
Chapter 206 Confronting the Fifth Grade Power

The thorn bird actually did such a thing?

Is this the cause of death of Feng Chime?

Russell's mind was flooded with all kinds of information, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Young dead girl, please don't slander anyone. That was more than ten years ago." The Thorn Bird held its forehead, pretending to be embarrassed:

"Your current contracted psychic, Junior Russell, is my distinguished guest. I want to invite him to my home and discuss the knowledge of refining medicine with him. There is no malicious intention at all..."

Even though the Thorn Bird claimed to have no malicious intent, as the culprit who manipulated Doctor Beak to create occult diseases and the real culprit who killed the wind chime, he also mentally controlled Professor Opal and led himself into the depths of the jungle...

All signs lead Russell to believe that the Thorn Bird was definitely not a well-intentioned visitor.

He finally stopped hesitating, tapped the phone in his pocket with his thumb, and released the other two contracted spirits.

The phantom like a petrified head and the pale and distorted hazy humanoid phantom appeared on both sides in front of Russell.

The head sculptor, who resembled the head of a petrified Medusa, burned with pale green flames in his eyes, activating his "Petrified Gaze" with all his strength.

And under Russell's mental command, the Sleep Demon stretched out his hands towards the thorn bird and made soothing hypnotic movements, causing the real sleepiness to attack the thorn bird.

The thorn bird smiled and remained motionless, as if it did not feel the slightest hint of sleepiness, nor did it show any signs of gray petrification on its skin.

The woman in an elegant black dress even turned to look at the skull sculptor, deliberately looking into the blazing fire in her eyes, as if mocking its ability to petrify.

The wind chime also forcibly suppressed its fear, separated one soul after another, and rushed towards the thorn bird, trying to drag her down. Each of the clones raised their right palms at the same time, and an icy blue halo emitted from their hands.

Ghost Touch!


The thorn bird's sigh seemed to echo throughout the dense forest and the entire night sky.

Invisible spiritual waves swept all around in an instant.

Like an invisible wind blowing through the woods, causing the deformed trees to tremble, shattering every soul in the woman's body.

The three spiritual bodies of the Wind Chime, the Skull Sculptor and the Sleep Demon were also impacted by this spiritual wave. The spiritual bodies became more illusory and transparent, and their whole bodies trembled, as if they were shocked in place and found it difficult to move.

The three contracted spirits launched attacks at the same time. With the cooperation of multiple abilities, they were enough to interfere with several third-year powerhouses, but they failed to have the slightest impact on the Thorn Birds.

While his three contracted spirits were attacking, Russell was also taking action at the same time!

The dimensional belt bag around his waist was pulled open by invisible ghost hands.

A ball of invisible flying potion attacked the woman in a black dress, trying to soak into the thorn bird's nasal cavity and trachea and interfere with her movements.

And the ghost of a velociraptor was holding the wishing magic lamp taken out from the dimensional pocket, and ran towards the direction behind Russell, ready to rub the magic lamp at any time, summoning the djinn, and muddying the water.

While activating the psychic technique and exorcising the ghost, Russell's right hand suddenly took out the mobile phone in his pocket and pressed the camera button on the thorn bird.


Russell didn't expect that he could really pose any threat to a legendary fifth-year existence. He could only hope that the stormy attack with all his strength would affect the Thorn Birds even slightly and allow her to maintain the ban. If there is a flaw, it can at least send a distress signal to the outside world.

It's not too far from the academy!


When Russell successfully pressed the shutter button, he finished using his soul-stirring technique and took a photo of the woman in a black gauze dress.


The body of the thorn bird was like a soap bubble being poked, and it shattered like a dream bubble.

"How is this going?

"Is this thorn bird fake? Is it an illusion?

"Is the thorn bird I talked to from the beginning fake, or was it replaced by an illusion at some point in the process?"

Just as this thought flashed through Russell's mind, he heard laughter like silver bells ringing from all directions.

All are, exactly the same, the laughter of the thorn bird.




The laughter became more and more loud, fluttering and stirring in the evening wind of the dense forest, like ice needles piercing the bone marrow, making Russell's whole body tremble, and his spirit and spirit seemed to be stimulated.

One, two, three, ten, twenty...

One after another, thorn birds that looked exactly the same walked out from behind the stacked and deformed trees, and from all directions in the dense forest.

Fifty, one hundred, two hundred...

In just a few seconds, hundreds of thorn birds walked out one after another.

Among the hundreds of women in black dresses, some passed directly through the tree branches, seemingly unblocked by physical obstacles; some were floating in the air, looking down at Russell and the three spirits on the ground.

Hundreds of thorn birds looked at Russell from all directions, including front, back, top, bottom, left, and right, surrounded him, and let out light laughter.

