
Chapter 261 The Secret of Invisible People

"Wait a minute, I'm a little confused. Why does the secret door in the clown's cabinet lead here?" Wind Chime scratched Bai Bai's head.

"I'm afraid this fourth-year student, who is famous throughout the school, has long been an undercover agent of the World Supernatural Congress!" Russell said the answer that shocked Feng Chime.

Theoretically, the college does not prohibit students from taking on any positions outside the college. However, this requires reporting to the college, which the clown obviously did not do.

Just as Russell lowered his head and thought about countermeasures, the new visual images transmitted back by the ghosts wandering in the research institute made Russell's body tremble suddenly.

In the room where a certain trilobite ghost sneaked into, human arms, legs and feet "grew" from the rotating gear machinery, which looked hideous, weird and terrifying. Several researchers in white coats stood aside, operating these weird instruments integrated with the human body and writing down the parameters on paper.

"Refining the human body is a research project banned by the parliament last century!" Russell frowned slightly.

Another room where the Archaeopteryx ghost floated into contained glass jars filled with liquids one after another. The jars contained clearly developing human fetuses.

These fetuses are like being in the womb, with different stages of development——

Some have no human form at all, like small bugs; some have just grown noses and eyes; some have differentiated limbs, but their tails have not yet disappeared.

The surface of each glass jar is painted with green runes symbolizing the soul, and these runes flash from time to time.

"It is a study of how the soul is generated during fetal development!" As a master of the necromancy and life department, Russell recognized this taboo research at a glance, "Because it will damage the soul of the fetus, it is also prohibited. Invention project!"

As a student with a technical tendency, Russell actually did not have much aversion to various relatively taboo studies involving the fringes of human ethics.

After all, this is a world where the dead can be resurrected. As long as you are willing to pay the cost, certain seemingly taboo research, such as human sacrifice, may not cause substantial harm.

But this is the secret research institute of the World Paranormal Parliament. It's so ironic that Parliament is secretly working on a project it has banned.

"Oh my God! What did we see? Can we really get out of here alive?" The wind chime on the phone looked at the picture shared by Russell and was extremely scared.

Suddenly, Feng Chime's expression froze and he pointed at a newly shared picture by Russell. His pupils widened and his body trembled violently:

"Am I the person in this photo?"

At the same time, in an unoccupied room that looked like a chemical laboratory, the ghost of the Velociraptor looked at the messy pile of information on the table.

Among the files arranged horizontally and vertically, there is a color photo on a certain document paper.

The photo shows a young girl with eye-catching snow-white hair. There are tears in the girl's eyes and her expression is full of fear. The photo must have been taken under a very frightened situation.

"This is me, this is me! This is what I looked like when I was still alive." During the telepathic communication, the sound of the wind chimes was tinted with vibrato.

Although the details of his facial features changed slightly after transforming into a ghost, Feng Chime still recognized himself at a glance!

The characteristics of the person in the play allowed Russell to encounter this photo in a way full of coincidence.

"But, you were killed by the thorn bird. Theoretically, all the information about you during your lifetime has been lost, or replaced with a version that does not include you!" Russell's expression became more solemn, and he vaguely guessed a certain possibility.

This is a photo kept by the Thorn Bird himself!

Russell controlled the ghost, flipping through these documents and quickly understanding the relevant research content:

"This is the research that Thorn Bird is conducting. Sacrificing the soul and life of an extraordinary person to create a large number of potions that can allow ordinary people to awaken to extraordinary power - the awakening potions that Arctic Wolf and the others have taken.

"The witch took photos of most of her victims and recorded the corresponding physiological states and spiritual levels to study the relationship between the quality of the raw materials and the finished product.

"What the Thorn Birds left behind should be simple rough manuscripts, but the World Supernatural Council did not know what means they used to obtain these manuscripts, organize them into a more rigorous format, and add other information.

"The World Supernatural Council is very interested in Jing... I can't mention this name anymore...'s research, and also wants to explore how to mass-produce extraordinary beings in the cheapest way.

"They did start to try. This is the list of victims used for sacrifice by the M3 Institute in the past three years..."

The more Russell talked, the more frightened he became. He recalled in his mind the scene when he climbed into the abandoned tower and entered the Thorn Birds' secret room with Duncan and the Demon King.

