
Chapter 211 Duncan’s Revenge

At this time, the emergency meeting has ended, and the teachers are packing up the things on the table and leaving one after another.

It is now past 2 o'clock in the morning. Many people were woken up by the roar of the explosion and were temporarily pulled up by the principal, still yawning.

——Although the physiques of third-grade extraordinary beings are different from ordinary people, they can stay awake for a long time and still keep their minds and hearts awake. But sleeping at night is still a habit for everyone.

Among the chaotic crowd of faculty and staff, another teacher who had packed up the files came forward and greeted Professor Black Amber:

"Professor, I forgot to inform you before.

"The World Supernatural Council said that investigators may be sent to the college in the near future to investigate the worshipers of the Old Ones who have sneaked into the college, as well as the fact that occult diseases have caused a large number of students to lose their supernatural abilities.

"They asked our college to cooperate with the investigation."

The black cat stretched helplessly and licked the shiny black hair on his palm:

"What a troublesome group of guys. There's nothing we can do about it. We can't refuse them if they come."

World Paranormal Parliament!

Speaking of this organization that manages the global supernatural world, Russell recalled what happened at the beginning of last school year, and his thoughts suddenly began to fly.

Professor Black Amber had previously suspected that Nocturne might be an investigator sent by the World Supernatural Council, trying to monitor the academy and learn its secrets. It seems that there are also some estrangements and conflicts between the academy and the parliament.

Well, no wonder. The International Academy of Unified Magic and Supernatural is the only paranormal academy in the world. The teachers and students of the academy account for basically 1/10 of the population of the paranormal world in the world.

It is impossible for such a powerful military force in the extraordinary realm not to be closely monitored and vigilant.

"By the way, Professor Black Amber, does the college currently have any plans to deal with those students who lost their extraordinary powers and returned to ordinary people due to occult diseases?"

Mentioning these approximately 100 students, a hint of worry suddenly appeared in Black Amber's eyes:

"The school hospital has nothing to do. The school has not found a solution yet and can only notify them to suspend classes. The school hospital is considering using reiki therapy and color therapy to try to treat these students, plus some external stimulation, to see if there will be any effect What effect can it have, can it make them spiritually awaken again?"

Russell lowered his chin slightly and said with some concern:

"I have checked the physical condition of those students before, and they don't seem to have any signs of spiritual awakening. They seem to be just the most ordinary ordinary people.

"I even doubt that if there is a drug that can make them recover as before, then this drug can also enable ordinary people to achieve spiritual awakening."

At this time, Duncan suddenly blocked the door of the conference room, gesturing with his two small hands in the air:

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I'll take you two more minutes before the meeting ends."

The yawning teachers could only temporarily stop leaving: "Mr. Principal, is there anything else? Is it really only a two-minute delay?"

"When you usually give me lessons, don't you especially like to delay me for two minutes? Now that I am delaying my return, I don't owe you anything." Duncan said angrily, with quite a bit of personal emotion.

When many teachers heard this, they suddenly sobered up a little and their hair stood on end.

Only they, as teachers in the college, know best how long two minutes of dragging the teacher are!

Damn it, Mr. Principal has been making things difficult for us in class for a whole school year. Now he finds an opportunity to retaliate!

Duncan was now smiling cunningly, as if a great revenge had been avenged, and began to talk about the remaining precautions.

"I'll just waste two minutes, teachers."

"Sit tight for me. The meeting will be dismissed when I say it is dismissed."

"Don't look so sleepy. A transcendent person who can become a college teacher still needs a night's sleep?

"I think you are just lazy. You are truly the worst class of teachers I have ever had."

"Sorry, I'll delay everyone for another two minutes."

“Did Teacher Cang Xingshi below not listen carefully?”

"Ah, you dare to talk back! Am I the principal or are you the principal? You are so powerful, you can come up and speak for yourself. Can you be the principal?"

"By the way, there's one more thing. I'll take up another two minutes."

"Is what I said difficult to understand? Is your head just a decoration?"

"Teacher Zhenhong, what do you mean? You still dare to go to class, ah no, you fell asleep in the meeting. Bang (throwing the chalk head)!"

"You just wasted 1 minute, the whole class, oh no, 40 teachers in the whole conference room wasted 40 minutes."

"I told you, I'll leave the meeting after I speak for two more minutes!"

"So who is responsible for checking the safety of the barrier? Raise your hand. If you don't raise your hand, I will randomly call your name from the teacher list."

"No, is it true that no one is willing to raise their hand? What's the point of being inexperienced? Such a simple inspection is just a question!"

"You are not doing your work for me or the college, you are doing it for yourself. Do you still want to get a more advanced professional title? Work hard now, and it will be easy when you become a full professor!"

"Ahem, here's the teacher list. Who should I call first? What's the date today?"

"Last two minutes!"


Russell, who was sitting in the corner of the conference table, felt that these lines were particularly familiar the more he listened. He didn't believe it if the principal wasn't retaliating or tit for tat.

Russell strongly suspected that if Subway had been present to watch, they would have videotaped such a funny situation and used it to mock the teacher later.

Finally, after countless "last two minutes", Mr. Duncan began to talk about the problem of large numbers of students losing their extraordinary powers.

"Such a large number of students from different witchcraft families and secret organizations turned into ordinary people overnight. This matter is of great importance, related to the reputation and long-term development of the college. It is not only the school hospital that has to take care of it, but you also have to take care of it. Think of ways to.

"Also, I have high hopes for Russell, who has made great achievements and accumulated rich medical experience in the fight against this occult disease. I will find time to further discuss the follow-up treatment plan with Russell.

"You teachers should also look at how others learn. No matter how good Russell is, no matter how good you are, you are still teachers!"

Finally, Duncan put down the teacher roster and waved his hand:

"Okay, okay, the meeting can be dismissed. I'll do what I said, so I'll just delay it for two minutes."

Finally able to go back to sleep!

The yawning teachers dispersed.

Duncan, who was full of energy and smiling, walked up to Russell and handed over the bottle of elixir he got from the Arctic Wolf:

"Russell, you know a lot about this occult disease. Let's see if you can use this elixir as a reference to develop a potion that can make the students who have turned back into ordinary people recover as before."

Professor Black Amber next to him also shook the bell on his neck, and a parchment appeared in the black mist.

"This is the composition of the medicine that I tried to analyze using my knowledge of herbal medicine. There may be something wrong, please refer to it for reference.

"Child, my ability is not enough to develop a drug that can heal students who have lost their extraordinary powers. You are a magic genius and a mutant, maybe you can do it."

"Let me give it a try." Russell nodded and put the potion and parchment into his dimensional pocket.

Duncan, who was smiling all over, then became a little more serious, and raised his hand to set up a barrier to isolate the sound.

"Okay, Russell, when do you plan to start interrogating the friend in your heart? Should you start directly tonight? Or should you sleep first?

"Even if you want to go back to sleep, you must first let the Demon King in your heart sign a contract with me to prevent the Demon King from making any changes and causing harm to the academy."

In Russell's heart, the Demon King heard Duncan's words and immediately retorted:

"Don't judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. I, Wang Xiaoming, have lived an honest and upright life, and have been a chivalrous and righteous man for more than a thousand years. How could I harm the students here?"

The Demon King's voice was extremely loud, if it weren't for Russell.

Russell thought for a moment and then said:

"Let's start asking tonight. I'm very curious about this Demon King now. I can't sleep with too many questions in my chest."

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