The last place Mu Hantian and the others were brought to was the guest house located in the vast atrium.

There is a lot of space in the museum, and it is too big for seven people; there is a large living room and many bedrooms, and the kitchen has prepared a lot of ingredients; the dressing room is equipped with a magic device with washing and drying functions, and there are various daily necessities in the bathroom. There is no shortage of equipment for everyone to live comfortably.

"Okay, it should be fine."

For the sake of safety, the walnut borrowed magic from the elves to check whether there was anything suspicious in the hall and the ingredients, but fortunately, no problems were found. The scale of the current Demon King faction is undoubtedly much larger than that of the Moderate faction, and it is also the biggest force in the demon world now; and Leohart, as the demon king who rules this force, has shown an appropriate bearing to entertain Mu Hantian and others who bravely entered the enemy line. people.

After the inspection, Mu Hantian and the others gathered in the living room to start a small meeting.

"I really can't think of it, I thought they would find some trouble..."

After Jest actually said the question, Mu Hantian expressed his opinion.

"This is the pride of the current Demon King. It means that he doesn't need any small moves to defeat us."

This is not only a matter of Leohart's face, but showing humility like this is also a necessary demeanor for a king. However, he does not appear to be generous enough to grant the right to go out freely. Arranged for two maids to stand by outside the guest house. Although they have said that if there is any omission or need assistance, they are ready to be dispatched at any time; but to put it bluntly, they are here to monitor.


From the previous dialogue between Leohart and Belphegor, it can be seen that the influence of the Cardinal is indeed quite huge. If he ignored this situation and won the decisive battle by playing tricks before the battle, it would be impossible for Leohart to gain momentum in the current Demon Lord faction.

At present, Belferge is still unclear about the decisive battle. Leohart's calculus was to end the disputes between the two factions by means of a decisive battle that reduced the room for the Cardinal's intervention as much as possible, and to pull the people's hearts who were prone to fall to the Cardinal to him. Well, maybe-

"For him... this decisive battle with us is likely to be his move to rectify the Cardinal."

When Mu Hantian was thinking about the question, he noticed that Mio was staring at him without saying a word, and asked, "What's the matter, Mio?"

"Is it true what that person said before? Brother."

Mio raised her uneasy eyes and asked the question. "When Takigawa killed Zokiel... were you there too?"

Mu Hantian shrugged under the eyes of everyone, and pursed his lips.

This kind of silence is almost irrelevant if it is directly regarded as an admission. soon--

"Yes, that's true."

Mu Hantian clearly admitted that he had concealed the fact that Mio and the others had been concealed until now. The three people who had the deepest relationship with Zolkir - Mio, Maria, and Zest, couldn't help but gasp for air and tensed up.

"Han Tian, ​​why did you do that?"

After Yuki asked this for the three who couldn't speak...

Mu Hantian replied in a heavy tone: "No matter what, I don't want Mio to get his hands dirty because of revenge, and live in the shadow of that kind of person all his life; however, as far as my own feelings are concerned... I still forgive me. Not that guy."

"Brother." Mio understands that Mu Hantian values ​​every friend and family member around him, and he also knows that his heart is very firm; doing such a thing must be completely for them, and there will be no two hearts.

"I'm so sorry for hiding it for so long..."

When he saw Mu Hantian bowing his head to apologize earnestly, Mio couldn't hold back any longer.

She gently hugged Mu Hantian's head into her chest, and said, "Don't apologize... I'm sorry for letting you carry so many responsibilities alone."

What Naruse Mio wanted to know—that's enough. I'm sure others do too.


"You mean... want me to change the rules of the decisive battle?"

In the high-level pavilion meeting room at the bottom of Lundvall City, Leohart's question sounded.

Leohart met Naruse Mio, Mu Hantian and others in the lobby and then came to this conference room to explain the details of the decisive battle with the Moderate faction.

On the other side of the question, Belferge, who stood at the top of the Cardinal, laughed: "Don't say that, I don't want such an excessive thing."

"Your Majesty... Your Excellency Belphegor is just asking you if you can accommodate and increase the number of entries."

The next person to speak was another cardinal sitting next to Belferge. That is the high-level demon who holds the seat of the seven deadly sins 'greed' - Madonis.

Belferg, who has absolute leadership in the Cardinal, is like the "lazy" seat he holds, and is often absent from the meeting; at those times, it was Madonis who was in charge of the Cardinal. To put it bluntly, he is the de facto No. 2 figure in the Cardinal.

"The decisive battle planned by Your Majesty is to send five representatives from each side to fight... But now, Count Galdo was injured when he attacked the city of Verda recently, and the candidate chosen by His Majesty from his cronies, although the strength is enough to represent our side and the Your Majesty is fighting, but the question of the number of people is an indisputable fact. Therefore, we would like to provide a few subordinates to help out, please consider it, Your Majesty.”

Madonis said. Indeed, among the people Leohart trusts at the moment, only Balfreya, Luca, and Lass are able to fight; since Luca is an incompetent scholar, he will be replaced by the heroic spirit or beast who has made a contract with him. to fight.

Even so, there were only four people, including Leohart, and there was still one missing. but--

"You don't need to worry about it, Madonis. Luca will soon be able to arrange the high-level heroic spirits that were under-prepared in the previous attack, as long as the heroic spirits are used to replace Galdo's lack."

"So, you want to use two Heroic Spirits to make up for the boy named Luca and Count Galdo...? In the previous attack, the Heroic Spirits were defeated in the end; The risk is probably too great, right? It is very likely that there will be voices of concern among the people, causing panic."

Belfer, who said so, always had a small smile on his face.

"Belferg, the risk in your mouth...isn't it caused by your subordinates attacking Galdo while attacking Velda City?"

In response, Leohart committed to monitoring Nebra's betrayal and questioned Belphegor.

"It's really ashamed to say it... Nebra is indeed my subordinate, and it's all because I have no way to discipline me... Although he has already paid for the curse of the master-servant contract, but I I still have to bear some of the responsibility for Count Galdo's heavy losses. Therefore, I implore Your Majesty to accept the assistance of the Cardinal and give us a chance to shame."

The cunning Belphegor, however, turned his responsibility into a weapon and refused to budge.

"If you think the heroic spirits are unreliable, you can call the Eight Demons back."

The Eight Demon Generals in Leohart's mouth. It is the collective name of the eight army commanders. They each led a heroic army and guarded the east, south, west, north, southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest of the vast territory of the current Demon Lord faction; fighter. Therefore, the Cardinals were afraid that they would give Leohart too much power by staying in the center, and all sent out frontiers, but now the situation has changed.

"This decisive battle is the key battle to determine the hegemony of the demon world. Of course, we must convene our highest combat power."

"You can't, Your Majesty. This will be harmful and useless." Madonis smiled wryly.

"The combat power of the generals is undoubtedly high, but now it is precisely because they are on the frontier that they contain other forces, and the center where we are - this Lundvall can keep peace. As long as one is called back, there will be no one. Heading up... For the sake of this big decisive battle, weakening the military strength of the frontier, giving other forces the opportunity to take advantage of the situation, isn't it putting the cart before the horse? And..."

Madonis added: "In terms of a decisive battle to determine the future of the demon world, seven to five is more suitable as the number of representatives? And the opponent also happens to be seven people."

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