
Chapter 61

It will be available on Wednesday at 12 noon.

As we approach the 50,000 words before release (Improved Soul Conjuration, Opal’s entire witchcraft principles class, and the transformation of magic weapons in the spiritual practice class), the plot is too scattered and the storytelling is a bit weak. Some of it is just for fun. suspicion.

From the author's point of view, this paragraph is indeed not attractive enough, which is a bit regretful.

I was aware of this problem before I started the book, but the plots are coherent and it is difficult to modify these tens of thousands of words alone.

However, as for the plot after it is released, I am still somewhat confident after saving more than one volume in advance!

Let’s talk about the creation process, creative ideas, and subsequent update speed of this book, as well as some thoughts on this book.

【creative process】

In May of this year, I started thinking about what I should write for my third book.

I hope to draw on some of my previous experiences and lessons to create better works.

During this period, I was imagining several books at the same time——

The first one is this "Magic!" 》.

A nonsensical and funny modern fantasy with the highest degree of conceptual completion.

At that time, the title I decided on for this book was "Magic".

Later, when the book was actually released, I discovered that the name had already been taken by other signing documents.

I have no choice but to add an extra exclamation point.

It shows that our magic is even more shocking! ! ! !

The second book is a fantasy light novel about a different world from the female protagonist's perspective, with the second highest degree of completion in conception.

An updated adventure novel in the traditional male video style. The style may be more skewed toward two-dimensional/anime/light novel.

I have always wanted to read this type of story, and I have looked for a lot of male and female stories at home and abroad, but unfortunately I have never found one that suits my taste.

——There are several books that I like very much in terms of writing style and characters, but the narrative rhythm is not to my liking and the storytelling is a bit lacking, so I didn’t read them, which is really a pity.

But now that I am a mature author, if I can’t find something I like, I write my own!

The protagonist is an Artificer (craftsman, craftsman, artificer, mechanical warlock, weapon refiner, artifact master). He fights monsters to obtain materials to refine equipment.

The main plot is to collect the body parts of the God of Machinery and embed them on his own body, which is a bit like Xiao Yan collecting strange fires.

At present, I have conceived part of the settings, several climax points, the plot direction of the two volumes, as well as several male and female characters that I think are quite interesting. Especially the character design of the protagonist is super interesting!

When I was thinking about several scenes, I was moved to tears (covering my face).

Note: The two-dimensional light novel style refers to the unique youthful passion of "Dragon", or the gathering of OC people like "Danganronpa", rather than the cute style. And the protagonist will definitely not be as sad as Lu Mingfei - after all, this is the starting point for killing gods, demons and emperors (laughs).

The third book should be considered Eastern Fantasy.

The style includes suspense, weirdness, investigation, and puzzle solving, and will incorporate some weird folkloric elements, as well as techniques learned from pull-out criminal investigation movies.

In order to draw inspiration, I deliberately read collections of folklore and strange novels such as "Liao Zhai" and "Sou Shen Ji". However, I felt that most of the stories in them were quite boring, and their imagination was average compared to modern people. (x)

At present, the concept is still relatively rough, and there are only a few prototypes of cases, such as "One Day in the Strange Village" and so on. Specific details will not be disclosed.

The fourth book can be said to be a flavor variation of the third book - changing the background to modern society, and adding suspenseful and strange elements into the secret copy.

In this case, the story style may be more biased towards unlimited flow games and real group running games, and some elements of group running that I know can be incorporated.

The cultural elements that can be involved will be more diverse, including Eastern, Western and modern ones. The design of extraordinary power can also be less biased towards mysticism, religion and traditional culture.

After careful consideration, I finally plan to finish this book "Magic!" 》, because it has the highest conceptual maturity.


In June of this year, I started writing "Magic!" 》Outline.

With the writing experience of the previous two books, I clearly realized that a super long novel involving a huge world view and as long as three to four million words is beyond my current ability.

If you do this forcefully, it will inevitably lead to rhythm disorder and affect the perception. Moreover, because the serialization time is long and there are too many variables, the novelty has decreased, and the emotions and enthusiasm cannot keep up.

It’s better to start with a smaller map range!

I comprehensively evaluated my abilities and planned to appropriately reduce the length and scope of the world view, and finally decided to limit the entire story to the scope of a "magic academy".

The map is also divided into two types: the elementary school and the high school, which are low-level and high-level maps respectively. Plus a dense forest.

Before writing the article, I first listed hundreds of jokes - in addition to my own whims, some of them were inspired by anime, memes, group running experiences, and sand sculpture group friends.

