Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1038: defeat

Maria dashed towards Russ in a low stance——

"Can you please surprise me too?"

Russ released countless magic **** and shot at Maria at the same time.

The barrage that delayed Maria was approaching instantaneously at a relative speed.

Maria moved through the trees in an irregular zigzag as a response, and used the branches as natural cover to approach Lass without slowing down; and at the moment when the attack range was five meters, Lass swooped in full force.

"Jump up at this time... Be careful going into a dead alley?"

Facing Maria who was raising his fists in the air, Lars kicked up and jumped back; at the same time, a huge magic ball like a barrier was released between the two, burying her sight. Maria, who was jumping up hard, couldn't dodge; if she punched it, it would definitely cause a big explosion that would blast herself away, and it would be too late to use the 'far strike' that punched out the shock wave. Since there is no way to stop or turn in the air, there is only one end of the explosion.

Maria, however, remained calm. Just as Russ expected that Maria would actively close the distance, Maria also understood that Russ would use this trick.

With countless magic **** setting up a barrage to delay the speed - and taking off too early, he would set up a trap and ask Maria to throw herself into the net, which was all expected. So Maria punched her right fist—


But instead of swinging to the end, it stopped halfway—as if aiming for air.

The next moment, the beaten air turned into a shock wave that spread in a radial shape, colliding with the huge magic ball under Rasbu, causing a violent explosion that could sweep away all the nearby trees.

However, what actually exploded was only the trees around the magic ball. The planar shock wave formed a barrier that shielded Maria from the impact of the explosion.

"Don't run!"

Maria rushed to the other end like a blast of dust, and found that Lars was in front of her. She immediately twisted her waist and kicked her to greet Lass with a merciless spin kick.

The target is the right side of the head. The right foot follows, "Boom!" to hit the bass and get a solid contact.

"It's really unexpected, your attack is surprising."

However, Maria heard such a calm voice. Russ just raised his right hand lightly and put a magic ball on the back of his hand as a protective wall to block the kick.


Maria bent down with her blocked right leg as a fulcrum, lifted her left heel and swept it towards Lars' chin.


And Russ just leaned back slightly to dodge the kick.

However, the speed of reaction to hand-to-hand combat is not inferior to him. Maria then hooked Suolas' right hand with her right foot, used the strength of her lower body to forcibly pull him down and grabbed the shawl, ready to fill up her old fist in one fell swoop... But...

Maria jumped behind him temporarily from above—at the same time, Rath's magic ball passed right below Maria's original position.

To actually shoot at that distance...!

Maria couldn't help but curse herself for being short-sighted. As long as there is a slight gap, Rath can open the protective wall to ensure that he is not affected by the explosion of the magic ball. I am afraid that any attack must be in rapid succession without interruption, otherwise it will give Lars a chance to defend or counterattack.

"Is this good? How did you open the distance that you finally shortened?"

Russ stood up and said this while brushing the dust on his body, and at the same time——Maria, who accidentally pulled away, paid the price. Countless magic **** appeared out of nowhere around Maria and smashed towards her together. Originally, if Maria was dodging by attacking her back when she was approaching or was already close, Lass would have to defend or evade redundantly because of the direction. Now that Maria is behind Lass, there is no this kind of problem. However……

Maria still punched her right fist - at her feet.

Russ clearly saw Maria's right punch hit the ground. At the same time, the impact of her crushing the ground lifted a lot of earth and rocks.

Basically, the earth and stone alone cannot prevent Rath's magic ball. However, she stopped the moment her fist touched the ground, causing a planar shock wave that hit the ground and bounced, making it wrap Maria like a high earth and rock, and finally successfully resisted all of Rath's magic balls.

However, during this period of time, Lars was not standing there in a daze, and further widened the distance from Maria. That was a safe distance enough for Lass to unilaterally attack outside Maria's attack range, considering each other's abilities, speed, and fighting style. Just when he was about to take advantage of this advantage, he found that the smoke and dust surrounding Maria was blown away by a pink radiance. Taking a closer look, a key-shaped object was inserted into Maria's chest, which was floating in the air.


