
Chapter 265 Don’t touch my students!

As the power of the Demon King's body intervened in reality, a fiery and surging aura enveloped the entire hall in an instant. All the nearby extraordinary guards couldn't help but tremble and retreated.

Thousands of meters above the ground, the entire M4 Research Institute trembled violently, and the floating layers of white clouds were blown away by the surging air waves.

The clown, who had just completed his transformation, had a resolute face belonging to a middle-aged man, unmoved, and raised his two palms in a defensive posture.

A crystal wall blocked the Demon King's claws, and the rolling abyss fire exploded, but the hemispherical crystal wall covered the clown's body, and not a trace of flame could touch him.

001's Crystal Wall!

This extraordinary system controlled by the World Supernatural Council can not only set rules and control order, but is also good at protection and shielding.

"You seem to have violated the rules by using power that does not belong to you, classmate Russell."

When the red flames spread out and turned into floating sparks, the clown said in a completely different voice.

Suddenly, the clown's intuition was triggered and he turned quickly towards the glass wall.

I saw a large hole with a diameter of more than two meters in the glass wall. Due to the difference in air pressure between the inside and outside, strong winds rushed towards the large hole.

Russell has already rushed to the entrance of the cave and is about to escape!

So that's it... The clown suddenly understood.

From the beginning, Russell did not believe in the clown's promise, and he had no intention of defeating the clown in a magic showdown!

The Dimensional Slash was not only meant to attack the Joker, but also to cut a long, narrow opening in the glass wall that was strengthened by supernatural power.

The Demon King's attack just now was just to attract the clown's attention, force him to defend himself, and cover his sight with the fire of the abyss.

Russell himself took advantage of the Demon King's attack to drive the ghost, punch a hole in the glass wall that had already been cut, and used the ability of the magic weapon to store the deformed sleep demon, the skull sculptor and the wind chime. Income mobile phone.

The next moment, Russell's body touched the hole in the glass wall, and he was about to leave the M3 Research Institute. Spiritual energy was injected into the silver ring on the big toe of his right foot, preparing to activate the last teleportation technique.

As long as you leave the laboratory area where teleportation is prohibited, you can immediately teleport away!


Russell seemed to have hit an indestructible transparent wall and could not go any further.

Russell's pupils suddenly widened, and uncontrollable confusion and shock flashed across his face.

There was clearly a big hole in the glass wall. The rapidly passing air waves rushing outside showed the authenticity of the hole, but Russell's body could not leave.

"How is this going?"

A bloody rule text suddenly appeared on the glass wall:

"No living thing is allowed to leave the M3 Institute."

Compared with the rule text Russell had seen before, this one was brighter red, and exuded a dangerous aura that Russell could hardly dare to look at.

If the rule text that Russell saw before was a trace left by a great existence that had existed for many years, this rule text now made him fearful, as if he was facing the pinnacle of the world, the legendary existence itself.

He quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the clown.

Tap tap tap.

Canes and leather boots hit the ground, making a crisp sound.

"004, I just haven't been here for a while, and this place has become such a mess. You should take full responsibility."

Bluebeard, who had been hiding aside before, and the guards around the hall suddenly froze and bowed respectfully forward.

The clown who originally looked like 001 wiped his cheek again and returned to his original form - a clown of normal size, wearing a tuxedo and half a mask.

The clown, who had returned to his original form, hurriedly reached out to the broken glass wall, gently turned his wrist, and turned the broken glass wall back to its intact appearance. The air in the room finally stopped flowing out quickly.

This simple deformation cannot be sustained permanently, but it can be used as an emergency repair.

Beside the clown, a middle-aged man about 1.9 meters tall appeared at some point. He was wearing a dark red dress with no wrinkles at all. He has a resolute temperament, hard features, and a face that looks more like a classical sculpture than a human being with emotions.

It's exactly the same as the clown transformed before.

"Sir 001! Why are you here?"

Bowing, Bluebeard bent his body at a sharp angle, not daring to look at the middle-aged man, and his voice was trembling.