The dried blood and corpses covered in dust left an indelible impression on the young man's mind.

Too many innocent people have sacrificed in order to find a way to make fantastic powers accessible to ordinary people.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the wind chime seemed to recall the horrific scenes of his life. He held his head, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and his body was shaking slightly.

"I don't know why the research results of the Thorn Birds got into the hands of the World Supernatural Congress. The worst, worst, worst-case scenario is that the World Supernatural Congress may secretly support the Thorn Birds." Russell's tone was low.

The Demon King in his heart finally couldn't hold it in any longer:

"What are the people of the World Supernatural Council doing? Do these scum have the nerve to become managers of the supernatural world?"

"I believe that most members of the Parliament are unaware. In the supernatural world, the more influential secret societies and witchcraft families all have a seat in the World Supernatural Parliament." Russell analyzed, "But there is a group of people He must have been informed, and even single-handedly led everything.”

"Supreme Council!" Russell and the Demon King in his heart simultaneously said the name of this organization that represents the pinnacle of the supernatural world.

Sleep Demon, who was also on the phone and had always been silent, saw his colleague Feng Chime in such pain and wanted to curse a few words, but he remembered that he was also a devil who had done many evil things, so he said nothing.

Russell gently stroked the screen of the phone, injecting spiritual energy and soothing the half-frightened and half-angry wind chimes in the phone:

"Wind Chimes, if our guess is true - that is, the Supreme Council really secretly supports the research on the Thorn Birds.

"Then the list of your murderers will probably include the Supreme Council.

“And with my physique, this worst guess is most likely true.

"The person we want to take revenge on is quite powerful."

The wind chime in the phone was suddenly stunned, and there was only shock on the delicate face, and she couldn't believe her ears:

"Wait a moment, Russell, what you are saying is that you want to be an enemy of the Supreme Council?"

Is this the pinnacle of the entire extraordinary world?

"We." Russell corrected the wording of the wind chime, "Declare war on the entire world and defeat the most invincible enemy. This is what the protagonist should do, isn't it?"

The devil in Russell's heart raised his thumb:

"Well said, young man! You are ambitious."

Russell nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

Because the target of revenge might include two powerful fifth-year men, Russell subconsciously checked his spiritual state, and suddenly found that he had reached the peak in the middle of the third grade without knowing when.

This is obviously great feedback!

When did I practice the ways of black magic?

Did you inflict pain on the monsters when you made a fuss in the Rules and Monster Talk Gallery? No, that little spiritual feedback is not enough!

Could it be that I discovered the dark side of the World Supernatural Council? Is it also the job of a black magician to discover darkness?

Or was it that I just felt angry, had extreme negative emotions, and deepened my understanding of black magic?

Russell couldn't find the exact reason for a while, and suspected that multiple selections were all selections.

He temporarily put aside the doubts in his heart and turned his thoughts back to reality:

“All in all, the water in this matter is too deep.

"We need to leave this place of trouble and return to the academy as soon as possible!"

His expression became serious again, and he injected spiritual energy into the dimensional ring on his toe, causing the ring to emit a ghostly light, and tried to teleport away from here.

There was a flash of light, and the invisible Russell disappeared, but immediately reappeared in the same place.

In the brief moment of disappearance, a line of bloody rule words flashed in Russell's mind.

"Without permission, any teleportation spells and dimensional gates are invalid in the M3 Research Institute!"

This kind of rule again?

Russell, who wasted a teleportation, frowned slightly and could only sneak forward along the corridor. Based on the map reported by the ghost before, he approached the stairs leading to the second floor.

There is a window on the second floor that leads to the outside world. As long as the window is opened, he can leave this secret base, jump from thousands of meters in the air, and cast another teleportation spell outside this fortress, far away from the place of right and wrong!

The invisible Russell avoided several waves of guards or researchers and followed the stairs to the second floor.

Just then, a piercing siren sounded! One red light after another came on, flashing rapidly.

"Intruder, intruder!"

Russell's heart tightened suddenly again.

Was it because he cleared the rules of the strange corridor that the creator of that corridor noticed?

