Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1055: guess the truth

When the summit of the two factions held in Verda City is about to begin.

Lucia, who is in charge of the preparations, has made final confirmations on various matters such as the Wei An plan.

Her people were not in the hall that was set up as a meeting place.

But on the top of the tower with a panoramic view of the city of Verda. Besides Lucia, there are two other people here.

"You mean to say..."

"That's right. From now on, the Moderates will basically not be involved with you again."

From a short distance away, Luqi Yahou watched her master, Ramsas, answering Mu Hantian's question coldly.

At this moment, Mu Hantian and Ramsas' eyes did not meet.

Mu Hantian stared at Ramthas, but Ramthas turned his back to him. He looked down at the vast city of Verda, and did nothing else.

Ramsas just told Mu Hantian that it was the Moderate faction and other demons, and the attitude towards Mu Hantian and others in the future.

"You should be somewhat self-aware of how easy it is for you to become a new dispute in the demon world."

Ramsas said in a low voice: "We are about to form a military alliance with the current Demon King faction, and we are facing a critical moment; if we contact you again, it is impossible to guarantee that no one of the two factions will want to take advantage of the topic. It will create unnecessary suspense and suspicion for other surrounding forces."

"In order to avoid such a situation, our demons must cut off contact with you as much as possible... Of course, no matter whether we do this or not, there may be conspiracy people on both sides, so I will continue to let Maria follow her. But..."

Ramsas added: "In order to ensure fairness, the current Demon Lord faction that will be allied with us should also continue to send people to monitor. However, the position is not hostile, it is simply to prevent us and other forces from using your power or influence. , to ensure the safety of your lives. Since that girl will go back with Wilbert's power, I can still accept this condition."

"If there is a serious problem with you, the Moderate faction and the current Demon Lord faction will send representatives as quickly as possible to make a fair agreement - and implement a solution."

"I see. You really intend to maintain that indifference from beginning to end... right."

Mu Hantian exhaled after sighing in such a low voice.

Then he said to Ramsas, "Do you really want to keep hiding the facts and say goodbye to Mio?"

"what are you saying?"

"What I just said has no evidence, it's purely my own speculation."

After giving such a preface, Mu Hantian began to explain.

That was the 'truth' he had drawn from the ground before the duel with the current Demon Lord faction—from the planning of the Belphegor assassination plan to the execution of it.

"Honestly, you don't feel any kindness in your attitude and treatment of Mio so far. No matter what kind of crisis she is in, you are determined not to send additional guards other than Maria, and you have repeatedly made decisions to ignore Mio's life... You have always been thorough. Dodge Mio and take the initiative to stay away from her."

"The person who told me about this said that you were dissatisfied with your younger brother becoming the Demon King, so you never liked Mio, your niece."

Mu Hantian deliberately stated Takichuan's past speculation. However, the next sentence is not corroborative, but counter-evidence.

"But this time, you brought Mio to the Demon World, trying to extract the power of the former Demon Lord Wilbert from her body. I think it's because we defeated Zokiel, so Mr. Claus wanted Mio to become the second Demon Lord. Sound waves are starting to rise."

Klaus' reverence for Wilbert, and his consequent view of Mio as the orthodox heir, is well known; such Klaus is opposed to Ramsas.

"In contrast to their demands to support Mio, you are advocating to take Mio's power as your own. Generally speaking, most of the elder brothers with strong self-esteem are dissatisfied with being surpassed by excellent younger brothers, and do it to satisfy their own vanity. selfish behavior.”


Mu Hantian looked at Lucia and said, "The relationship between Lucia and Maria gave me a little hint and changed my opinion."

"Me and Maria...?"

"That's right."

Mu Hantian nodded to the frowning Luqia.

"Meeting Lucia and Maria made me feel that... a person's affection for their relatives is not necessarily a superficial love. I understand this very well."

"While we kids are still trying to figure out how to live in this present connected to the past, most of our parents are already looking further afield - that's our future."

After listening to Mu Hantian's words, Ramsas remained silent.

There was no emotion on Ramsace's face, and he couldn't tell why he was silent. However, Mu Hantian continued disapprovingly: "I'm trying to change my opinion at this time. Suppose your attitude and behavior towards Mio so far is not to satisfy your self-esteem, but entirely for Mio's well-being..."

"The former Demon King Wilbert entrusted the daughter Mio to his subordinates and sent it to the human world to be raised by ordinary people... lest his only daughter become a political prop in the demon world. The actions and decisions you have taken in the past can be regarded as, for the sake of Continuing the considerations King Wilbert made for his daughter."

"You only sent Maria to protect Mio, to avoid adding too many guards for her. You will tell others that the moderate faction treats her as a princess, and it is also the same reason that you take the initiative to alienate her. In order to prevent Mio from being involved in the political disputes in the demon world, you Do whatever you can to reduce the contact with Mio. That way, it makes sense. Then—"

Mu Hantian added: "Since you are thinking about Mio so much, you should have set up several additional insurances... According to Xuela, King Wilbert asked Mio to inherit that kind of power, and it was an insurance to protect her. One. Of course, that would also increase the possibility of her being coveted by the enemy, but the risk is still there if you don't give her anything."

"When Zokiel attacked Mio for the first time, because Maria used the 'key' approved by you to become an adult, she was able to escape safely at the critical moment... But your insurance is not just that simple, right?"

At this moment, Mu Hantian's eyes turned to Luqia again.

"Lukia... Maria once sought your judgment when Zokiel took Sheela as a hostage; and you don't think that's a problem, do you want her to focus on her job of protecting Mio?"