"I felt it not long after there was a problem in the Endless Corridor." 001's tone did not fluctuate at all, and his voice was majestic and layered, as if coming from the infinite sky.

Looking at this man with a resolute face, Russell's expression became much more solemn.

"Is he 001?" The wind chime's vibrating voice echoed in Russell's mind.

The chief of the Supreme Council, the man who stands at the top of the entire supernatural world!

001’s stern gaze fell on the clown:

"You are primarily responsible for my accident today."

The clown put a hand on his chest and bowed politely:

"Of course, Sir 001."

After teaching the clown a lesson, 001 turned around and looked at the boy who was also looking at him warily by the glass wall:

"You are the college student named Russell, right?

"I received information before that the Demon King may be sealed in your body, and it is indeed true."

Just as Russell was about to respond, he saw a ball of flame pouring out from the ground in front of him, and the Demon King walked out of it in a swaggering manner, facing 001 directly.

The Demon King summoned his own projection clone!

One by one, the guards raised their magical weapons towards the Demon King.

"Are you the chief of the Supreme Council? This is still the first time I saw you. Or, you actually have many faces, and this is just one of you?" The Demon King's words contained a touch of emotion. Anger.

The illusory figure of the wind chime was outlined beside Russell, and he waved his hands in a panic:

"Wait a minute, Sir 001, Sir 004. Please listen to our explanation. The Demon King is not a bad person, and the legends are all false. Wang Xiaoming is actually a good person!"

The Demon King waved and signaled the wind chime to close his mouth and looked directly at the two members of the Supreme Council:

"It's true. The real biggest devil has a human form, wears a crisp suit and a beautiful tuxedo, speaks the most beautiful and nice words, and has the most distinguished and noble identity in the entire extraordinary world. He stands before us. in front of me.”

As the Demon King finished speaking, the two members of the Supreme Council, 001 and the Joker, looked calm. Bluebeard and several bureaucrats who had just gotten the news and ran in beside them were trembling with fear.

Is he crazy? Is he crazy?

Wait, if he is the legendary Demon King, that is indeed crazy.

"I want an explanation." The Demon King stepped forward step by step, red sparks rising from every footprint:

"What is the relationship between you and the Thorn Birds? Did the crimes committed by the Thorn Birds have your acquiescence or even support? Well, even if you have no connection, you did repeat the Thorn Birds' experiments, and I have seen the victims list."

Seeing Feng Ling's panicked look, Russell said in the psychic communication:

"I can compromise, but the Demon King cannot. As a demon dominated by the desire for justice, he has been suppressed for too long and needs an outlet to vent."

As he spoke, Russell pointed to the two Supreme Council members in front:

"Moreover, at such a close distance, facing the scum who may be your enemy, facing the enemies who want to kill us, don't you have some ideas, wanting to attack them, kill them, and admire them? Are their faces filled with fear absorbing the fear that is nourishment for you?

"Promise me, Feng Chime, that although I often scare you, you won't be so timid on this occasion.

"You are a female ghost who makes a living by scaring people, but they are the ones you should really be afraid of."

The illusive white-haired girl clenched her fists, her whole body trembling, tears filled her eyes, and then she mustered up the courage to wipe away the tears and nodded vigorously.

The ghost girl's snow-white hair swayed as she nodded.

"I have no obligation to explain anything to you." 001 gently raised his crutch and pointed at the Demon King.

Without any gorgeous light effects or other special effects, the Demon King's body shattered into a black mist.

"You are weaker than the legend says. Did you sleep for too long and cannot recover?" 001's voice was majestic but cold, without any emotion.

Russell's heart tightened suddenly, and the Demon King's voice echoed in his mind again:

"He imposed a seal on me, and my power cannot penetrate into reality now. Not even a trace of power! Boy, in the next time, I will try hard to break through this seal. It shouldn't be too difficult, it shouldn't be It’s too difficult, I can’t help you right now.”

Seeing that the Demon King was unable to fight against 001, Feng Ling bit his lower lip with his teeth and stared closely at the two Supreme Council members in front of him, trying to appear calm and calm.

