
Chapter 202 Professor Opal’s Harvest

Seeing the wind chime and still not understanding it, Russell explained:

"Wind Chime, you should still remember that one of the characteristics of this mysterious disease is that it will not infect ordinary people.

"Since the ultimate function of this occult disease is to turn extraordinary people into ordinary people, then once the patient becomes an ordinary person, won't the disease disappear on its own?"

Feng Ling felt that Russell's logic was clear, as if he had found a bug. It made so much sense.

"Wait, that's not right!" Feng Chime immediately found a new logical fallacy, "But the effect of this disease is to turn extraordinary people into ordinary people. Once the disease disappears, then it will have the effect of turning extraordinary people into ordinary people." 'Didn't he disappear too?"

Russell smiled:

"So this change is a one-time change. In the tabletop game, it will be judged as an effect that takes effect immediately and cannot be dispelled."

"You mean, those patients will always be just ordinary people in the future?" Sleepman understood what Russell meant.

"Who knows, at least this is my temporary diagnosis. Maybe there is a way to recover." Russell's expression returned to indifference.

Now Professor Opal is using hypnosis, mind reading and other methods to interrogate Doctor Beak. After more detailed information about this mysterious disease is obtained, new treatment directions may be discovered. By then, the school hospital may be able to restore students who have lost their extraordinary abilities in batches.

Russell tried his best to think in a good direction.

Walking on the tree-lined path, Russell thought about possible treatment directions as he walked.

He walked for a while and suddenly stopped:

"I have some new ideas."

"Can you cure them?" Feng Chime asked.

"Have you thought of a new treatment direction?" Sleep Demon asked.

Russell was thinking almost in a soliloquy manner and murmured:

“Compared with extraordinary people, ordinary people cannot distort reality through their own will, spells and gestures, and cannot use spirituality and intuition to replace natural senses to perceive the world.

“Just like the blind cannot see the light, the lame cannot stand up, the mute cannot speak human words, and the deaf cannot hear the sounds of the world.

“Can the absence of extraordinary abilities be considered a natural disability?

"If mediocrity itself is regarded as a disease, 'ordinary people' are regarded as a disease, and extraordinary people are regarded as a healthy state. Then it may not be impossible to treat."

Hearing Russell's words, Wind Chime and Sleeper were stunned at the same time.

The two spirits looked at each other blankly.

Is this something a normal human being can think of?

What is Russell’s brain circuit?

Russell completely ignored the astonishment of the two shadowy figures beside him and continued to talk to himself:

“Are there any other conditions in the world that could be considered disease?

"Not all-knowing and all-powerful, unable to make your wishes come true? Will you automatically transform into an all-knowing and all-powerful existence after being cured?

"Well, I feel like this is too far-reaching. Let's lower our sights a little bit. An unhealthy state is regarded as a disease..."

The title of the novel he had just read suddenly popped into Russell's mind——

"Luo Qianqiu and the Elixir".

"Ageing and death?"

He lowered his head and murmured.

The voice was so low that it was drowned out by the whisper of the evening wind.

After returning to the dormitory, Russell and Subway chatted for a while about the evening's events.

Tonight, both of them participated in the design of Wanwuhui's layout, but the one who wanted the White Wolf Club and Wanwuhui to fight the most was Subway.

Subway has never had a good impression of the forces that formed gangs within the academy and wished they would all fight each other and die.

As for the arrival of the Arctic wolf, and the subsequent complete onset of occult diseases, they were completely unexpected.

Until now, Subway has not realized the seriousness of the problem occult illnesses pose. He was lying on the bed, scrolling through his phone, recalling the various scenes just now, and said with a smile:

"That brown-haired cadre of the All Things Society, whose code name is Guangbo, is really embarrassing. He originally wanted to beat you up, but when he really got sick, he asked you for treatment. It's really funny."

At this point, Subway thought of this funny scene and couldn't help laughing.

However, Russell's mood was very low, and his face was as serious as water. He listened to Subway's words without saying a word, and just clicked the mouse and browsed the official website forum of the college.

At the same time, new hot posts continued to come up in the college's official website forum, the Crystal Dawn Forum, all related to "a large number of patients suddenly falling ill overnight."

In the entire junior college, at least dozens of students lost their extraordinary powers overnight!

Some people suddenly fell down while walking in the dormitory, and then found themselves transformed into ordinary people; some people used fire magic to heat up midnight snacks, and the flames suddenly went out; there were even students who suddenly became ill and lost their extraordinary power when they were floating in the air using levitation magic. He fell from a height and was seriously injured.

The school hospital is already overcrowded, and school doctors are conducting emergency diagnoses on students who have fallen ill and lost strength. Effective treatment plans have not yet been proposed.

Such a major event caused a sensation on the entire college official website.

There are constantly new posts describing what happened to them or their roommates, and people are constantly asking for help. The news has spread beyond the academy and spread throughout the extraordinary world.

Many witchcraft families and secret societies knew about the major events that happened overnight at the International Unified School of Magic and Supernatural Sciences. If the situation cannot be reversed, the relevant departments and official organization of the supernatural world - the "World Supernatural Parliament" may send commissioners at any time to intervene in the matter.

Even so, most students only regard this as a new stage in the development of the disease. As long as they spend a period of treatment and recuperation, they can recover as before.

Russell was browsing the posts on the official website forum when his cell phone beeped in his pocket.

He quickly turned on his phone and found that the message was from Professor Opal.

“Russell, I got a lot of useful information from Doctor Beak through hypnosis, mind reading, and constructing dreams of different scenarios.

"This contains some knowledge about this occult disease, such as the spell mechanism and witchcraft principles that constructed this plague. It will definitely be helpful to your subsequent diagnosis and treatment!

"It's impossible to explain everything clearly through dreams alone. Please come downstairs to the astrology station tonight. The situation is urgent!"

Want to go now? It’s almost midnight now!

No wonder, after all, it is normal for Professor Opal to be anxious about such a big matter.

After asking for important information, didn’t Professor Opal inform the principal first? Well, I should have informed that unreliable principal first, and then contacted me...

Why is the meeting place at the astrology stand near the back entrance of the college? Instead of an ordinary teaching building office? Some information involving Astrology Desk faculty?

For a moment, Russell's thoughts were floating, and he thought that Professor Opal's instructions were fine.

However, to be on the safe side, he still forwarded the message to Duncan and informed the principal of the matter.

Russell did not hesitate, and after informing Subway of his whereabouts, he left the dormitory with his wallet in his hands.

If you can know the magic formula and witchcraft principles that construct this occult disease, combined with Russell's already knowledge of herbalism and occultism, you can reversely simulate this process and refine the potion through the innate characteristics of Russell's mutant.

Even if the probability is very small, it is indeed possible to restore those students who have lost their extraordinary powers!

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