
Chapter 233 Hunting the Hunter’s Prey

"I think if the rumors are true, travelers should follow different rules from us ordinary hunters and should not be able to hunt freely as they please." The blond hunter's voice was erratic. "He is a master of dimension and teleportation magic. He may appear in Any corner in the jungle, even behind you and me."

When Subway and Violet heard this, they subconsciously turned around and found that there was no one behind them.

"Speaking of which, are there only four fourth-year students in the College of Higher Education?" Subway keenly grasped the point mentioned by the blond hunter before.

This was slightly less than he remembered.

"In the past few years, there were still 6 of them, but in the past two years, two of them have chosen to graduate and left the academy completely." The blond hunter explained:

"Of those two super geniuses, one mainly studied the application of the power of faith. After achieving results, he left the academy and went to the World Supernatural Congress to hold an important position.

"In the College of Higher Education, the Stars Magic Research Society has recently been conducting research on the topic she left behind, exploring how to use the power of faith.

"The other one followed a professor from the Department of Astrology and Numerology to trade stocks, futures and options, but failed. In anger, he applied for graduation and left."

Because he was about to join the Higher Education Academy, Russell, who wanted to know more about the situation, asked:

"Who are the four fourth-year students in the college now?"

The blond hunter said one by one:

"The [Traveler] of the Creation and Summoning Department, the leader of the All-Things Association.

"He masters weird dimensional magic and is also the number one extraordinary craftsman in the academy. The Traveler is said to be the weakest among all the fourth-year students, but he is still the target that our third-year students look up to.

"[Arctic Wolf] of the Transformation and Transformation Department, the leader of the White Wolf Club, is a master who is good at enchantment and transformation.

"[Brilliance] from the element and energy department controls force fields and radiant energy, and is the best student in the academy who is good at destructive spells.

"But Huiyao is very low-key and has nothing to do with any forces in the academy. He usually stays alone and conducts research and training alone. It's just that he seems to have a second-year cousin in the Wuwu Society.

"He is also a [Joker] from the Department of Transformation and Transformation. He acts mysteriously and leaves the academy from time to time. I don't know much about him."

Arctic Wolf, Traveler, Glory, Clown...Russell went through the four names in his mind.

Among them, only the clown is relatively unfamiliar to him and has nothing to do with his past.

"There are actually two departments of transformation and transformation!" Violet sighed.

Russell was not surprised by this——

Obviously the Arctic Wolf cannot be counted, there are only three of the four great kings of the academy.

And Russell is very confident that he will definitely become a fourth-year student in the future. After adding himself, the fourth-year senior college students will belong to four different majors, which is very consistent with the beauty of story creation.

"Blonde man, before hunting Violet and Star Eyes, have you successfully hunted other Junior House contestants?" Subway asked.

"Yes, half an hour ago I used frost magic to freeze a girl participating in the competition and took away the sapphire in her pocket. Now the sapphire is in my trouser pocket." The blond hunter responded with a blank look.

"Okay!" Subway clapped his hands and directly put his hand into the blond hunter's trouser pocket and found the sapphire.

The blond hunter, who was under severe hypnosis, always felt something was wrong when he looked at Subway playing with the sapphire.

Who is hunting whom?

"Very good, let's not worry about the fourth-year traveler for now. He shouldn't take action casually." Subway was very excited after getting the loot and put forward a bold idea:

"Russell, anyway, you are strong enough, and with the help of Clara and I, it is not a problem to deal with two or three third-year students at the same time. Let's go directly to counter-hunt those hunters and snatch their sapphires! Well, it's like fighting Just like the broken fire energy competition."

Russell immediately understood what Subway meant:

"What you mean is that after the hunters grab the sapphires from other students, we will take action to snatch the sapphires from the hunters. After the war, we can use these sapphires to exchange for college gold coins."

Even if Subway didn't say anything, Russell, who had just redeemed a high-end extraordinary item and took out a 210 Academy gold coin loan, also had this idea!

