
Chapter 224 Extraordinary Items at the Fourth Grade Level

"A reward of 200 college gold coins!" Duncan emphasized in an exaggerated tone, "This is the result of my communication with other school personnel. Well, I said a lot of good things for you, so you have to thank me."

"So many?" Russell was suddenly startled.

His total assets now only amount to 220 college gold coins plus some silver and copper coins, many of which are income from medical treatment during this period, as well as rewards for rescuing the principal and the undercover Red Order of Chaos.

This sudden income is close to all the previous accumulation!

"I can give you the academy gold coins directly, and you can decide how to use them. Or if you wish, you can also use these credits to exchange for extraordinary items collected in the academy's treasure house. According to the pricing of the corresponding extraordinary items, any excess will be refunded and less will be replenished. "Duncan gave two options.

"I want to exchange it directly for extraordinary items." Russell immediately made his choice.

Thorn Bird didn't know when he would come to catch him again, and he was about to take part in the actual combat assessment of the Academy of Higher Education. It was useless for him to hoard more than 400 academy gold coins, so he might as well convert them into his own combat power as soon as possible.


The rusty bronze door was pushed open with a heart-wrenching sound.

The ball of light suspended next to Duncan's head illuminated the dark basement.

"Three strategic extraordinary items collected by the academy are sealed here and sealed with special ritual spells to prevent their power from eroding over time."

Russell followed Duncan into the basement.

At first, Russell wanted to exchange for third-grade extraordinary items, but he couldn't find what he wanted, so Duncan took him here.

When he walked into this room and looked at the magic circuit with red light flowing on the wall, Russell felt deeply that the principal was indeed treating him well.

Extraordinary items at the fourth grade level are strategic reserves even for the academy, and most teachers only borrow them temporarily when performing specific tasks. If it weren't for Russell's special status and huge contributions in the past, the school would not allow students to exchange college coins for it.

Duncan stepped forward, opened three bronze treasure chests sealed by runes in turn, and took out the extraordinary items inside.

The first item was a human leather glove stained with bright red blood.

"The blood curse gloves cost 500 college gold coins.

"This glove allows you to master the fourth-level ability of the undead and life department - blood magic, as well as a small amount of black magic. It has the following effects: First, as long as you wear this glove, you will gain powerful regeneration ability... …”

"I don't want this." Russell said firmly.

The ability to regenerate is a very dangerous attribute. As long as you choose it, you will inevitably lose your limbs, heart, and lungs in the future!

Moreover, I am also a necromancer and life type. The abilities given by the gloves are duplicated with the abilities I will master in the future, which is very wasteful.

Wait a mininute!

A very uneasy thought suddenly flashed through Russell's mind:

If you are promoted to fourth grade, will you also gain the ability to regenerate?

Duncan picked up the second item, which was an elegant silver-white metal ring with a circle of obscure runes engraved on it.

"Dimensional ring. Corresponds to the fourth grade of the Creation and Summoning Department.

"Wearing this ring on your finger, you can perform teleportation three times a day, open a dimensional door to other locations, and release a dimensional slash that can ignore and penetrate most defenses.

"The ultimate distance between the teleportation spell and the dimensional gate is about 10,000 kilometers. Half of the cost of casting the spell comes from your own spiritual energy, and half comes from the ring itself.

"The price of the dimensional ring is also the cheapest among the three extraordinary items, only 400 college gold coins."

400 college gold coins is actually the cheapest? So expensive... Russell secretly cursed, the price of fourth grade extraordinary items made him sigh.

Although he has 220 college gold coins in reserve, plus the 200 college gold coins as a reward, the total is 420 gold coins.

But after that, he still had to pay 150 gold coins for the tuition and textbook fees for the third grade, plus 10 gold coins for participating in the practical examination of the college. In fact, the money on hand was not that abundant.

"If you don't have enough money, you can only pay half and pay off the rest within a year." Duncan clearly saw that Russell was short of money.

He took out a third extraordinary item.

This is an exquisite scepter made of gold. The top of the scepter is in the shape of a delicate bird's head. When it is erected, it is almost as tall as Duncan.

“Force field scepter.

"This scepter can give you powerful destructive power. As long as you hold it, you can release a force field wall and three missile storms every day. Corresponds to the fourth grade of the element and energy department, force field theory.

"In addition, you can also raise this scepter at any time to release a holy and bright breath, filling a range of thousands of meters, and driving away undead and demons. There is no limit on the number of times per day. This corresponds to the three elements of the element and energy system. Grade, Glorious Theory.

"The price is 540 college gold coins."

I do lack powerful destructive means of extraordinary items to strengthen my attack methods, but the price is too expensive... Russell lowered his head and thought deeply.

The ability to exorcise undead and demons is also very inappropriate for me. Wind Chime and Sleep Demon will definitely scold me...

When I reach the third grade and master black magic, I should also be able to master powerful attack spells. It doesn't necessarily require destructive extraordinary items... Well, it's not because I can't afford them...

After some thinking, Russell expressed his choice:

"Give me the dimensional ring."

This is still the most economical item.

"The 200 gold coins that were originally going to be given to me don't need to be given to me. I paid half of the full amount. I will make up for the remaining 200 gold coins within a year."

Russell took the silver-white elegant ring and put it on the index finger of his left hand. Detailed information about the ring's ability came to his mind.

He then took off the dimension ring and held it in his palm to weigh it.

Russell immediately thought of something and asked:

"What exactly does once a day mean? Is it calculated on a natural day, or does it mean there is a 24-hour cooling time after using it once?"

"Calculated on a natural day. The number of uses is reset at zero o'clock every day." Duncan answered.

"So if I travel to other time zones on Earth, will it have any impact? For example, if I cross the International Date Line now..." Russell then asked.

"Determine the concept of natural day according to the place where this item was made - that is, the college. Even if you go to other time zones, you must calculate zero according to the time of the college." Duncan was not surprised at all by Russell's question and was patient. explained.

"Okay, then if the earth's rotation speed changes, will the time when the ring is reset every day be affected?" Russell continued to ask.

"Of course..." Duncan was about to answer, but his words were blocked again:

"Well, I haven't tried this, and I really don't know. The definition of dates and 24 hours a day has a very special meaning in occultism. If the earth's rotation speed changes significantly, it may indeed have occult implications. "

After getting the answer, Russell nodded slightly, no longer worried about the number of daily uses, and asked again:

"Do I have to wear this ring to use its powers? Is it okay to just hold it in my hand?"

"No, you must wear it." Duncan emphasized.

Russell carefully observed the mysterious runes on the ring, and combined with his occult knowledge, he knew that these symbols symbolized the power of space, and he had new worries:

"What if I wear this ring on my finger and someone recognizes it as an extraordinary item and wants to steal it? Or what if someone deliberately cuts off my palm or finger during a battle and steals the ring? What should I do? ?”

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