Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1048: Cooperation (2)

Zest, Gukiko, and Mio fought hard in the chaotic frenzy of the arena.

Their opponents are countless huge Heroic Spirits that appeared out of nowhere without warning.

Zest slipped through the giant fist punched by the heroic spirit in front of her and jumped up.

"Drink ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The stretched sharp claws swept away with a silver light, cutting off the Achilles tendon of the Heroic Spirit. The Heroic Spirit, who knelt down on the spot and rumbled forward, was then pursued by Zest's earth magic.

A huge obsidian cone burst out from the ground where Zest set up the magic circle—the tip of which penetrated the head from the lower jaw of the heroic spirit; and not only that, the cone was broken down into sand and dust composed of countless sharp blades, which poured into the throat from its mouth, Straight to the body of the heroic spirit——


It turned into a sandstorm while Zest squeezed her horizontally outstretched right hand. The heroic spirit whose body cavity and organs had been cut to pieces suddenly swelled from the inside, and the huge body was blown to pieces.

At the same time, Genkiko and Mio also dealt with their opponents.

The entire audience could only cry and run away from this sudden disaster, not knowing what happened.

But Jess wasn't like that. After seeing Mu Hantian and others attacked by unknown objects in the battle space, they had a general idea of ​​the current situation.

So she put her wings on her back and flew to a height high enough to have a bird's-eye view of the huge heroic spirit.

"Master and the others, I'm afraid they are on Kaios."

Jest once heard the description of the ancient demon gods by former cardinal Zolkir, and soon realized that this large group of heroic spirits should be the summons of Caios.

"Kaios?" Genkiko and Mio were full of doubts.

"Ah. That's a very terrifying guy. But we can't enter the battle space at all right now. The greatest assistance we can do is to defeat these heroic spirits and reduce the power of Kaios as much as possible."

"Understood!" Geng Xizi and Mio already knew what they should do, and that is to solve these heroic spirits here to reduce Mu Hantian's burden!


When facing the demon **** Kaios, Leohart and Mu Hantian chose to shift their positions first.

Kaios' first strike burned the original area to the surface; not to mention there was nowhere to escape, not even a shelter for evasion or defense.

Leohart's flying wings were damaged by Mu Hantian, making it difficult to fly at high speed, so he used Mu Hantian's flying magic to fly to the area with dense high-rise buildings.

As soon as Caios saw them begin to move, she followed at the same speed; not in a hurry to catch up, nor let them pull away, but kept a certain distance.

"This side should be fine—let me come down," Leohart said after confirming that Kaios was following.

Mu Hantian nodded and released Leohart's flying magic, letting him glide to the ground.

Now, Leohart and Mu Hantian are standing on the avenue between the tall buildings, looking up at Kaios in the sky; at the same time—

The demon **** Kaios also descended rapidly towards them, and in the four outer hands of the six arms, each with a giant sword, a long spear, a long battle axe, a war hammer and other weapons, flew straight.

"I'll give you half of it, okay?"

"Of course it's fine!"

Leohart raised Loki, and Mu Hantian, who was beside him, nodded and held Esther tightly.

Facing the attack of Kaios throwing down four weapons at the same time, Leohart and Mu Hantian separated to avoid it—and then, the earth with a radius of about ten meters shattered in the shaking that shook in all directions, for them The battle to the death with the demon **** Kaios begins.

The damaged ground was shaken into sand by the impact, and in the mist of smoke that was raised around Caios, Leohart and Mu Hantian set off at the same time;

Leohart immediately got a hard feel and a harsh fencing sound. Caios blocked their attack with the warhammer and greatsword in his hand.

When Kaios slashed the spear and the long-handled axe to fight back, Leohart and Mu Hantian had completed their evasion, and they were turning to the next attack. The two circled around Kaios, Mu Hantian slashed diagonally from his left shoulder, and Leohart raised his sword from directly below.

Mu Hantian in front was blocked by Kaios with a giant sword as well; Leohart behind the back was out of the range of motion of the joints, and the precise sword force drove straight to Kaios' back - but Leohart The special hand got a strange feeling that was far from the slash.

Taking a closer look, Kaios' two tentacles went around his back, blocking Loki's slash. Although Loki was able to cut off Kaios' tentacles, his body was still safe. At this moment, the purple-red liquid from the cross-section of the tentacle gushed out, causing Leohart to jump away reflexively with a bad premonition.

"Is its body fluid strong acid! What a pity."

If the sword strikes the body, it may cause effective wounds, but bodily fluids may destroy the blade. As Leohart jumped back for the thorny new problem, Caios chased. The severed tentacles recovered in an instant and followed Leohart and stretched out.


Leohart dodged to the left again, and at the same time the tentacles swept horizontally—with a bang, the high-rise buildings behind him were swept away from the roots.

Leohart, who rolled over with one hand, took advantage of the situation and then took a backflip, and quickly left the scene.

With the sound of the building behind it collapsing and shattering, Leohart ran towards the main body of Kaios, and when the top of the building collided with the building on the opposite side of the avenue—

"Drink ah ah ah...!"

Seeing Mu Hantian in front of him, he was using super-high-speed footwork combined with extremely fast slashes to fight against Kaios' four-handed round attack; not only defense, but also the counterattack's sword light flashed from time to time. However, to attack, it is inevitable to sacrifice defense and evasion.

But what Mu Hantian had to do was enough, Kaios had already entered Loki's attack range.

"Drink ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Leohart’s slashing slash from diagonally behind managed to sever Caios’ spear-wielding hand.


When you feel that the battle is progressing—

"Leohart, get out of the way!" Mu Hantian suddenly shouted.

Leohart subconsciously volleyed and turned sideways, and Kaios' tentacles then penetrated the flipping cloak. Only then did the tentacles roll toward the hem of the cloak, and Leohart's body was thrown into the air.

If you don't break free, you will be smashed to the ground or nearby buildings by tentacles. Leohart made getting rid of the threat of Caios tentacles his first priority, and quickly released the buckle of his cloak, but this did not eliminate the inertia of the swing. At the same time as the cloak loosened, Leohart flew straight towards the building wall on the tangent line—however, a gust of wind suddenly buffered him from the wall, saving him from the collision.

After regaining his posture and landing safely, Leohart didn't look at Mu Hantian at all, just stared straight ahead. My own eyes, just stare at the enemy that must be defeated...and...he won't let me thank you.

So far, Kaios has successfully broken an arm - as long as you continue, victory is in sight. In order to win the necessary victory, Leohart galloped towards Caios.

Kaios' movements are intertwined with straight lines and curved lines. The tentacles without joints are like long whips, with no restrictions on their range of motion, and their attacks can change freely.

Arms wielding multiple weapons continuously attack from multiple angles.

Its arm strength is far beyond the level of humans or demons. If the block is wrong, the arm will be paralyzed instantly, and the ability to attack and defense will be lost.

But——Mu Hantian and Leohart cooperated with each other and smoothly followed Caios' movements.

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