Lucia didn't say a word, her expression stiffened. That was not only acquiescence, but also meant that Mu Hantian's assumptions were getting closer to the truth they were hiding.

And what Mu Hantian said when he looked directly at Ramsas was part of the truth.

"But it wasn't that Lucia gave up on Shera... Shera did it for Zokiel on purpose, didn't she?"

Mu Hantian continued: "It's not surprising, right? Xue La can even create a space channel that neither you nor Luqia can perceive, and Zokiel didn't lock her up in his mansion, but in other remote places. As long as she wants to escape, there are many opportunities, right?"

"Even if Zokiel's surveillance mission is taken over by others, he is unwilling to give up Mio... That's why Sheila pretended to be Zokiel's hostage and deliberately stayed in his lair. This is because Zokiel treated Mio Strong attachment is very dangerous, considering that Mio is likely to be caught by his arrangements."

"That's right, that's all for Mio—what you guys thought to protect her."

Mu Hantian's tone was calm... but he said clearly: "However, as I mentioned before, we killed Zokiel, so that the eyes of the moderate faction and the current demon king faction are all focused on Mio. The quickest way to prevent her from becoming a political tool in the Demon World in this situation is to make her lose her value as the only daughter of the former Demon King, that's why you want to draw out Mio's power."

"That is equivalent to taking Mio's life-saving trick, and she may lose all her magic power from now on, but you are still determined to do so... Let Mio continue to live as an ordinary person and an ordinary girl, it is better for the overall situation, not to mention the We are by her side who are strong enough to defeat Zokiel. So, you think that even if she becomes an ordinary girl at risk, there will be far fewer people who want to harm her than there are now."

"You who stand at the top of the moderates have always treated Mio with contempt. From the point of view of other forces, Mio who has lost his power is less valuable, and it is difficult to use it to intimidate the moderates. So you plan to take out Mio. The power of her, let her be protected by us, and solve the problems of the demon world by ourselves. As a result, before that, the current demon king faction used heroic spirits to attack, and in the end, we had to go to the front line. But——"

Mu Hantian's tone changed, and he said, "Such speculation will raise several questions..."

"When you came to the Moderate faction, and your harsh attitude and thoughts towards Mio. If you, as I guessed, inherited King Wilbert's legacy as an elder brother, and thought of your niece as an uncle. , then you shouldn’t have to deliberately oppose Klaus and the others. It’s better to actively appeal to them not to involve Mio in the dispute on the grounds of King Wilbert’s will, and things should go more smoothly.”

"Don't you think that such a contradiction arises because your speculation is wrong?"

Speaking of which, Ramsas finally spoke. This is a perfectly legitimate and legitimate question, however—"I don't think so."

Mu Hantian denied this question, because—

"You stood up to Kaios and protected Mio, and when Mio passed out with the power of Wilbert, you hugged her tenderly. I could see your expression clearly. I, you actually take her very seriously... that's all true, there's no room for doubt."

"That's why I started to think so. Maybe you are being so harsh towards Mio because of some reasons that forced you to do it..."

"The Moderate faction was once the biggest force in the demon world, right? But I heard that most of the Moderate faction did not want to walk the road of stability he hoped for with the former Demon King Wilbert, simply because he was the strongest demon king. Attracted by the charm of... After the war, the moderate soldiers who admired their king and were proud of his powerful strength hoped that the voice of the moderate faction to dominate the demon world and dominate the world should be better than pursuing the peaceful coexistence of various forces and creating peace for the demon world. Is it more prosperous?"

If you ask people how strong the belief in Wilbert is, it can be seen from Claus.

Since he still has so much influence after his death, the level of reverence for Wilbert when he was still in power must be completely incomparable today.

However... unifying the world is contrary to the name and ideology of the 'moderate faction' - **** by force.

That's just self-righteousness, and in fact it's the same as the Cardinal. Ironically, the biggest obstacle for Wilbert, who expected peace more than anyone, was the prestige of his strongest Demon Lord.

The situation at that time must have made Wilbert extremely distressed. Those who admired him actually asked him to become the second cardinal to suppress the demon world by force.

In this way, the situation is getting worse day by day, and the derailment is accelerating. So the strongest demon king began to think about how to restore the Moderates to their ideal appearance, get rid of the secret control and influence of the Cardinal, and bring true peace to the demon world. At last--

"The answer that King Wilbert derived in order to prevent the Moderates from spiraling out of control was - to make himself disappear."

But not just disappearing, but trying to continue to protect the moderates, just in case. No matter how far the power expands, it is Wilbert's precious achievement and must be guarded with all his might.

"As the strongest demon king, death is the most convincing way to disappear. In order to retain a certain restraint on other forces, the cause of death cannot be death in battle at the hands of others, but it also cannot be accidental; the accidental death of a king of a country , will definitely be thoroughly investigated. Given these issues, he chose the lowest risk of dying."

"At the same time - he has to avoid his own death no matter what, and turn the problem onto Mio's head."

Mu Hantian looked at Ramsas face to face.

"Therefore, he asked his subordinates to be adoptive parents, and brought Mio to the human world to be raised as an ordinary person. He watched her grow and thrive in the demon world, and when the time was right, he pretended to be sick and died, and turned into another character and returned to the moderate faction. - This is his plan."

After spitting out a deep breath, he said: "A complete vision of how the Moderates will change after the death of the great king, whether they can prevent the over-expansion of their power and their ambitions from getting out of control, and how the Cardinal will respond afterwards - a plan to deal with all problems at once."

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