Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1018: their respective battles

"Are you Dongcheng Geng Xizi?"

Galdo's words made Gengxizi's expression tense slightly.

"The report says that Wilbert's daughter is protected by the sons and daughters of Xun Dongcheng."

The girl didn't answer, but that was obviously the default.

"You are too careless."

Galdo said to Geng Xizi in front of him: "Even if you hide Wilbert's daughter, you foolishly come forward now, which is equivalent to saying that she is also in Verda."

"Really? Just because I'm here, doesn't mean Mio must be here, right? Your words have no real basis at all, it's just speculation. I heard that you attacked the city because Mio hid here—"

The girl in front of her finally opened her mouth and said with a shallow smile: "But don't you think that Wilbert's daughter is also here to attack just because Xun Dongcheng's daughter is here? If it's so ridiculous. The reason is spread out, but it will laugh off the big teeth of other forces."

After listening to Geng Xizi's words, Galdo replied indifferently: "After I have dealt with you and your accomplices, I will find her out. The justification for attacking here is as much as possible."

"Really? I'm really sorry, my mission is just to hold you back."

"Do you think you can do it?"

"It's hard to say... It's really difficult for me to defeat you and that heroic spirit, but if you just hold you back, there's no problem at all." Geng Xizi looked directly at Galdo and said.

"Okay, I'll fight with you, Dongcheng Geng Xizi. Although you don't want to fight with a woman, you are Xun Dongcheng's daughter, so you shouldn't be weak."

Galdo continued: "But...does it really matter? Although Zest is blocking the bottom, there are still two Heroic Spirits. If you move slowly, be careful that Velda City is gone?"

Geng Xizi laughed twice and replied, "Thank you for your advice - but you don't need to say this kind of thing."

At this time, Galdo heard a roar in the distance. As soon as he saw it, the Heroic Spirit traveling from the east route was hit on the side of the head, and he was stepping to stabilize his center of gravity.

It seems that in addition to Geng Xizi and Zest, there are other people who have fought against Heroic Spirits.

Around the heroic spirit, there were two figures moving quickly - after seeing the figures clearly, Galdo narrowed his eyes.

"Is that—that pair of dream demon sisters?"


It was the two sisters Lucia and Maria who blocked the Heroic Spirits from the east route.

"Although women like tall men, but being too big will have the opposite effect - little puppets!"

To the grinning younger sister who threw a powerful punch on the cheek of the Heroic Spirit and shook his huge body——

"Stop talking nonsense during the battle, Maria." Lucia, who also changed into her battle uniform, said calmly.

Standing at the top of the street lamp, in front of her was a Heroic Spirit with an overwhelmingly huge body.

"Also, it's not the cheeks that should be hit, but here."

What Lucia swung next was the whip on her right hand. In an instant, a loud cracking sound "Bang!" exploded, and the impact from diagonally below swept across the chin of the Heroic Spirit. The side swept opposite Maria's punching direction knocked the huge Heroic Spirit that lost its balance back to its upright position.

"It's easier to shake the opponent's brain here. But as a melee fighter, how can you not know such a basic thing..."

Lucia said with a sigh: "Furthermore, this is a defensive battle. Although the primary goal is to defeat the enemy, your actions must also take into account how to minimize the casualties around you. If others can't do it, how can you even kill us? Why don't you try your best to protect your hometown?"

Knowing that Lucia's intention was to prevent Heroic Spirits from crushing the city——

"Ah! I'm sorry, Lucia-sama. Then I'll—"

Maria quickly apologized, and stepped on the adjacent wall to jump towards the Heroic Spirit. but--

The Heroic Spirit saw her intention and waved his left arm as if he was going to lay down Maria.

"Boom!" The giant hand that shook the air quickly shook, facing Maria who was trying to approach.

"Oh!" Maria calmly turned to the side, and her tail swept out with inertia hit the arm of the approaching Heroic Spirit—and using this as a fulcrum, she drilled through the Heroic Spirit's waving hand from below, only the wind The pressure blows messed up the hair, the person is safe and sound.

When Lucia was surprised by Maria's quick response, Maria, who had tried to directly attack the lower jaw but was forced to evade downwards, still did not give up her goal, grabbed the Heroic Spirit's left collarbone and yanked it forcibly overturned, upside down. Prancing -


Immediately after that, he roared vigorously, and kicked the Heroic Spirit's jaw with all his strength from directly below. boom! In the low sound of the crash, the huge heroic spirit whose jaw was attacked stood up and fell backwards——

"How about this, big sister! Is it alright?"

