Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1023: their own ideas

The most majestic castle in the Demon World is called Lundvall.

This is the base of the current Demon Lord faction led by the young Demon Lord Leohart.

This city is not only a major military center, but also assumes the function of a political center after the new Demon King ascends the throne.

However—the highest decision-making power of the current Demon Lord faction is not solely in the hands of Leohart.

This is due to the existence of the Cardinal—a group of high-level demons who can be called the living history of the demon world.

——In the middle of the night when only the star Haoyue silently illuminates the earth.

Leohart was alone, walking in the silent corridor of Rundval City.

Every time he took a step, a cold and hard sound echoed repeatedly in the spacious space.

The destination is the West Tower, which is located on the periphery of the vast territory of Rundval City.

It was a forbidden area that no one could set foot in except Leohart and his approved personnel.

After turning into the central communication channel, the wall is replaced by a whole piece of huge glass window.

Under the pale moonlight peeking in from the side, Leohart dragged his long shadow and continued to move forward.

Before the entrance of the West Tower, he stretched out his right hand to authenticate the spiritual child, opened the thick door and stepped into the tower immediately; he then unlocked the double protection that both the spiritual child and the magic wave must meet, activated the automatic lifting device, and a huge magic appeared on the ground. array.

The next instant, the magic circle supported Leohart's feet and began to rise.

The speed was getting faster and faster, but Leohart's long hair and cloak never fluttered under the pressure of the wind.

This is because when the automatic lifting device is activated, the windproof field is also opened at the same time.

So Leohart closed his eyes and began to meditate before reaching his destination.

Today, Leohart was ordered by the Cardinal to devote himself to the Heroic Spirit he had just discovered and attacked the Moderate faction's stronghold, the former Demon King's City, Verda.

In order to hunt down the only daughter of the former Demon King Wilbert, Naruse Mio.

The commander was Galdo, who used to be closer to the throne of the Demon King than Leohart, and the Cardinal sent a high-level demon Nebra in the name of an overseer.

——However, the battle of Verda’s aggression ended in failure.

For what happened, Leohart has been fully reported.

Just as the Cardinal sent out a monitor, Leohart also installed a trusted partner, Lass, to monitor the battlefield as a precaution, so that he could keep abreast of the latest situation.

Knowing that Galdo was captured by the enemy after the war, he ordered Rath to carry out a rescue operation and asked the Moderates for a decisive battle.

The content is that the two sides are in a direct confrontation in this Lundvall City, and it is a hundred.

Leohart was convinced that this was the right choice.

The power that Naruse Mio inherited from Wilbert has begun to awaken.

Mu Hantian's combat power was beyond imagination, completely crushing Galdo.

The rest of the helpers were enough to defeat the Heroic Spirit team that Luca had prepared.

When Ramthas first went to the battlefield, he showed the power to destroy high-level heroic spirits with one blow.

In addition - Tojo Xun, who had fought against Leohart a few days ago, is said to have also joined them.

Although they have an overwhelming military advantage, it is too wasteful to use them to deal with them; even if the gap is too large, they will definitely overwhelm them in the end, and the hostile forces that prevent Leohart from uniting the demon world are not only the moderate faction, they must retain a certain amount of combat power . The current Demon King faction led by Leohart and the Moderate faction ruled by Ramthas are only the two largest factions in the demon world today, and there are many other groups, which cannot be avoided.

more importantly……

And the troubled roots of the Cardinals. Those old scourges are the obstacles that need to be removed more than the moderates, and unnecessary sacrifices or attrition must be avoided as much as possible.

For Leohart, the decisive battle between the minority representatives of each faction had two main points.

First, this is different from a large-scale battle, which can minimize the intervention of the Cardinal; it can also reduce the possibility of plotting to take advantage of the chaos of the battle in this attack.

Second, in a decisive battle in this way, the moderate faction will be more advantageous than the current demon king faction. For the moderates who are overwhelmingly inferior in strength, it is of course better to resolve disputes by means of a duel between representatives of both sides, rather than a complete total battle.

