
Chapter 193 The Principal’s Plan

After returning to the High Court, Starfire walked on the gorgeous marble path.

As she walked, the red-haired girl suddenly remembered something:

"If Russell is promoted to the Higher School this year, then he seems to be eligible to participate in the Academy Star Competition starting in October. What a coincidence."

But after thinking about it, Starfire realized that this was too difficult.

According to the rules, only four fourth-year students in the entire college are eligible to participate. To participate, a third-year student needs to have a fourth-year student choose him or her as his or her teammate.

Even I, a student who has been in a college for several years, will most likely not have a chance to participate.

Suddenly, Xinghuo, who was thinking about something while walking, saw a man with light blond hair, a strong face, and a slender figure standing in front of him.

There is a golden badge on the man's chest! Represents the fourth year of the Department of Elements and Energy.


When Starfire saw the fourth-year student standing at the top of the entire academy, she quickly stopped, with shock written all over her face.

"Xinghuo, at the beginning of next school year, the competition will begin. As a fourth-year student, I must participate, but I also need two third-year teammates." The light-blond man raised his chin slightly. "Can I invite you to be my teammate?"

Starfire nodded excitedly: "Of course, I wish I could."

But immediately, the red-haired girl showed some worry again:

"But your cousin doesn't like me very much, and there is a chance that she will be promoted to the third grade and enter a senior college this year. She won't have any objections, right?"

The light-blond fourth-year student with the pseudonym "Hui Yao" shrugged and said in an indifferent voice:

"Don't worry about her."


"Mr. Principal, I have caught the culprit who spread the occult plague in the academy."

Russell took the captive Doctor Beak to a small forest in the college. This was the secret meeting place arranged with the principal.

"Well done, Russell! I will reward you well."

Duncan looked at Dr. Beak, who was tied up on the ground and had not yet awakened from the curse of eternal sleep. He was in a good mood:

"It seems that my prediction was accurate. You did find a fateful opportunity related to the source of the occult flu. I thought this opportunity was a clue, but I didn't expect that you directly caught the culprit."

"But this operation was not safe at all. A friend and I almost died." Russell's tone was a bit unhappy.

He roughly told what happened from beginning to end.

"But didn't you come back safely as I said? No matter how dangerous the journey seems, the final result is good." Duncan said with a smile.

After laughing for a while, Duncan's expression became more serious:

"I will give you the reward for this action after negotiating with other teachers.

"I really didn't expect that the true effect of this mystical flu when it reaches its extreme level is to turn extraordinary people back into ordinary people.

“I don’t know when Doctor Beak set the detonation point of the plague. Can it be lifted? I don’t know if the process of transforming from an extraordinary person back to an ordinary person is reversible.

"All infected students must be cured as soon as possible!"

Duncan looked sad.

At present, there are at least hundreds of students infected with the disease in the college, and most of them are first-year students. If we consider that some people are just carriers of the disease and do not show symptoms, then the number of people infected may be even higher.

It would be terrible if so many students lost their extraordinary powers overnight and became ordinary people who have not yet awakened spiritually!

"Mr. Principal, can you advertise my medical treatment booth on the official website so that more students can receive treatment? Or let me stay in the school hospital directly.

"I have rich experience in treating this occult disease." Russell put forward his own suggestion.

Russell knew that he could use his knowledge of occultism and witchcraft principles to correctly refine potions and cure sick patients, mainly due to his magical talent as a mutant. This cannot be taught to others.

No one else can use such ridiculous methods to treat illnesses!

"Okay, I will immediately use the principal's authority to promote your medical treatment booth on the official Crystal Dawn forum!

"I will also find someone to contact the school hospital to see if I can let you join the school hospital directly within the next two days."

Duncan nodded slightly and approved Russell's proposal.

After receiving the principal's promise, Russell began to think about a more serious issue.

If the final effect of the plague is really detonated, can those extraordinary people who have turned back into ordinary people regain their extraordinary power through their own treatment?

How should this disease be treated?

Suddenly, Russell remembered something, and his whole body trembled suddenly as if he had been struck by lightning.

Occult diseases can turn extraordinary people back into ordinary people, but there are also medicines in the world that can allow ordinary people to step into the extraordinary!

He remembered that Arctic Wolf, the boss of the White Wolf Club, mentioned when he was hypnotized that he was an ordinary person without supernatural talents and had never been able to achieve spiritual awakening.

The Arctic Wolf successfully awakened spiritually and became a transcendent being after obtaining the secret medicine of "Baba Yaga"! And he must continue to take medicine to ensure that his extraordinary power does not disappear.

If the configuration method of this magic potion could be known, could it be used to reversely treat people who have lost their extraordinary powers due to occult diseases?

"By the way, principal, I have one more thing to tell you."

Russell told the principal the information he had obtained after hypnotizing the Arctic wolf.

"What? It turns out that the boss of the White Wolf Club is only in the middle of the second grade? This mismatch between the apparent grade and the real strength is really bad." Duncan was filled with indignation and accused this bad behavior of pretending to be strong. .

"But Mr. Principal...where did you know this combat power rating standard?" Russell was surprised.

"Don't you and Subway use it all the time? How could my great principal not know this?" Duncan looked proud.

Having said this, Duncan said seriously:

"This Baba Yaga's problem is not small. Not only can she prepare a potion that allows ordinary people to spiritually awaken and become extraordinary beings, but she can also help a second-year student to cheat and get a fourth-year degree.

"Don't Arctic Wolves need to take medicine regularly? Let's find an opportunity to get a bottle of this magic potion from Arctic Wolf and see if we can replicate it."

Russell and Duncan chatted for a few more words, and then took Dr. Beak to the private office of Professor Opal of the Department of Psychiatry and Illusion.

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