At this time——in the moderate faction's infirmary, a battle had just ended.

"Ah...!" "Uh...uh..." Yuki and Lucia fell on the tile floor and groaned in pain.

Adomiles lowered his head, looked at them leisurely and said, "Look, I'll just say... You are definitely not my opponents."

The two must protect the comatose Walnut and Maria from the battle, unable to use strong attacks, and inhaling the miasma released by Adomiles; being able to survive such a disadvantage until now is the best they have done. Despite his efforts, he was still no match for Adomileus, who was once a candidate for the Demon King.

The scythe could easily kill them, but Adomileus deliberately used only the back of his sword to beat them until they couldn't move.

The reason is very clear, it's all - for them to witness the moment Walnut and Maria die at his hands.

"You just lie on the ground obediently for me and watch me take away your dear family."

After saying that, Adomiles swaggered toward Walnut's bed.


Yuki raised her head vigorously, desperately calling her sister's name to warn her, but it was all in vain.

Adomieles stood by the bed and stared at Walnut's cute sleeping face, his heart getting more and more excited.

This is awesome. Next, he would grab her slender neck, watch her hypoxic face gradually turn purple, and slowly enjoy the fun of quenching the fire of her life.

Moreover, in front of her sister Yuki Nonaka.

Who is better to choose?

Should I kill Yuki first and then strangle Maria, torture and torture Lucia before killing her?

Or should I kill Maria first and let the two sisters suffer and then kill them together.

No... it's better to kill Lucia first and let her die in desperation that she doesn't know how her sister will die.

In short - no matter what, the first one to kill will not change. therefore--

"Okay... This time, I must accept your life." Adomiles said with a smile. At the same time, his left hand couldn't wait to reach for the walnut.

But that hand suddenly made a harsh 'gumbling' sound - it was crushed by the other hand stretched out from the side.

"Gah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Before it was too late to be surprised, Adomiles screamed in pain first, and was eager to throw off the unknown threat that attacked him; but the hand that destroyed his lower left arm was clinging to it - continuing to struggle desperately to the end, Adomiles had no choice but to A **** fell to the ground, so he finally broke free.

"Really... good, so bold... how dare you destroy my good deeds...!"

His embarrassed appearance made him angry, he raised his head with gritted teeth, and saw Maria, the beautiful dream demon who was sleeping on the bed next to the walnut. Despite being lethargic after losing to Lass, she remains an adult.


At this moment, Adomileus, who was staring at her with disgust, suddenly screamed. Maria's right hand was holding something.

So he timidly looked at his left hand, and the left hand that had no feeling in the burn-like pain - lost the part below the wrist, dripping with a lot of bright red blood.

"My, my hand... my... uhhhhhhh!"

Maria ignored Adomiles, who was screaming like crazy, and turned to look at the messy room, as well as her sisters Luqi and Yuki who fell to the ground.

"That's it... Even Sister Luqia and Sister Yuxi were given to you..."

After muttering like this, Maria threw the hand she had pulled down in front of Adomiles and said, "You're too thick-skinned... After injuring the two of them, you still want to sneak up on Walnut."

"Well, even small and small dream demons dare to be arrogant...!"

Adomiles raised his eyes and cursed from his miserable left hand, but Maria just snorted and said, "Listen to me. Walnuts are my most precious play... my most precious friend. !"

"But... Damn!"

Adomieles grinned and tried to swing the scythe—but he couldn't.

Because before that, the only remaining right arm of Adomileus had been cut off from the shoulder by the wind blade.

Seeing his right hand holding the scythe and falling to the ground——

"What - ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

It made Adomiles scream in astonishment. At this moment, Hu Tao, who woke up at some point, sighed and said, "Maria, did you mean 'toy' just now?"

And only now did he realize that Adomileus turned his head.

"What... I thought who it was, wasn't it just the scum who took the big brother as a hostage?"

Then, Hu Tao found out that Mu Hantian was safe from the inside of the battle space broadcast by the projection device in the infirmary.

"That's it, it really is a lie."

After muttering this in a low voice, Hu Tao looked down at Adomiles.

"To make me suffer so hard, I have to repay you well..."

Walnut floated slowly straight from the bed. Under the catalysis of the black element, the magic power of the walnut is soaring, and even the elves she employs appear faintly around.

"I'll pay you back now for hurting my sister and Miss Lucia!"

Walnut's left palm stretched out—when Adomiles thought so, the person was already bounced into the air with a loud bang.


The mighty high-pressure air flow engulfed Adomiles in an instant with the power of sweeping everything along the way, pushing him in a straight line to destroy countless walls and rooms; it even pushed out of the arena and hit a huge pit on the thick rock wall of the hill behind, almost missing it. The whole hill is divided into two.

