
Chapter 213 The Story of Demon King Xiao Ming

A long time ago, in the far east, there lived a young man who was passionate about chivalry and righteousness.

His surname is Wang and his given name is Xiaoming.

The young man had completed his spiritual awakening at a very young age and became a true transcendent. He was a warlock with superb magical powers and had learned many powerful alchemy techniques.

When Wang Xiaoming was young, he traveled far and wide. First he traveled east to Fusang, and then went to the Western Regions and visited various countries.

One day, affected by geological movements, the revolution of the earth, as well as the tides and the gravity of the moon, the door to the devil world or the abyss was opened, and countless demons came to the world, causing harm to all countries.

The demons do evil and enjoy killing people everywhere. Wherever they go, blood flows for thousands of miles.

Wang Xiaoming has been a chivalrous and righteous man throughout his life, how can he tolerate this?

He stepped forward and fought countless demons, directly entering the center of the demon colony. With his sword in hand, he cut off the heads of countless demons.

The demons put together are certainly far stronger than Wang Xiaoming alone.

However, the demons driven by desire frequently fight among themselves and do not know how to cooperate at all. They fight and kill each other. How can they be the opponent of Wang Xiaoming, who has a righteous heart?

"Wait a mininute!"

The wind chime on the side interrupted:

"It turns out that when you were a human, Demon King, you were a great hero who fought against demons! Then why did you turn into a demon yourself later?"

This sounds like a tragic story of a dragon-slaying hero who eventually becomes a dragon, and a demon-slaying boy who becomes a demon!

Speaking of this, the Demon King's heroic face showed a bit of unwillingness and regret:

"Every time I kill a demon, the blood of another demon is splashed on my body, and the demon blood continues to pollute my body and soul.

"But this alone is not enough to degenerate me into a demon. What really degenerates me is the uncontrollable desire in my heart."

Suddenly, a somewhat tragic atmosphere emerged in the principal's office.

In the supernatural realm, transforming into demons, undead and other extraordinary creatures is not a simple racial change, but also the ultimate drastic change in body, mind, soul, and three outlooks.

For example, evil spirits are always driven by evil service and obsession, while demons are almost the physical embodiment of desire and are always enslaved by desire.

Even in a sense, the original humans are dead, and the new demons and undead are just new creatures that inherit part of the original owner's memories and personality traits.

"What kind of desire made you become a demon?" Russell frowned slightly, waiting for the king's answer.

Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, or lust?

Wang recalled the vicissitudes of the past and sighed.

That sigh seemed to have passed through a long time and settled to the starting point of the years.

I don’t know how long it took, but the Demon King slowly said:

"Of course, the desire to support justice and kill demons!"

"Huh?" Russell, Feng Chime and Duncan said in unison.

After killing countless demons, Wang Xiaoming was finally carried away by the desire (to kill demons and support justice).

He also wants to kill more demons and save more people!

The dark desire and the demon blood splashed on his body finally turned Wang Xiaoming's skin into a dark and bluish color, his body was covered with stripes, horns sprouted from his head, his shoulders were ignited with blazing fire, and he became a demon.

After degenerating into a demon, Wang Xiaoming lost most of his humanity and was driven by endless desires.

Of course, there is still the desire to kill demons and uphold justice.

As a result, the other demons were in dire straits.

The demons were scattered all over the world. After being transformed into demons, Wang Xiaoming, who had an inflated desire, continued to chase them from east to west, and from west to east.

As a result, such a beautiful landscape appeared on the mainland.

Thousands of demons were running in front, and Wang Xiaoming was chasing after them.

Passing through a place inhabited by humans on the way, Wang Xiaoming's desire was greatly enhanced after becoming a demon, and he was completely unable to contain his mother's heart. He also saved the people there who were in dire straits. I don’t know how many natural disasters have been prevented and how many tyrants have been overthrown.

However, because of his terrifying appearance, most people do not believe the Demon King Xiao Ming.

