a row, will the side effects of the two times be superimposed?" Russell quickly proposed a new idea.

While trying to keep up with Russell's brain circuit, Starfire answered based on her own knowledge of strange objects:

"Generally speaking, the two side effects will be superimposed. Of course, specific items must be analyzed in detail and proven by experiments..."

"You mean to say that as long as you put on the belt, take it off immediately, and put the belt on again, the side effects of the two times will be offset?" Russell came to the conclusion directly.

"I haven't tried it yet."

"Then try it." Russell said.

Starfire held the gorgeous purple belt in her hand and tried to put it on her waist, but stopped midway.

"Forget it, come and give it a try."

Starfire threw the belt to Russell.

Without saying a word, Russell put the belt on his waist.

"Wait a minute!" Starfire stopped Russell, and finally couldn't help showing an expression of disbelief on her usually serious face.

"Russell, didn't you have any psychological burden when you did this?"

"What's the psychological burden on this?" Russell showed a confused look, but immediately realized something, "Oh, yes, it will have a slight impact. If the appearance changes after sex change, when the stall is set up tomorrow, customers will Maybe you can’t recognize me. This can only be solved by using the illusion of disguise, but there are also people who have the ability to see through illusions..."

Russell thought about it and felt that wearing this belt was not without side effects, so he stopped what he was doing.

"Master, Master, this kind of work of testing the side effects of extraordinary items can be done by contracted spirits."

The pale and hazy shadow on the phone made suggestions.

When Sleep Demon made the suggestion, he added:

"I am a demon and have no gender. It is recommended that the master find other contracted spirits to complete the work."

Russell thought it made sense and threw the belt to the wind chime nearby.

"Try the wind chime."

Wind Chime quickly stabilized his soul body, barely able to physically interact with objects, and catch the belt.

"Why am I doing the testing again!"

Feng Chime angrily glared at Xinghuo next to her. She was tricked by Xinghuo's mind-reading brooch last time.

"Remember to burn a few more bags of potato chips for me." Feng Ling gritted his teeth and put the belt around her waist.

The originally swaying white hair suddenly shortened.

A young lady suddenly appeared in front of them, a fair-skinned, petite and cute young lady with short white hair hanging down her shoulders, a faint anger in her eyes, red lips and white teeth.

Wind Chime touched his head: "Huh? My hair has become shorter."

"So why does changing gender affect the length of hair? Is there any inevitable connection between the two? Or is the actual effect of this belt actually changing the length of a person's hair?" Russell raised his own doubts.

Putting these conjectures aside for the time being, he ordered the wind chime:

"You take off the belt, wait a minute, then put it on again."

Wind Chime took off his belt.

After waiting for a while, he put the belt around his waist again.

Just hearing a whooshing sound, the male ghost in front of me turned into a female ghost again.

"Sure enough, if you wear the belt twice in a row, the side effects will be offset." Starfire looked at the wind chime that had transformed back into a beautiful girl in shock, "So why do you have to wait a minute?"

"Let there be a time difference between the two side effects. Let's see if the wind chime will rotate for one minute at this point tomorrow." Russell replied calmly and recorded the current time.

With the wind chimes as an example, Russell also tried it himself.

He first put the belt around his waist.

Then, she used a mirror to observe her condition, cut off a few long hairs, and quickly confirmed in a simple way that the function of this belt was not just to "change the length of hair."

Then she took off the belt and put it back on again, restoring her original appearance.

Putting the topic of the belt aside, the two turned the topic back to "how to deal with Medusa and gargoyles and enter the cave."

According to Subway's combat power rating mechanism, adult Medusa is a supernatural creature with third-grade strength and is extremely rare.

"Medusa has two very powerful abilities.

"One is the petrifying gaze. Ordinary people and extraordinary beings with low spiritual cultivation levels will immediately turn into a lifeless stone statue as long as they look into Medusa's eyes.

"Even I will be gradually petrified when I see Medusa, and will completely turn into a stone statue within 10 seconds. After I look away, the petrified flesh and blood will slowly recover as time goes by.

"Another ability is Medusa's head full of snake hair. Each hair of Medusa is a venomous snake that can be extended as needed to attack the enemy.

"Every venomous snake has highly venomous enchanted fangs that can quickly kill strong beasts. And there are at least hundreds of such venomous snakes on Medusa's head."

Starfire explains to Russell about Medusa's abilities.

Russell speculated based on his own mysticism that Medusa's petrification magic was of a very high level. Even if he used the "disaster-reversing method" of drinking medicine, he might not be able to completely transfer the petrification effect, and at most it would alleviate it.

As for the dozen or so gargoyle guards, they were all created by Medusa using petrification magic. Russell estimated that their strength rating is about late first grade or half-step second grade. They are not very strong, but they are also powerful rocks. His body is strong and strong, and his defense ability is no less than that of most second-year students.

"Don't worry, my spiritual level has reached the beginning of the third grade, and my life level has been sublimated. I can live for more than a month even if I don't eat or drink. Now my body has strong resistance to various weird abilities. Even if I see Medusa's eyes will not be petrified in an instant." Russell was very pleased that he had just been promoted and could participate in a battle of this level.

Although Xinghuo couldn't understand what Russell meant by early third grade, he could understand what Russell meant, and was quite surprised by Russell's progress.

Russell was only a first-year student last year, but now his spiritual level is comparable to that of third-year super geniuses!

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