Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1004: reason

"How did you get in?" Lucia asked with a frown.

"Just now... Shera suddenly appeared in the room you took us to."

Mu Hantian explained: "Mio asked her how she suddenly appeared on my lap, only to know that she made magic space passages everywhere in the city in order to tease people in ordinary times - or to make people in the city take refuge in emergencies. So I thought you might have it in your office too, so I asked Sheila to lend me it. I'm worried because Maria hasn't come back yet."

"It turns out that the mother is also true."

The gate was closed properly, so Lucia couldn't figure out how the blade entered, but she didn't think she used the space channel of Sheila. Lucia knew about the existence of the passage, but she didn't find her office and didn't escape, which made her deeply feel that she was still far inferior to her mother. After sighing in her heart, Lucia immediately changed her mood, looked at Mu Hantian and said, "Mr. Hantian, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"This is just my guess. Judging from Xuela's words and deeds, her status here is not low, but her strength is very weak. I think she must have lost her strength, right?" Mu Hantian said one's own thoughts.

Then he looked at Maria and asked, "Maria, you should know why?"

"Yeah, Zokiel, he told me one thing. Mom would lose her strength and become that way—because of giving birth to me."

Lucia's eyes widened slightly when Maria uttered the words in a trembling voice.

So, that's what happened...

Lucia finally understood. Maria's heart is indeed soft, but her sense of responsibility is stronger. So even if the situation made her struggle, she was convinced that she would never make the worst decision to help Zolkir.

Under the table that Maria couldn't see, Lucia clenched her right fist. He tried his best to suppress the boiling anger without making any sound.

What he told Maria was the truth. Lucia and Maria's mother, Shera, was the first among the Dream Demons to become a high-ranking Demon and be widely known in the Demon World. Shera used to be very powerful, and it is said that she was an equal ally with Wilbert, who is known as the strongest Demon Lord.

However——Serla suddenly lost most of her power for some reason one day.

That is to give birth to Maria. When she gave birth to her eldest daughter, Lucia, she was safe and sound, but when she gave birth to Maria, she lost most of her strength - she couldn't even maintain her original body, and she turned into the current look that was even younger than Maria.

But—— Lucia and the others have always been careful not to let Maria know about this. Knowing that your birth has deprived a beloved mother of her strength and beauty will undoubtedly hurt a child's heart. In particular, Xuela has a special status, and the consequences will be more serious.

So in order not to want Maria to feel ashamed or hurt by her existence, Shera and Lucia joined everyone around them and worked together to protect Maria—by hiding the truth.

It's impossible to completely conceal the loss of power from someone like Shera, but it is possible to cut off the connection with Maria. Therefore, everyone lied that Shera lost her powers before she became pregnant with Maria, and tried their best to hide this secret.

Many of the people who were close to Sheila in the moderate faction knew the truth because they accompanied her in childbirth, and felt sorry for her loss of her overwhelming power. Shera and Lucia went everywhere to beg these people not to reveal the truth, and even Wilbert agreed to help convince the people around them to keep secrets. With the cooperation of so many people, Maria was freed from knowing this cruel truth and raised her safely.

But how dare he...!

Lucia gritted her teeth in anger. Although I don't know where Zokiel, the current Demon King faction, came to know this secret that only a small number of people in the moderate faction know about - it's extremely low to harm others even after death.

Originally, Rukia hoped to take his life with her own hands, but after he escaped from the mansion where Mio was kidnapped, the Reiko's reaction that she tracked disappeared suddenly, and it should be dead.

When Lucia, who had nowhere to express her anger, suppressed the hatred in her heart—

"I'm sorry, Sister Lucia..."

Maria seemed to regard Rukia's silence as anger towards her, lowered her head and said, "The old mother that my elder sister respected most was taken away by me."

"This—" Hearing Maria say this feebly, Rukia thought to stop her.

I'm afraid, Maria thought that Lucia's stern attitude so far was because she made Shera lose her power. Maybe she thought it was her responsibility, so she wanted to save Sheela and went astray to help Zolkir. But--


Lucia treats Maria harshly, and from her position, she became the second-in-command of the current leader of the moderate faction, Ramsas, and her responsibility was different from the past.

From time to time, you have to treat those around you harshly and make cold judgments. Of course, you are not allowed to favor your own people; when your sister becomes his subordinate, you must stick to the principles.

And the responsibility for Shera's loss of power is not on Maria. Sheila knew what would happen and decided to give birth to a child, and Lucia also agreed with her mother's decision; and Maria did not live up to the determination of her mother and Lucia, and was born healthy.

"You guys are really enough, I can't stand it anymore. Lucia, does Sheila know the consequences of giving birth to Maria?" Mu Hantian interjected.

"Of course..." Lucia said in a conditioned reflex.

"That's right. Maria, you don't need to blame yourself, since Sheila knows the consequences, but she still insists on giving birth to you, and she has done a good job of keeping your secrets, which shows her hard work. "Everything she does is for you to grow up healthy, not for you to be the way you are now."


"Don't think too much. It's been a long time since this happened. Your self-blame is useless. It's better to grow up well, so as not to disappoint Xue La. Let's go and have a rest." Wanting to talk about Maria, Mu Hantian gently held her little hand.


Mu Hantian took Maria's hand and returned to the guest room where Mio and the others were waiting with Lucia.

"Sorry, I came back so late." Mu Hantian opened the door and entered the room, seeing Mio and the others still drinking tea, and Jest was waiting by the wall when Mu Hantian entered the room.

However—Xuela may have foreseen that Luqia would come to curse people because she borrowed Mu Hantian's use of the space channel, and no one was seen, but there was another person in the room. Maybe it was from Shirara, there was a male old demon with a long white beard on his face, who was drinking tea with Mio and the others.

Alas, I haven't read the original, it's really troublesome. Mu Hantian thought helplessly in his heart.

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