001 looked at the Qingjun boy and the girl with flying white hair.

"Do you want to kill us and let your souls disappear into ashes?" Russell's expression was as calm as he mobilized the spiritual lake, and his hands once again emitted a blue light, facing the man who stood at the pinnacle of the supernatural world.

The effectiveness of the secret blood potion has faded, fatigue has long penetrated the body and soul, and Russell's spiritual level has also dropped back to its peak in the middle of his third year.

But at this moment, Russell felt that the spiritual water was churning and might break through the bottleneck ahead at any time and reach the late third grade.

The stimulation of the secret blood potion, the duel with the powerful clown, and the face-to-face legend of the fifth grade. The external stimulation made the spirituality boil.

001's crutch was raised, facing Russell and Wind Chime, who looked fearless.

Each guard held his breath, a smile appeared on Bluebeard's lips, but the clown's face was uncharacteristically serious.

"Who dares to touch my students?"

Suddenly, the old voice echoed in the hall, like thunder, making the entire hall tremble slightly.

Everyone looked and saw the old principal wearing a classical mage robe and a classical mage hat walking from the end of the hall.

Behind him were Subway, Clara, Black Amber and several other teachers.

The red-clothed guards seemed to have seen something extremely scary, and they retreated one after another, letting them come.

"Mr. Principal, Subway, Clara, and Professor Black Amber, are you all here too?" Russell and Feng Ling had smiles on their faces.

"Russell, air conditioner, I'm worried about you!" Subway gave Russell a big hug in front of a large group of guards and two members of the Supreme Council.

"Russell, just be okay." Clara also stretched out her tentacles and shook Russell's hand.

Seeing these people's indifference, Bluebeard's beard stood up.

What kind of performance is this? What they are facing is the highest power in the entire supernatural world!

And 001's face also cast a shadow of displeasure.

Only the clown still had a faint smile on his lips.

The old principal stood between Russell and the others and 001, the two members of the Supreme Council, with an unceremonious tone:

"Let me tell you, Supreme Council, you are not too kind this time. Not only did you steal the secret of the knowledge scroll, but you also set up a space tunnel in the academy leading to the secret base controlled by the Supreme Council, and also let your subordinates take it They used fake hunting orders to scare us.

"If I hadn't noticed this time, the future of the college would have been in danger."

001 just snorted and didn't respond.

The clown understood something immediately, and deliberately said in an exaggerated tone:

"Yes, that Hunting God Order is fake! I didn't expect Greenbeard to do such a thing, it's really too much!"

It wasn't until 001 glared at the clown that he quickly shut his mouth.

The majestic voice of the Demon King also echoed in the hall:

"No, Mr. Principal, their crimes are not limited to these! Russell Fengchi and the others have seen more ulterior things in this research institute!"

"That's it..."

The old principal laughed loudly, turned to Russell and said:

"Now, in front of everyone, tell me that you have not missed a single thing you saw in this research institute!"

The more Blue Beard looked at it, the more he felt that the situation was not good, and quietly walked behind the clown:

"Sir 004, do we really let them do this?"

"It makes sense," the clown said as if he suddenly realized it. "Now I am sending you to kill the principal and other teachers of the International Unified School of Magic and Supernatural."

Bluebeard shuddered and backed away quickly, understanding what the clown meant. The academy was also quite powerful - there was the old principal, the Demon King who could break through the seal at any time, three teachers of unknown strength, and a group of teachers. An unknown and terrifying creature composed only of tentacles and eyes!

Once a war actually breaks out, one's own side will inevitably pay a heavy price.

"Okay, let me tell you what I saw." Russell nodded slightly, then looked at Clara:

"Clara, have you learned the mind projection spell? Can you project what's in my mind?"

Clara rubbed her tentacles:

"I learned it not long ago, but I'm not very good at projecting other people's thoughts. The quality of the projected image may be a bit blurry..."

Before Clara could finish her words, surging spiritual energy burst out from the tentacle monster, and a spiritual storm swept through the hall, causing the consciousness of many extraordinary guards to freeze for a moment.

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