But the Demon King never cared about the lives of the Li people. He just used them to satisfy his own desires, and then turned around and left.

Keep chasing the demon.

The demons are also very pitiful. They are hunted by Wang Xiaoming day and night and live a precarious life.

Just like that, I don’t know how much time passed.

Each high-level demon was defeated and surrendered to this demon that was obviously more powerful than themselves.

The strong is king, this is the rule of the demon world!

Wang Xiaoming was not a ruthless person. When he saw that the demons were willing to repent, he accepted their surrender.

"Ah, the most powerful, beautiful and greatest demon, how should we call you by your name?" The demons crawling at Wang Xiaoming's feet asked about the king's will.

"My surname is Wang, and my name is Wang Xiaoming." Wang Xiaoming said.

"King, king, king!"

Under the king's body, countless demons chanted the king's name, and the sound was so loud that one wave overtook the other.

"Ahem, I'd like to interrupt, this sounds like a bad joke based on Chinese homophony." Russell narrowed his eyes.

"That's pretty much it. Those demons call me king, or demon king." The demon king shrugged.

"In addition, I don't know where there is a problem with the translation of the translation barrier, so everyone spread rumors and thought I was the king of demons."

"Technically speaking, there are a large number of demons following you, and you are indeed an extremely powerful demon, so you are indeed the king of demons." Russell pointed out the important point.

It seems that the Demon King has done nothing evil at all.

I really don’t know, in the prison of another dimension, the demon worshipers of the Red Order of Chaos will be shocked when they learn the true appearance of the Demon King, or will they worship him even more?

"Mr. Demon King, because your image is very different from the legend, it has caused misunderstandings among many demon worshipers."

Thinking of this, Russell informed the Demon King about the Red Order of Chaos.

After learning that there was a cult group that actually committed crimes and held sacrificial rituals in his own name, the Demon King became angry:

“What a bunch of hateful guys, actually doing this kind of thing in the name of worshiping me.

"I wonder how many of their remnants are left outside and have not been imprisoned? If I bump into them one day, I will teach them a lesson!"

After the Demon King's anger subsided a little, Russell asked again:

"Then, Mr. Demon King, what are you going to do with the group of demons following you?"

Many years later, Demon King Xiaoming finally opened the door connecting the two worlds again, and sent the demons he had conquered back to the Abyss Demon Realm.

The disaster of all demons ends here.

The hero who ended the disaster wanted to return to his ordinary life, but found that he could no longer go back to the past.

After degenerating into a demon, Wang Xiaoming's temperament changed drastically and he could not control his desires.

I always want to eradicate evil, and if I don’t do something good for a day, I will feel uncomfortable all over!

Moreover, the family affection, friendship and love that Wang Xiaoming once had as a human being were also completely dissipated in the process of demonization. Perhaps the old Wang Xiaoming is dead, and today's demon Wang Xiaoming is just a demon that retains some of the memories and obsessions of human Wang Xiaoming.

Demon King Xiao Ming has gone to many places, but his terrifying demon appearance makes people fear his existence.

So, the Demon King used illusions to disguise himself as a human and blended in with the crowd.

In the poems of bards and rumors, the demon king who conquered all demons suddenly appeared in the bloody battle of the demons, but then disappeared overnight.

Rumors spread among people and gradually fermented into unverifiable legends.

These braggings made by uncles and aunts after drinking too much eventually developed into subsequent legends about the Demon King.

The Demon King, disguised as a human, walked through the hustle and bustle of the city, passed through remote taverns, chatted with travelers in the wilderness, stopped in front of storytellers and bards, and listened to all kinds of people telling him that he had once The legends of what has been done and what has not been done.

The mother uses the legend of the Demon King as a means to scare children, warning them that if they don't obey, they will be captured and eaten by the Demon King at night; the young man gestures with his hands and makes various exaggerated shapes to imitate the Demon King in his imagination The imperial style that conquers all demons.

But no one knew that the ordinary man dressed in white, walking past them with a smile on his lips, was the protagonist of the story they were telling.

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