"Why are there so many? Which one is the real body, or neither of them?"

Russell completely felt a sense of powerlessness, but did not give up the final struggle.

Russell grabbed a bottle of potion that looked like bright red and sticky human blood from his dimensional pocket and moved it to his lips.

Secret blood potion!

——After reaching the third grade level in spiritual cultivation, Russell's control over his own spiritual fluctuations has improved a lot. Coupled with the experience of taking the secret blood potion last time, he will undoubtedly be able to better control himself this time as long as he drinks the secret blood potion. Control the power of potions and your spirituality will be improved to a greater extent!

However, he was stopped when the glass bottle of medicine was about to be opened and drank.

It was Russell's hand that froze in the air, and his entire movement froze.

He felt like a puppet whose hands and feet no longer obeyed his control. The hand that completely disobeyed orders put the glass bottle back into the fanny pack and zipped up the fanny pack.

This is a kind of action control at the spiritual level!

During this process, Russell tried again and again to force necromancy to at least force the ghost to do something, but every attempt to activate supernatural powers automatically failed.

The three contracted spirits also seemed to feel some kind of powerful suction, and were sucked back into Russell's mobile phone.

Hundreds of thorn birds gently applauded Russell who was surrounded by them.

Hundreds of sets of applause with exactly the same rhythm echoed in the dense forest. Every time those hundreds of pairs of white hands collided, the ground shook slightly, making the scene in the dark night seem even more weird and terrifying.

"It's wonderful, it's wonderful! What a wonderful performance.

"Is this a combination of extraordinary abilities that a second-year student can display in a few seconds? Even in the academy, there are not many masters who can instantly launch such a wonderful set of extraordinary abilities to attack the enemy."

As he said this, hundreds of women in black gauze clothes from all directions and even in the air paused at the same time:

"Since you have shown such a wonderful performance, I have to give you a reward."


Just when Russell suspected that this was not a good thing, his body moved uncontrollably and he raised his hands in front of him.

"Lift the nail cap of your left index finger."

Hundreds of thorn birds gave orders at the same time, their voices cold, as if they were saying an extremely ordinary thing.

Russell's right hand reached out to his left index finger uncontrollably, and he pinched the nail cap of his left index finger with two fingers.

No way, no way!



Russell himself lifted the entire nail cap of his left index finger, revealing the bright red and blurry flesh underneath, and felt severe pain.

At this moment, Russell tried to close his eyes, but his eyelids also refused to obey. The thorn bird also made Russell's eyes widen in a rather naughty way, watching him lift the cover of his fingernails with his own eyes.


The vocal cords regained their autonomy, and the boy's screams echoed in the dense forest.

"Next time you resist me, just use two fingers."

In the air and on the ground, hundreds of thorn birds laughed at the same time.

Thump thump thump.

In the severe pain, Russell heard the sound of his heart beating.

His heart was beating violently because of the stimulation and movement just now.

I don't know if it was his own illusion, but Russell felt that his control over his body was stronger than before. His spirit became stronger every second and he could resist the thorn bird's mental magic at any time and take back his body. of control.

The hundreds of thorn birds around them just chuckled and didn't seem to notice this.

Thump thump thump thump.

The heartbeat was getting louder and louder, as if something was slowly waking up.

It's the devil in my heart!

I see……

At this moment, Russell was completely sure——

My mental resistance, which is much higher than that of ordinary people, comes from the devil king in my heart!

In an occult sense, the heart is regarded as a sense organ closely related to emotions and soul. For reasons that are still unknown, the Demon King resides in his heart, giving his mind strong resistance.

If he could further awaken the demon in his heart, he could get rid of the control of the thorn bird... Russell's thoughts flashed, and he tried to inject his spiritual energy into his heart, trying to awaken the sleeping demon king in the right ventricle.

Thump thump thump thump thump.

A severe cramping pain surged in Russell's heart.

The devil in my heart is awakening!


At this moment, Russell suddenly felt that he had regained control of his body.

The psychic magic that originally controlled his body disappeared, the power wrestling with it in his heart also receded, and the awakening speed of the sleeping demon also slowed down.

This time, Russell did not try to escape or attack again, and had a new idea:

Try to delay time until the devil in your heart is awakened!

He didn't care at all about his bloody left index finger, showing the politeness and elegance of a young man. He looked at the thorn birds in all directions and asked politely:

"Hello, Sister Thorn Bird, are you the creator of this mysterious disease? The superb mystical knowledge used by Doctor Beak to create this plague should come from you.

"I thought you were just a master of the mind and illusion department. It seems that you are also very knowledgeable in the realms of necromancy and life."

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