The key turned around the chest of Maria, who was breathing sweetly, and made a crisp unlocking sound—at the same time, a rose-colored light enveloped Maria's whole body.

Russ knew exactly what was happening in front of his eyes, so——

"Hey hey hey... Do you think I'll be foolishly waiting for you to be completely transformed?"

After saying this teasingly, Russ unleashed a merciless attack. A huge magic ball suddenly appeared on Maria's head and immediately fell.

Facing Lass's full blow, Maria just replied calmly: "Of course...for people with simple minds, this is already a complete countermeasure."

Immediately afterwards, as soon as the magic ball released by Lars collided with the rose-colored aura surrounding her, it exploded into small fragments and dissipated without a trace.

"how come……?"

Seeing this, Russ couldn't help but be astonished. At this time, Maria has turned into a beautiful adult dream demon.

"Ha ha."

And at the next moment of such a soft smile——he suddenly disappeared.

So Lars reflexively opened the protective wall in front of him. Now the distance is enough, there is enough time to defend——

"Uh ah ah ah ah...!"

But in the next instant, Russ was hit by a violent impact and bounced off the spot.

It turned out that Maria's fist broke through Rath's retaining wall without any hindrance, and slammed into him abruptly.

After Maria hit Lars with a nice punch, she immediately launched a pursuit.

Since Russ couldn't react in time to this speed, he couldn't prevent attacks——

Then there will be a decisive victory!

Maria, who said that to herself, sped forward. Lars, who was knocked into the air, fell down countless trees along the way, and didn't stop until his back hit a big tree. Maria quickly shortened the distance as if rushing towards him, leaned forward in a gallop, and struck a left straight punch from the shortest distance.


Lars turned sideways and evaded quickly. Maria's fist slammed into the tree trunk behind Russ, causing the whole tree to 'Boom! ' The ground burst suddenly, and Lars, who jumped to the side, was also shaken in the air by the impact.

Maria immediately stomped on the ground to catch up, and chased with both fists. Even though it's a quick interactive punch, each punch has considerable power. The strength is stronger than Ruth's wall, and the speed is higher than that of him. The outcome can be said to have been decided. However……

Except for the first blow that knocked him away, all subsequent attacks were dodged by him.

how come?

Maria, who thought she had suppressed her opponent, began to feel a clear anxiety in her heart. At this time...

"After you become an adult, your strength is really amazing."

Russ completely saw through Maria's fist and dodged his attack, and said calmly: "However, now you can't freely control this powerful force. In my opinion, you have only used this trick once. The human world rescued Naruse, so this is the first time you have transformed into the demon world where the demons can exert their original power? With so little experience, you just want to win by using the power you are not used to in actual combat. The results are too beautiful to think about. And..."

The voice went around behind.

"Even if the speed is fast, if the reaction speed can't keep up with the action, it will not be particularly difficult to hide."

"Ha ah ah!"

Maria immediately swept a backhand at the voice.

But this blind blow became her fatal wound. Maria's fist hit the magic ball that Russ released - the next moment, a loud noise and flash exploded in front of her.

What Russ threw to Maria was a shock bomb made of magic balls.

No matter how much power she can increase by becoming an adult, her consciousness will not grow enough to respond or defend against unexpected attacks; coupled with her vision and hearing becoming more acute than usual, suddenly her vision burns white and her eardrum is slapped by shock waves. is unstoppable.

"However, you can still stand like this, your backbone is really hard enough."

In front of Lass who said so with a wry smile——

"Uh... uh, uh...!"

The Dream Demon, who was directly affected by the shocking magic ball, even though the three-and-a-half-circle tube was violently shaken and stood staggered, still fighting intent and clenching his fists fiercely. But her pupils couldn't keep an eye on Lars, and she couldn't even hear the voice.

"You really want to follow Naruse to two cities in a row... I'm sorry."

So, while saying that, Russ tapped Maria on the back of the neck with his knife.

The bigger the body, the easier it is for the brain to shake. therefore--

Maria knelt down weakly after Lass's blow, and fell to the ground motionless.

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