Maria looked back with an expression that Lucia was familiar with. Even so, seeing my sister just leave for a while, there is such a solid growth...

She has become a lot stronger. My lovely sister, maybe she no longer needs her own protection. but--

"That's just changing the direction of the fall, but it will still destroy the construction in the city!"

Lucia sighed to Maria, who was searching for her reaction, "What a stupid child." Then she jumped off the streetlight, landed on the top of the building beside her, and went around to the side of the Heroic Spirit and whipped again. With the crackling sound, the whiplash on the back of the head made the Heroic Spirit stand up straight.

"Listen, Maria. A huge enemy like this, try to take him down without letting him fall."

"Uh, does this mean that you don't want to beat him but you want to beat him, my elder sister... is it really possible?"

"No. In the human books I read when I was studying human beings, there are methods that are very suitable for dealing with such enemies."

"It's probably the feeling that when you hit the right cheek, you have to hit the left cheek together. That is to say - as long as you attack in groups of two, there will be no problem. If there is a right, there must be a left, and if there is an upper, there will be no problem. There is the next; in the same way, after attacking from the rear, it is enough to attack from the front."

"I see. But that sentence definitely doesn't mean that. Speaking of which, you can see this kind of tactics from that section... As expected of my elder sister."

"Of course. When I first read that sentence, I thought it meant cutting weeds to eradicate the roots. I never thought that human books would record effective tactics against huge enemies."

Lucia said with emotion, and looked directly at the heroic spirit who was looking back at her who was standing on the roof——

"It doesn't matter if we attack separately, but since it's the two of us—you should cooperate with me, Maria!"


Maria, who nodded in response, joined forces to launch a real offensive against Heroic Spirits.

Lucia's whip, Maria's fist. The Dream Demon sisters attacked in complete pairs, setting off a shocking storm that engulfed the heroic spirit's huge body.

Heavy beatings and high-pitched pops, like drums, one big and one small, are strumming in chorus—a rhythm is gradually struck. The attack of the Heroic Spirits by the sisters who matched the rhythm was transformed into an impromptu performance, and the two attacks were intertwined into a rhythmic melody.

The combo of Lucia and Maria did not give the Heroic Spirit any time to defend, let alone evade or counterattack.

However, Maria, who seemed to have gone too far, stepped on the shoulders of the Heroic Spirit—

"Ahahaha! Look at the trick!"

He threw a spin kick towards the right cheek of the heroic spirit, hitting a particularly heavy bass. After taking this powerful blow, the heroic spirit's huge body fell to the left at a speed that could not be counteracted by Lucia's normal whip. therefore--

"Um... not good."

Lucia immediately reacted to Maria's out-of-order performance ignoring her, and changed the target of her whipping from Heroic Spirit to Maria. It wasn't an attack, it just swept Maria out of the right ankle that was kicked back and forth, and instantly wrapped it tightly with the tail of the whip, and the next moment——

"咦 ... 咿咿咿 ah, ah ..." Wan Ziya made a scream.

Lucia forcibly swung down her right hand and swung the whip around Maria's ankle, asking her to take responsibility for her own complacence and hit the Heroic Spirit's left cheek like a hammer.

With the sound of the crash, which was too exaggerated to describe it as "Clap!", the giant Heroic Spirit that was gradually collapsed came back upright. Maria's body clearly marked a "big" character on the Heroic Spirit's left cheek.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy sis, this is too much..."

"Who taught you not to cooperate with me to mess around, I just use the way of others to treat others."

Just when Lucia coldly answered Maria, who was complaining with tears in her eyes.

There's a new movement on the other side of the city

The Heroic Spirit, which was heading towards Velda Castle from the west, was attacked from right above and knelt down on both knees. Then——a shadow in the sky descended rapidly towards the heroic spirit.

"That's..." Lucia looked not far away, and the attack in her hand also didn't fall (la).

"Ah, I asked Yuxi and Hu Tao to deal with that heroic spirit."

"Brother, you are finally here."

"Ah. Hurry up and clean up this place." As soon as Mu Hantian finished speaking, he rushed towards the heroic spirit.

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