
Chapter 71 Nocturne 69’s true identity

Chapter 71 69. Nocturne’s true identity

Nocturne suddenly changed the topic:

"I heard that the reason for the conflict between you and the White Wolf Club was that you wanted to help Clara settle the injustice."

Russell didn't deny it, just nodded slightly.

The lower half of Nocturne's face showed a strange expression, which seemed to be loss:

“Excessive kindness to others is a hindrance to your spiritual and spiritual ascension to higher dimensions.”

Before Russell could ask, Nocturne spoke:

"More than 10 days ago, when I came to the dormitory to look for you, I only vaguely learned from Kuroba that you and Kuroba had a conflict with the White Wolf Club, but I didn't know the specific details.

"I thought at the time that you were charged freshman protection fees, or that the White Wolf Club took the initiative to cause trouble for you due to other matters."

It turns out that the White Wolf Club also received protection fees from new students? Russell listened patiently.

"But after that, I asked for more details from Kuroba-san. You only took the initiative to conflict with the White Wolf Club in order to help Kuroba stand out and help him escape from the humiliating initiation ceremony."

The lower half of Nocturne's face still had a slightly disappointed look:

“It’s the same thing today, you took the initiative to intervene in the conflict just to help Clara.

"Russell, you are excellent, gifted and talented. You are exactly what we need. But these unnecessary emotions will only become a stumbling block on your way to a higher level."

Russell suddenly remembered a detail.

The first time Nocturne approached him downstairs in the dormitory, she was obviously more enthusiastic about inviting him to join the club.

But then he took the initiative to invite Nocturne to the cafe, provided information about campus ghost stories and Duncan, and then made a request to join the club. Nocturne became a little more indifferent, and only asked Russell to wait for the news.

Is this because Nocturne learned the specific story of what happened and that I acted bravely?

Nocturne or the association behind her does not accept kind or emotional people?

Russell remembered this important information.

This is something Professor Black Amber did not expect when he designed the plan!

Before Russell could respond, Nocturne laughed coldly again:

"But it doesn't matter. This absolutely does not mean that we will not accept you. Russell, you are such an outstanding person. The old people in the association are looking forward to the day when you officially join us.

“It’s just that before that, you need to wait for a period of assessment.

"Anyone can change. You can give it a try. From today on, focus more on your own desires and try to be indifferent to what is happening around you."

The sound of the nocturne became increasingly ethereal, as if coming from a distant cold wind.

Russell nodded, feeling a hint of preaching in the girl's words, and became more cautious.

"In four months, when you feel you are ready, I will take you to a party! There will be other people who want to join us. I will host this party with one or two other members of the society. banquet."

"Four months, so long?" Russell asked.

"Anyway, your freshman protection period is one year, classmate Russell." Nocturne smiled, "If people from the White Wolf Club give you trouble during this period, you can come to me."

"Thank you, Nocturne." Russell nodded and began to think of new ways to provoke Bai.

Nocturne's words today revealed an extremely important secret and made a promise. The mission has definitely been greatly advanced. . "I'll pay for it today," Russell said.

The next morning.

In Black Amber's private office, Russell stroked Professor Black Amber's fur while briefly describing what happened last night:

"Professor, that's it. It might be four months before I can join the society behind Nocturne."

Black Amber listened patiently and said:

"You have accomplished your task well, and I can give you a further reward. Speaking of which, Russell, what do you think of the identity and purpose of Nocturne?"

Black Amber knows the "standard answer" to this question.

That is, Nocturne most likely belongs to a supernatural organization outside the school, and has infiltrated the college as a student, trying to find out some of the secrets of the college.

"Nocturne and the association behind her come from the Red of Chaos, a high-risk cult composed of worshipers of the Demon King." Russell said matter-of-factly.

"Ah? Why?" On the desk, the black cat was startled and almost fell off the table.

She has many doubts about Nocturne's identity, and the Red Order of Chaos is just one of countless possibilities, not even the biggest one.

How did Russell directly reason out this?

"Professor, when you discovered that Nocturne was weird and asked me to get in touch with her, where did you think she came from?" Russell asked.

Black Amber's claws spread out:

"There are many possibilities for this. For example, when I first discovered that Nocturne's admission information was suspected of fraud, I suspected that she was a member of the World Supernatural Council and wanted to learn many secrets of the academy, such as the secrets of the academy, which can be directly poured into the brain. How to make a 'Scroll of Knowledge' for knowledge and spiritual ascension?"

"World Supernatural Council? The relevant department that governs and manages the entire supernatural world?" Russell recalled the name. "Is there still a conflict between this organization and the academy? Has this line of contradiction been paved before? If it has not been paved, then there is a high probability that it will Not their people.”

Have you laid the groundwork? What does it mean? Black Amber couldn't quite understand Russell's words:

"So Russell, how did you infer that Nocturne came from the Red Order of Chaos?"

"Because the name of this demonic cult has appeared too many times, but it has not appeared yet..." Russell began to use his weird logic to reason.

"Professor, do you still remember? To me, when did the name of the Demonic Order, 'Chaos Red', first appear?"

While Professor Black Amber was still recalling, Russell gave the answer directly:

"When you first met me, you saw me summoning demons and you thought I was being attacked by demon worshipers of Chaos Red. For me, this was the first appearance of this name.

"Afterwards, the name of this villainous cult group appeared again, and the school also discovered that they might have infiltrated the academy. This is obviously a sign of the opening of a branch plot or a main plot.

“But so far, the Red Order of Chaos has not appeared in my story.

“According to the principle of Chekhov’s Gun, since this name has been mentioned several times, it will definitely appear in the future.

“And because I am the hero destined to defeat the Demon King in the prophecy, and the Red Order of Chaos is trying to find the sealed Demon King, they are obviously important players.

“And if the character behind Nocturne is some kind of secret organization, then it’s best to be an organization whose name has been mentioned before, rather than making up one on the fly.

"To sum up, I think Nocturne is a cultist of the Red Order of Chaos, and the student association behind her is the disguise of a cultist who worships demons!"

Black Amber was shocked by this reasoning!

Is this the logic that people on earth would use?

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