Xing Tong, who had black hair and blue eyes, opened her mouth uncontrollably after listening to the conversation between the two.

As a student of the Junior College, it is a crazy plan to hunt students of the Higher College in reverse!

Even in the entire history of college entrance examinations, this is unheard of!

"The only question is, if we grab more than one sapphire from the hunters of the High School, although we have not violated the rules and attacked the students of the Junior School, can we use these sapphires to exchange for college gold coins? This is doubtful." Russell went on to analyze.

You must know that the rule of exchanging sapphires for 10 academy gold coins was originally designed as a reward for the refund of registration fees for junior academy contestants who successfully passed the level, and as an incentive for senior academy hunters to hunt contestants.

When the rules were first designed, they never considered the situation where Junior Academy contestants snatched multiple sapphires from Senior Academy hunters!

After identifying the target, Russell summoned the Skull Sculptor, petrified the blond hunter who was tightly bound and in a deep hypnotic state, and then stuffed the lifelike stone statue into his dimensional pocket.

The dimensional pocket is not suitable for stuffing living animals, because living animals will suffocate, so Russell kindly turned the prisoner into a stone statue, which solved the problem of the prisoner needing to breathe.

Anyway, the petrification process is reversible. After the hunting game is over, it only takes a few seconds to remove the petrification.

Russell then immediately began to make plans:

"The first step in the plan is to stand still.

"Many hunters from higher institutes may not have successfully hunted sapphires yet. All we have to do is wait patiently, hide ourselves, and wait for the hunters to get enough sapphires before we start fishing and reverse hunting!"

Subway nodded in support of Russell's plan.

Clara on the side also counted the tentacles without any comments.

As a small Old Dominator with low desires, not causing trouble, and quiet, Clara has never prayed much for fame and money. She is very satisfied to be able to follow Russell and Subway and pass the practical entrance examination normally.

Russell and the other three found a thick giant tree nearby and sat down in the shade.

"Clara, you are an expert in the field of illusion. Do you have a way to hide us so that we are not discovered?"

Clara tightly wrapped around the colorful crystal as a magic weapon:

"I can try it. Just use the illusion curtain I learned not long ago."

More than a dozen tentacles waved in the air, and the light and shadow around the tree shades were distorted. Each color block became thicker, like an abstract oil painting. After a few seconds, the distorted light and shadow returned to normal.

But both Russell and Subway were vaguely aware that the surrounding environment was different.

Russell raised his hand and cast a medium, sharing the vision of a ghost in the distance.

Sure enough, from the outside, there was no one under this simple and old giant tree, and there was no such thing as Russell and the other three.

Even with Russell's third grade level of observation, he was unable to detect any flaws in the illusion.

Russell remembered that Thorn Bird had used similar illusions before to cover up her battle with him in the dense forest!

"The illusion curtain lasts much longer than ordinary invisibility spells. It will last until tomorrow afternoon. I can remove it at any time if necessary." Clara explained at the side.

"Clara, as expected of you! Your illusion skills are not much different from those of real students from higher education institutions." Subway said in admiration.

Subway had heard before that the Illusion Curtain was a difficult illusion that was nearly impossible for a second grader to master.

"Thank you. It's nothing." Clara said as a blush appeared on the top tentacles:

"I think I still have some talent in the spiritual and illusion systems. And in the past two months, this talent has become more and more obvious. I feel that my spiritual practice has become much faster, and it is easier to learn new spells."

"Could it be that the power of your ancient bloodline is showing signs of awakening?" Strange fantasy terms suddenly appeared in Subway's mouth.

"What do you mean?" Russell was speechless for a while.

"Klara is the Old One, even though she is still a child of the Old One. As she comes into contact with more advanced supernatural powers and continues to grow, Clara's talents as the Old One will surely be gradually discovered." The more Baiwei talked, the more excited he became:

"After entering the High School, Clara may be the first among us to become a fourth-year expert!"

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