
Chapter 183 Traps and Conspiracies

"What? There's an intruder? Where?"

Feng Chime looked around in astonishment.

"Everyone, be careful. There is an intruder coming. But we must not let her escape!" Wind Chime yelled at the surrounding gargoyle companions.

The gargoyle immediately became alert and searched everywhere for the intruder.

"Go and check the entrance of the cave. Catch the intruder." A gargoyle issued a mission to the wind chime.

After receiving the mission, Wind Chime ran immediately and rushed straight out of the cave entrance.

Gargoyles of low rank will be fooled by this trick, but those two Medusas can see through their identity at a glance!

"I caught that one, the ghost.

“The ghost, taking the water, is running away.

"You, guard the entrance of the cave and guard against others."

One of the Medusas rushed out of the cave after the wind chime, chasing after it all the way. In the eyes of these cave guardians, taking away even a small amount of the Weeping Fountain is an unforgivable crime.

The other Medusa continued to guard her position, guarding against enemies and accomplices.

As the wind chime flew, it split off a soul, trying to stop the pursuing Medusa.

The snake hair on Medusa's head suddenly shot out, and the ferocious poisonous snakes opened their fangs and instantly tore the separated soul into pieces.

"Help, help, who will save me?" Wind Chime shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I'm here to save you, colleague." The pale and hazy Sleep Demon flew over.

The interior of this pale and hazy humanoid spirit body also contains a disc-shaped object wrapped in silver-white silk. I don't know what it is.

Then, it flew side by side with the wind chime and escaped together.

Behind him, Medusa continued to pursue him. Although her lower body is the body of a snake, Medusa is still extremely fast.

"The way you came to save me was to run away with me?" Feng Chi asked.

"We all lack powerful attack methods. It's difficult for two of us to defeat one Medusa. Let's just run away together." Sleep Demon said.

"I have ghost touch. It shouldn't be too difficult to lower my two minor realms, which is the middle of my second grade." Feng Chime, who is already familiar with Subway's strength evaluation system, said while flying.

"I also have spiritual claws. I can even defeat enemies who are a little lower than me - who are in the middle of second grade." Sleep Demon, who had just learned Subway's strength evaluation system two days ago, could not bear to show his weakness. , the speed of flying and escaping accelerated a little, "But the enemy I face is obviously stronger."

Medusa listened to the two spirits chirping and saying strange words, and became angry. The snake tail of her lower body slapped the ground, and she sped up her running speed.

The two spirits shuttled through the leafy dense forest, using their ability to pass through physical matter at will to easily overcome the obstacles of trees and branches, while Medusa had to knock the obstacles away.

Medusa took out a short sword in each hand and swung it left and right, easily cutting down various deformed ancient trees and strange plants. The snake hair on his head was also swaying in all directions, lifting the branches of various shrubs.

Seeing that Medusa was about to catch up with the two spirits, Sleep Demon and Wind Chime suddenly stopped and turned their heads. The original fear on Wind Chime's face had disappeared, replaced by a smile.

"The enemy has finally been introduced into this area, let's act according to the plan!"

The wind chime assumed the posture of an old employee and commanded the new sleeper.

This is the depths of a dense forest, with lush branches and leaves covering the entire night sky. Countless vines are running through the ground like snakes, and branches of various extraordinary plants are crisscrossed, including some activated plants with a small amount of spiritual wisdom. A handful of glowing mushrooms and fruits provide illumination.

Physical creatures will be greatly affected if they dodge, move, and attack here, but the wind chimes and sleep demons who are spirits will not be affected at all!

The white-haired ghost girl dodged the attacks of several snake hairs, allowing the snake hairs shot by Medusa to pierce the trees behind her, and her light body flew between the knotted branches:

"I'm really sorry.

"you were fooled.

"In fact, I didn't take away a drop of the Weeping Fountain!"

Wind Chime smiled triumphantly and raised the index finger with a red ring.

Medusa's eyes immediately became sharp and fell on the storage ring!

Medusa is a very intelligent and extraordinary creature. The pollution of the Weeping Fountain only made Medusa crazy and sickly, and did not reduce much of her intelligence.

In the previous brief battle with Starfire, Medusa had seen Starfire take out an item from this crimson ring, and she was very sure that it was a storage ring!

Could it be that the white-haired female ghost just now didn't use this storage ring to absorb the water from the Weeping Fountain?

"When I was carrying physical objects, I couldn't pass through obstacles such as walls and ground. How could I escape?"

As soon as the wind chime was touched on the index finger, the crimson ring disappeared.

"This ring is just part of the illusion of disguise!"

After realizing that she had been misled, Medusa was quite angry. Her eyes suddenly enlarged and blood appeared in her eyes. Hundreds of venomous snakes above her head opened their bloody mouths at the same time, revealing their sharp fangs.

While the wind chime was talking to Medusa, the Nightmare flew to Medusa's eyes, gently spit out a password, and activated the invisibility cloak in his body.

I saw that the disc-shaped object wrapped in silver silk cloth inside the Sleeping Demon finally showed its true form. The outer silk cloth disappeared, revealing the items inside.

A mirror!

In the mirror, Medusa's face with snake hair and blood-red eyes was reflected.

The silver silk cloth that previously covered the mirror and concealed its essence was the invisibility cloak Russell bought from Starfire last year.

An invisibility cloak that is invisible only through clothes!

Depending on the activation password, the Sleeper can make this layer of silk cloth transparent or opaque at any time.

Because she was caught off guard and saw her face and eyes in the mirror, Medusa suddenly felt that the flesh and blood all over her body had a trace of solidification.

The movements become sluggish, as if the joints are filled with glue, and every cell is gradually turning into rock.

Medusa, who is half human and half snake, has a layer of gray-white color on her skin and snake scales.

While revealing the mirror, the Sleep Devil also began to use his hypnosis, trying to make Medusa feel sleepy and affect her actions. But Medusa is obviously a more powerful supernatural creature than the Sleep Devil, and she is still in the middle of a battle, so the hypnotic effect is almost negligible.

not good!

Medusa quickly turned her head and looked away, trying to avoid seeing herself in the mirror.

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