
Chapter 253 Artificial God Plan

Three of the five members had fought against Russell in the forest hunting competition, but until now, Russell didn't know their pseudonyms in the academy.

A man with sharp eyes, a bookish look, and glasses based on astrology and numerology, whose pseudonym is Heimdall.

A red-haired young man with a handsome appearance, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, who specializes in psychic and illusion arts, and whose pseudonym is Animus.

A transformation and transformation vampire girl wearing a dark red Lolita outfit, whose pseudonym is Lilith. She had a painted face today, but all members of the research club and Russell had a tacit understanding and didn't tell her - vampires couldn't see themselves in the mirror anyway.

The other two members are Ares, a cheerful boy from the elemental and energy department, and Hela, a quiet girl from the undead and life department.

"Excuse me," Russell raised his hand after listening to the introductions of the five people. "Why do all your pseudonyms come from mythology? Is your research club some kind of gathering of gods?"

He knew that certain role members in the academy would unify a naming theme. If a joiner did not belong to the corresponding naming theme, their name would be changed after joining.

For example, most members of the White Wolf Club are named after animals, while members of the Sisterhood of the Green Rose are usually named after flowers.

Of course, this naming method sometimes causes problems. For example, Violet is not a member of the Greenbrier Sisterhood, but she is often misunderstood because of the pseudonymous naming method.

After hearing Russell's question, the five people sitting in all directions of the round table looked at each other.

Ares, who looked the most cheerful, explained:

"Actually, our pseudonyms were changed recently to correspond to our recent research topics. Well, it's the one I told you in the previous message."

The vampire girl Lilith, whose face was painted with random patterns, took a sip of black tea and said:

"There is no way. It was Heimdall who said it should be changed. He is so superstitious, saying that this can increase the probability of the 'Artificial God Project' bearing fruit."

Heimdall pushed up his glasses and retorted sharply:

"What kind of superstition? Are you really a student at the Magic Academy? How could you treat this kind of thing as superstition in the world's top paranormal research institution? There are profound mystical principles in it!"

"Wait, artificial gods? What on earth are you studying?" Russell narrowed his eyes.

Finally seeing Russell's surprised expression, Heimdall pushed up his glasses again, smiled softly, and said with a proud gesture of introducing the results:

"Yes, this is our recent research result!

“We conducted an in-depth study of the research results on divinity left by previous graduates of colleges and universities, combined with a large number of folklore and mythological elements, and finally realized the dream that humans have had for thousands of years – to create gods with human power!

"We created a stone prop that allows ordinary people to ignite the spark of divinity and ascend to godhood."

Ares next to him excitedly added:

"Classmate Russell, this is what I told you in the text message, the method of treating students who have lost their extraordinary power due to occult diseases——

"With the advancement of research results, we will one day be able to allow all students who have turned back to ordinary people to ascend the throne of gods, take over the authority of gods, and regain supernatural powers!"

Such an ambitious goal? Russell was a little dazed after hearing this.

Although he didn't know whether gods existed in his story, it would be too grand to use human power to make a large group of similar people become gods, right?

Is this what you third graders are supposed to do?

On the screen of Russell's mobile phone placed on the table, the big head of the wind chime squeezed over:

"Using human power to create gods! It's so cool. It's just like the lines of the villain in the movie. It sounds so powerful! I really want to see it!"

However, Russell was still doubtful:

"Can you demonstrate this research result of yours to me? Are there any cases where you have successfully ascended to the gods?"

Ares shrugged his shoulders and pointed at himself and the four companions around him:

"To tell you the truth, what we stand in front of you now is the result of research. We have all carved our names on the stone slab of destiny and become true gods."


An uncontrollable speechless expression appeared on Russell's face, and his eyes swept over the five members of the research club who looked unreliable——

Especially, it stayed longer on Lilith's face, which was painted with a cat face, making Lilith blush a little.

"Uh... I'd like to take the liberty to ask, after you became gods, did you have any changes from before?" Russell asked, "Aside from changing your name?"

Heimdall, who is mainly responsible for this research project, crossed his arms and said seriously:

“After becoming gods, we can develop believers on our own, draw the power of faith from believers, strengthen our spiritual level, and gain god-like authority and power.

"The more powerful the believer is, the more precious the power of faith he provides."

so smart? Why can't you feel it when you fight me...Russell's face is full of disbelief.

Heimdall paused, pushed up his glasses and said:

"Currently our research results have just come out. As gods in the startup stage, we are still in the stage of developing believers. Because the power of faith is too weak, the divine power is also very limited.

"Yesterday we successfully lit a match with divine power, which is a milestone achievement!"

What a weak divine power. It seems to be just a supernatural technology that uses the power of faith to provide oneself with strength. The so-called ascension to the gods is a gimmick... Russell's thoughts were spinning, and he immediately asked:

"Where do your followers come from?"

Jingle Bell.

Just as Russell asked, Heimdall's cell phone on the table rang.

Heimdall quickly took the phone:

"Mr. Arctic Wolf? Have you agreed to become my disciple?"

What? Are you actually talking to Arctic Wolf? If it can convince Arctic Wolf, who is nominally a fourth-year student, to become his disciple, then this research club is indeed quite capable...

As soon as Russell thought about this, he saw four other members of the Magic Research Club getting excited at the same time, leaning in front of their phones and chattering:

"Mr. Arctic Wolf, be my disciple, I am the God of Death."

"Yes, she is the God of Death and is already dead. Mr. Arctic Wolf, you should still be my believer."

"I am the god of media and TV shows, and I am relatively more fashionable."


The evil and domineering voice of the Arctic Wolf came from the mobile phone, which can be heard even if the hands-free mode is not turned on:

“It’s too noisy, it’s too noisy.

"Summarize each of your gods' divine power, clerical scope, dogmatic ideas, prayer methods, exclusive sacred objects, and sacrificial ritual patterns into a table, and then send it to me.

"I will then go back to the Kingdom of God and wait for notification. I will reply within 7 working days. Is there any god among you who can become my faith?"

5 people agreed in succession.

The call is over.

"Is this the way gods preach?" Russell said expressionlessly, "It feels like a salesperson selling products."

The five members of the research club choked at the same time and gave Russell awkward expressions.

"Well, this is how the gods were in our entrepreneurial period." Ares smiled awkwardly, "Our five gods still believe in each other."

Russell put aside the topic and asked:

"So how did you canonize the gods? What stone slab did you use? Can you show it to me?"

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