To put it bluntly, it is deliberately cooperating with the weak points of the moderates - but this is also a necessary sacrifice in order to stop letting the Cardinal do whatever it wants. There is no better way to find a decisive battle that is least likely to be destroyed by the Cardinal.

Therefore, Leohart made this choice and informed the Moderates when Galdo was rescued. Then, using the audio-visual crystal, he recorded the decisive battle request including his own image and voice, and left an official mark on the crystal surface with the magic power fluctuation, and sent it to the city of Verda by the flying dragon commonly used on the battlefield.

At this moment, this crystal should have been in the hands of the moderate faction, and a group of people have studied its content.

Since they can push the battle situation in a favorable direction, 80% of them will agree.

In this way, it is finally a step forward.

Thinking so, Leohart opened his eyes, and the elevator started to slow down at this moment. When the device stopped completely, there was another heavy door in front of him.

At eye level, however, the door has a color that is very incompatible with its stately carvings—a light pink wooden sign in the shape of a heart. On the surface of the wooden sign, written in lovely round font:

"If you don't knock on the door, you'll be spanked."

Leohart smiled lightly at the wooden sign and followed the instructions to knock on the door.

However, he didn't get the reaction he should have from behind the door.

It's too late, are you asleep?

So Leohart knocked a few more times, and after confirming that no one answered the door, he quietly opened the door and entered the room.


Wilbert, known as the strongest former Demon King in history.

Ramsas, who inherited his career for such a great brother, was in his office watching the content of the audio-visual crystal sent by Leohart.

"The development ends here."

Lucia reported so quietly after seeing the image Leohart projected on the wall gradually shrinking, and began to meditate.

After being attacked by a huge heroic spirit during the day, the current situation of the Moderate faction and the current Demon Lord faction changed drastically. Leohart actually asked a small number of representatives from each faction of the two sides to conduct multiple groups of one-on-one duels as a way of decisive battle.

It's actually not that bad.

Even though that was the decisive battle method proposed by the opponent, for the moderates who were overwhelmingly disadvantaged, they had no conditions to fight a big melee battle with the entire army. Moreover, although today, with the assistance of Basara and others, they successfully defended against the opponent’s huge debt. There were still many casualties among the soldiers in the raid launched by the Heroic Spirit.

"So, what do you want to do, Brother Ram?"

As Lucia pondered deeply, a man broke the silence in the room with an unimaginable address to Ramsas, whom she loved and admired.

Normally, Lucia would never allow anyone to be disrespectful to her master. Yet she remained silent. Because she understood what kind of person that man was.

Dongcheng Xun, a terrible character known as the God of War in the previous World War. He had fought against the former Demon Lord Wilbert, who also had the reputation of being the strongest, in a battle, and the battle was indistinguishable. Since the battle was fought in secrecy, no records were left.


Lucia once heard her mother Sheila say that even if they were hostile, they would still be heroes and cherish heroes, and after going through all kinds of twists and turns, they had a trust that no one could provoke; The end of the war was also due to the secret pact he forged with Xun.

The relationship between Xun and Wilbert has now been inherited by Ramsace. It would be too naive if Lucia wanted to accuse Xun of being wrong at this time.

Xun sat on the sofa directly opposite Ramsas, and the appearance of spitting blue smoke with his feet up leisurely, had a strange charm that had never been seen in any male. Lucia, who had sworn allegiance to Ramthus, would of course not be tempted by him; but the maid who was ordered to serve Xun had already been fascinated by him.

"It must be gone."

At this moment, Ramsas made a low voice.

"The other party will specially propose a decisive battle method to cooperate with our problem. I am afraid that there are some serious inside stories. Even if it is just a trap, this kind of decisive battle is not too bad for us."

Rukia had no objection to Ramsas' thoughts. She even looked forward to agreeing to this request as soon as possible before the general battle when Leohart changed his mind and changed his career to compete with troops.

"Yeah, I think so... by the way, what about Mr. Claus? Did he say anything about it?"