After that, think of ways to string these hundreds of jokes into specific stories. (laugh)

During the writing process, many strange and wonderful ideas emerged, many more than I had prepared in advance.

Given that the current writing method requires too high a density of ideas, jokes, and memes, the article will not be a super long article in the sense of a web article. There is no way I can write a five-million-word joke.

The difficulty is not beyond my ability, so I will definitely not be a eunuch.

After the two main volumes are completed, there are plans for additional volumes. After all, many jokes, jokes, and ideas could not be harmoniously integrated into the main plot, so they were abandoned as side stories.

By July, after I had almost completed the outline, I gave up on the mobile games I was originally playing. I really couldn't find any interesting activities, so I officially started writing this book.

By the end of September, my manuscript collection was very full.

As a spoiler, the plot of the first volume of "Demons" has just begun, and there are still more than 200,000 words left to complete.

【Update plan】

It will be available tomorrow at noon.

After it is released, there will no longer be the ultra-short mini chapters that appeared from time to time before.

If there are no accidents, at least 2,000 per chapter.

After it is released, there will be three chapters per day, 6,000-7,000 words.

In addition to the launch at noon on the first day, the update time is adjusted to 8 am, 12 noon, and 6:30 pm (to be determined).

This pace will continue for at least a month or two until the end of Volume 1.

【Additional rules】

Each additional deacon (5,000 fan points) will add an update of 2,000 words.

In addition, one update will be added for every 10,000 points of reward, which is superimposed with the deacon’s additional update.

In other words, one leader adds 11 updates.

The upper limit is 50,000 words.

Don’t worry about the quality being affected by such a fast update speed. Anyway, the manuscripts are quite abundant.

It’s not that I don’t want to update faster, this is the result of my negotiation with the editor——

The update speed must match the recommendation rhythm and recommendation cooling time of the starting point. Because this book is not a particularly long super novel, it is necessary to delay the completion of the book by a few months, otherwise it will suffer a lot in terms of recommendation.

Moreover, online novels are interesting to read and follow a little bit every day, and watch the story slowly develop and the characters slowly grow! (loudly)

【Hope for this book】

"The Little Pastor" is my first book.

This book taught me how to write online articles for the first time.

There were a lot of bumps and bruises along the way, and the outline was changed several times along the way, but I finally finished the story.

Looking at it now, many of the techniques are quite immature, and it is indeed a debut novel.

"The Lord" is my second book.

This book taught me application techniques to create dramatic tension. Unfortunately, it places too much emphasis on technical things, resulting in no story stock in the stomach. It relies purely on gimmicks and tension to raise expectations, and it collapses as I write.

"magic! " is my third book.

The goal I set for myself with this book is to learn to write stories.

This includes both small stories and a large story with a complete structure.

It is not a simple repetition and extension of a single gimmick or a single "core plot". It is not a trick that drags hundreds of thousands of words without advancing and pulling repeatedly with a sense of expectation. It is not the attraction of "reading the title of the book is equivalent to reading the entire book". Measurement techniques.

Rather, it is a series of stories composed of specific characters, ups and downs, and interesting ideas.

It was only after I wrote more than 200,000 words in this book that I gradually felt the rhythm of narration and storytelling that I had only felt from the master of Qidian.

It was as if I was standing in a busy city, listening to the storyteller telling today's story in a melodious tone.

There is no passionate night of romance, but some are relaxed and relaxed, sometimes climaxing one after another, sometimes soothing and peaceful.

I thought it was over, but suddenly a village suddenly appeared in the dark place, making people immersed in it without knowing when.

Listening carefully, one may be in high spirits or be in awe.

"If you want to know what happens next, let's listen to the explanation next time."

It wasn't until the Allegro fell that I realized that today's storytelling was over.

The sun sets in the west and the evening breeze whispers, but the meaning is still unfinished.

The moment I felt the rhythm of this story, I suddenly discovered that the flavor I had only experienced in the works of other great authors turned out to be not so far away from me.

Looking back suddenly, it makes people sigh.

If I write a fourth book, I think I will learn to write impressive characters.

Move forward slowly, always on the road, and enjoy the scenery along the way.

When I look back, I see that my footprints have become a signpost leading to the top of the mountain.

And you, who is reading this line of text to the screen now, are the one who helps me move forward.

I will send out the reference list tomorrow morning. It will be 10 pages long.

The update time has not been finalized and is being adjusted.

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