When the guards in red tights heard the siren, they immediately began to search up and down. In groups of three or four, they walked through the corridors, rooms and stairs.

Russell, who was originally going to the window at the edge of the fortress, had no choice but to turn in advance at the intersection in order to avoid the guards. While sneaking, he drove the ghost to observe the surrounding environment and avoid the patrolling guards as much as possible.

After turning several times and walking around a corner, Russell saw four more guards in red walking towards him. One of them sent out waves of blue ripples from his fingertips. It was some kind of detection spell. .

Russell did not hesitate and hid in the open door of the office next to him.

After entering the room and quickly hiding in the corner, Russell took a breath and then turned to look at the situation inside.

In the invisible state, Russell's pupils dilated again.

There were only two men in the room, sitting on ergonomic chairs, communicating with each other.

One person was wearing a crisply permed tuxedo and a cheerful black and white clown mask on half of his face. From the other half of his face, you could see that he had pretty good facial features.

The other man appeared to be in his late middle age, with a lack of features, most notably his blue beard.

A fourth-year high school student, clown!

Greenbeard’s younger brother, Bluebeard!

The High Court, the clown's garden.

"How about it, Mr. Principal, you are a famous master in the entire supernatural world. I believe you will not make things difficult for us. Come with us now."

"Don't worry about the management of the college. According to the instructions in the document, I will temporarily take over control of the entire college during the period when Mr. Principal is away!"

There was undisguised joking in the green-bearded smile, and he waved to the dozen men and women in suits and ties behind him:

"Prepare to set up the teleportation circle and take Mr. Principal to the headquarters of the World Supernatural Council!"

Many college teachers fell from the sky and stood beside the old principal.

"How about it? Mr. Principal, do you want to go?" The elegant black cat floated beside the old principal's face. "If you leave, I can lead the team to search the clown's villa!"

After saying that, Professor Black Amber cast an angry look at Greenbeard and the others.

Looking at the green-bearded smile, the old principal clenched his old but still powerful fists tightly.

During this time, as a student Duncan, who dares to offend me? Well, except for teachers.

Any self-righteous guy who wants to teach him a lesson will be killed by me pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

You, are you worthy?

"Sorry, I'm doing important things now. Please wait for an hour or two." The old principal responded in a cold tone.

"You mean to disobey the order?" Green Beard's tone also became a little more serious, and a solemn and majestic aura emerged from the summons document in his hand again, making the air freeze tightly.

At this time, there were already more than ten or twenty floating figures in the night sky.

One after another, students from colleges and universities were attracted by the breath that just spurted out, and came to see what happened in the dormitory area!

Among the dozens of floating figures, there are Violet and Bai, freshmen who have just entered the Institute of Higher Education, Subway who likes to watch the excitement and Clara who was forcibly pulled here, Lilith, a night owl from the Star Magic Research Club, and someone who is standing in front of the school. Sparks on the flying carpet include fourth-year Mighty Radiant and Traveler.

When they saw the absentee principal, twenty or thirty teachers, and the investigative team of the World Supernatural Council, all gathered in the clown's courtyard and in the night sky, they were confused and shocked.

Subway flew into the air riding on the neck of the yellow scarf warrior, pulling on Clara's tentacles next to him, extremely excited:

"The big one is coming, the big one is coming! It's so shocking. The principal, who has returned to his original appearance, is fighting with the investigators of the World Supernatural Council!"

I saw the principal forcibly leading a whole group of teachers behind him towards the clown's villa.

The green beard frowned tightly and led a dozen investigators behind him to stop directly in front of the villa. He held the subpoena document high and a surging momentum surged out of it, as if it had become a real barrier!

"Please give way." The old principal's tone was filled with sullenness.

Greenbeard and the others were unmoved.

The old principal, who seemed to have expected it, sighed lightly, his eyes became hollow, and he said in a tone that seemed to state unshakable objective facts:

"Facing the legend of the president of the International Academy of Unified Magic and Supernatural, who stands at the top of the entire supernatural world, Greenbeard knows very well..."

Greenbeard's pupils suddenly widened, and he was about to interrupt the principal's speech:

“Are you using your powers on us?

"Are you crazy? You are interfering with the law enforcement of the investigators of the World Occult Congress!"

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