"Lord Klaus seems to have been deeply affected by the betrayal of Russ by sending the current Demon Lord's undercover and trump card, and willing to take responsibility for the deterioration of the situation due to the robbery of the enemy's prisoners. In the decisive battle, all decisions are left to our judgment.”

"Lass is that Han Tian's best friend who goes by the pseudonym Takigawa. I heard that his head is very bright... At this time, he was slapped by his own hands. It seems that Xian Lao is really old." Xun smiled bitterly.

"However, things won't go as planned in the first place... Like Wilbert's death, it was two years earlier than the original plan, and even Mio ran back to the Demon Realm. Where did the judgment go wrong? La?"

"Wilbert's death date is early because there are more people in the moderate group who have stupid dreams than expected." Ramsas answered Xun's question without hesitation.

"As for... Mio was called to the Demon Realm because the young man who came out of the Cardinal to become the new Demon King is more appealing than we thought."

"Understood... Well, that young master named Leohart is indeed worth seeing."

With a clear look on his face, Xun twisted his sloppy beard and said, "Before I come here, I will sneak into the city over there to see what he looks like. His combat strength is two-fold. Twelve points are enough to be crowned with the title of Demon King."

"Anyway, he was pushed by the Cardinal to take over the seat of the Demon King. I thought they would find someone who would obey them this time, so that it would be easier to control."

"Those in the Cardinal, probably because they saw that Wilbert's influence died and did not disappear, that's why they were afraid to do this. If they don't even have the ability to resist them, the entire force will be dragged down by him... It's ironic."

Hearing what Xun said, Ramthas was silent.

"However, since things are going to be resolved, it means that even if the plan in that part changes somewhat, it won't affect the entire script."

Xun went on to say: "Let's not talk about this, but I went to see the place where we met when something happened, but there was no sign of 'her'... Has this part changed too?"

"No, I can't grasp her whereabouts either."

Ramsas shook his head and said with a slightly serious tone: "If she really wants to hide, even the Cardinal can't find it... But in this situation, I don't know why she hasn't come to us yet. ."

At this time-

"Actually... I always feel that the reaction of sister Zephia's spiritual child seems to be not in the demon world at all."

A young voice interrupted the conversation between Xun and Ramthus. Turning his head and looking, sitting next to Xun on the sofa, there was a little dream demon, Xue La, sitting there.

"Lord Mother... Didn't I advise you several times that you must go through the main entrance when entering Lord Ramsace's room?"

Although Shera, like Shun, had an equal relationship with Wilbert, Lucia couldn't tolerate her family that much.

"Don't be so serious." Sheila shook her hand to reassure.

"Can you feel it, Sheila?"

"I can't guarantee it... It can only be said to be a good woman's intuition."

"Your intuition is always accurate..."

Xun scratched his head indiscriminately and said: "It's embarrassing, this is also a waste of time... Forget it, in short, deal with the problem at hand first, otherwise it will be bad. Regarding the decisive battle proposed by others - what are your plans?"

"No matter what, it can't be handed over to those children."

Seeing Ramsas say this with a solemn expression, he sighed quickly.

"Please, Brother Ram... I've endured the desire to do it directly, and come here to find you? Can you help me too?"

"That Leohart's is a lot stronger than expected, but right now it's up to those little **** to solve the problem. If we jump out stupidly, the situation will be worse than when the 'plan' started, It’s impossible to achieve what we want; besides, you’re not that good at fighting now, are you? Besides, is Mu Hantian’s plan really okay?”

"I believe him. And now, except for Han Tian, ​​it is very difficult for others to win that Leohart and his subordinates, but... there are still a few days before the decisive battle, right? Although it is very short, I still I can teach as many of my methods as possible before they go to other people's turf—the way they can win. It's not too late to come to a conclusion, right?"

Xun said this to Ramsas who insisted on not giving in, and smiled crookedly, then yawned "Ugh...".

"Okay, that's about it for today. I'm going to rest. After this long journey, I'm really tired. How is Feo?"

"Mr. Xun, is the child you brought? He should be resting in the guest room."

"Then I'll go to that room and sleep, should there be more beds?"

Hearing Lucia say that, Shun stood up from the sofa.

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