Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1057: surprising fact

Say goodbye to Ramsace, after leaving the top of the tower.

Mu Hantian followed Luqiya and walked on the corridor in the city.

"I'm sorry for the delay, but let me do the work for the master—can you tell me something about Maria?" On the way, Lucia, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped and asked without looking back.

"What about Maria...?"

Hearing this, Mu Hantian walked to the position beside her and replied calmly, "Yes."

"Did you know? Maria and I are actually half-sisters."


Lucia continued slowly to Mu Hantian, who couldn't help but keep her eyes wide open: "My father died not long after my mother gave birth to me, I heard that he was originally a weak person... But my mother is still in love with my father. , wanted to conceive his child, and gave birth to me."

"So this is ah."

What a shame. However, the birth of Lucia was a kind of redemption for her father, who knew she was going to die soon, and for Shera, whom he loved. Even after the death - today, they are still closely connected through their daughter Lucia.

"My mother has been a widow ever since...until Her Majesty Wilbert's wife, His Highness Yaxue, unfortunately passed away shortly after giving birth to Mio-sama. When Her Majesty Wilbert and my mother discussed matters related to raising Mio-sama in the Human World——"

Lucia paused for a moment, then said:

"On that one occasion, I had a relationship with him."

"Eh? Shera and Wilbert?"

The unexpected development made Mu Hantian dumbfounded.

"They have both lost their beloved partners, and they have cultivated a relationship of equal positions with each other... There must be holes in their hearts that cannot be filled by the other party. However, after my mother was pregnant with Maria, it seems that she is not worried at all, and she is optimistic. Cheng; smiled and said that she originally wanted to have one more, and she could also add a sister to Mio-sama who has no siblings. And then—”

Lucia continued, "Like Her Majesty Wilbert who decided to pass on his power to Mio-sama... When Maria was born, she gave most of her power to her."

"Most of the power... so that's why Sheila became like that?"

Lucia nodded to Mu Hantian, who suddenly realized, and replied "yes".

"However, we never told Maria about it... It is said that Zokiel told her that my mother became like that because she gave birth to her."

"Why are you hiding from Maria?"


"Yes, you are right."

Lucia's expression was not only painful, but also sad.

"I understand what you're thinking. In fact, I have too... So far, I have repeatedly asked my mother, hoping she can tell the child the truth. However, my mother refused."


Even from the perspective of others, it is obvious that Shera and Lucia love their daughter Maria as much.

"My mother, who is known as the greatest dream demon, is also a well-known figure in the demon world... However, you also know my mother's personality, so she has established many enemies from a long time ago. Therefore-"

Lucia came to the conclusion: "If it is known that the child has received the power of the mother, it will definitely be detrimental to her..."


Mu Hantian also understood the danger that Luqia said. Even Wilbert chose to keep her away from him and raise her up in the human world before adopting her power to Mio. If you give her strength in order to protect her, but instead increase the possibility of her encountering danger, it will put the cart before the horse.

"What's more, she is the child born by my mother and His Majesty Wilbert... If this secret is discovered and made public, Maria might be regarded as a more valuable political tool than Mio-sama. .I think my mother just wanted to prevent this from happening."

"Like Mio-sama, if you want to confess everything to Maria, at least you have to wait until the political situation in the demon world is more stable..."

"After the Zolkier affair was over and all the problems were resolved... The kid really smiled brightly when he was with you. I'm really grateful for that."

Having said that, Lucia turned to Mu Hantian, lowered her head and bowed deeply.

"Mr. Hantian, from now on - I will trouble you to take care of Maria."

"That child has inherited the power of her mother and the bloodline of His Majesty Wilbert, and her true potential is not only higher than mine, but also higher than her mother... I think that kind of power must be when she truly recognizes and accepts her own existence. , will wake up."

"Mr. Hantian, if you can, please... guide her in the right direction."

That was originally the duty of Shera or Lucia—no, it was their ideal. And now, Luqia wants to entrust this ideal to Mu Hantian

"I see. Although I can't guarantee that I will be able to derive her true power, but... I originally wanted to persuade Maria, help her untie her knot, and accept herself more... It's like she is you and Sheila Like our family, she is also our family."

"Yes, that's enough..."

The expression of Adjutant Ramsas was no longer visible on Lucia's face as she nodded in reply. She is purely for her sister's sake - a loving sister.


After promising to help Maria further.

The two walked towards the exit to the back door. In order to allow Mu Hantian and others to return to the human world as secretly as possible, she set up the space passage leading to Aldora Forest in a hidden place.

Mu Hantian followed Luqia, and proceeded step by step in the corridor along the route around the east side of the castle. en route--

Mu Hantian suddenly narrowed his eyes. Because he was on the other side of the forward direction and felt a familiar breath.

At the same time, the other party also discovered the existence of Mu Hantian.

"Mu Hantian!"

At the other end of the hall located at the exit of the back door—contrary to Mu Hantian and Luqiya, one of the group of people who took a detour to the west and entered the city stopped him.

That was the young man who had fought against Mu Hantian and fought alongside him - the current Demon King Leohart.

Leohart only gestured to the maid who led the way with a wink, and left his accompanying subordinates to walk alone.

Mu Hantian and Lucia also stepped forward and stopped in the center of the hall at the exit.

When Leohart and Mu Hantian stood opposite each other and their eyes met——

"I didn't expect to meet you again. I heard that you are leaving today?" Leohart asked first.

"Yes... I'm going to meet Mio and the others, and go back through the dimensional realm." Mu Hantian nodded as well.

"Are you here for the summit? The time is so special, and you come through the back door again... Is this meeting secretly arranged?"

The summit held by the moderate faction and the current demon king faction was aimed at restraining other forces and expressing their political intentions. If you want to maximize the effect, it is definitely better to enter the city from the front door according to the formal procedures than through the back door. Not doing that means--

"Is this taking into account the mood of the people on both sides..."

"Yes... After all, we made a temporary truce without any prior preparation."

Leohart said: "In politics, there are times when it is necessary to make a decisive decision; however, we have been in a state of war with the moderates for a long time, and even if we can have a meeting to resolve the political tension, it is inevitable that people's hearts will change immediately. It's hard to be strong. So I think it takes a little time to buffer until the people on both sides calm down and can accept the decision emotionally."

Lucia also added: "The fact that the two sides have formally discussed will be publicly announced in a manner that both we and the current Demon Lord faction fully agree with, and in a proper manner. Even if it is delayed for a while, it should be able to achieve good results for other forces. containment effect.”

"Indeed...that should be better."

Peaceful parliaments that ignore the feelings of the people cannot bring about true peace. Not only is it easy to cause backlash, but it may also become a tinder for civil unrest.

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