"Uh, ah... huh?"

A shadow appeared in front of Adomiles, who was moaning in agony.

It was Maria with her right fist at her waist.

"This is the end."

While saying that, the adult Maria punched Adomiles's chest with a punch.

Maria's blow completely released all the power poured into her right fist.

In the roar and impact, the punches that were struck received a solid response.

So when the dust and smoke from the cracked rock wall settled.

Maria put down the fist that was fixed in the air, and slammed it towards herself, like a deep hole in a cave - Adomiles, who had not moved, glared fiercely, and said angrily: "How dare you stand in front of my eyes. Sneak attack on the sleeping walnut - you are too arrogant!"


When Zest and Genshiko danced magnificently in the air and destroyed the giant heroic spirits.

In the chaotic audience, someone was doing his best to help the panicked audience take refuge.

That is a moderate girl——Noye.

"Everyone, please stay calm! It's okay to take a detour, it will be faster to evacuate from an empty passage!"

Noye, who opened the magic wall, kept shouting, but no one in the audience was willing to pay attention. This is of course, in the face of such an absolute threat, anyone is weak and only knows to keep blindly crowding towards the nearest passage.

Although the number of Heroic Spirits gradually decreased by Zest and Geng Xizi, there are still countless Heroic Spirits wreaking havoc in the field. The crowd crowding the passage is equivalent to an excellent target; when the ruthless Heroic Spirit punches and kicks, countless lives become bloodstains and meat scraps all over the ground. In such a hellish situation, Noye still insisted on staying.

The audience in this arena were all the current Demon King faction, who were enemies, and Noye, a moderate faction maid, had no obligation to risk her life to help them.

But——Noye, who grew up in an orphanage, didn't want to see more children who had the same experience as him.

Most of the audience here still have family members waiting at home and children to take care of; even if they are enemies, their children are still innocent and should not suffer the pain of being robbed of their parents by this ridiculous situation.

Noye, who fought hard with such thoughts in mind, tensed up for the 'cry' that came into his ears. It wasn't from the grown-up crying and running away in panic, but the child who really couldn't do anything but cry.

Noye was the only one who found the crying baby at this moment. From Noye's point of view, it was the Heroic Spirit opposite the child.


As soon as he saw the heroic spirit raising his giant fist—Noye rushed out.

"Don't even think about it!" Regardless of the hem of the skirt, Noye rushed across the ground of the auditorium with broken bricks and tiles.

Just before the Heroic Spirit's fist smashed the infant——Noye picked up the infant and jumped away with all his strength.

"Uh, uh...!"

The heavy shock felt in his chest made Noye moan in pain. Although she barely escaped the Heroic Spirit's punch, the large rubble that the punch hit in the auditorium still unfortunately hit her. At this time...

Noye, who was still holding on to the baby, found that he ran away without thinking about the next step. Unexpectedly, there was a heroic spirit in front of him——he opened his mouth to them.

Even though the pain had made his consciousness fade away, Noye still wanted to throw the infant into a place where he would not be threatened by Heroic Spirits as soon as possible; however, that kind of place did not exist in this arena.

The moment Noye hugged the infant tightly——The Heroic Spirit's mouth wide open face flew out as if he had been punched in the cheek. At the same time, someone hugged them in the air.


The profile he saw in the arms around him made Noye subconsciously pronounce the name of his childhood sweetheart.

And then—— after confirming that it was not a hallucination, he passed out just like that. After Lass volleyed to catch Noye and the toddler, he landed on the top floor of the auditorium.

While laying down Noye, who passed out with a baby in his arms, on the ground...

"It's so messy..."

Despite the grumbling, Russ checked her breathing and exhaled reassuringly.

At this time, another heroic spirit who appeared behind threw a huge fist—but was blocked by the black ** power ball like a wall. The child in Noye's arms seemed surprised that he was rescued, and didn't know when he stopped crying.

"Be good...Stay beside her and don't run around."

After Ci said this to the child with a smile, Russ slowly turned around.

"A moldy puppet dares to be so mad!"

The moment Lass, who was full of anger, spread out his hands and said this, countless huge magic **** shot out; not only knocked the heroic spirits in front of him, but also swept nearly half of the heroic spirits in the arena in one go.

So far, Russ has never let anyone see his true strength. But now he has no reservations, tolerance or scruples in his mind.

The Heroic Spirits seemed to notice Rath's counterattack and gathered around together.

"Let me tell you... what it's like to be unilaterally ravaged."

After making this announcement, Lars slowly walked towards the large group of heroic spirits.

Like Mu Hantian, Russ also has some things that he will never back down.

Therefore, these heroic spirits have only one way to die. Just because they hurt the people Lass values ​​most.

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