Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1059: buy a house and talk

The second day after returning to Dongcheng's house, because of a series of "accidents", Maria strongly urged to move and buy a new house on the grounds of "there are so many people in the family, can you live in?"

Mu Hantian also took this into consideration. The place was already crowded, and with Jest and Hu Tao, it was completely unbearable.

So after breakfast, Mu Hantian took Mio, Maria and Jest to start looking for a place.

But at this time, Mu Hantian found a familiar face on the other side of the zebra crossing—among the crowd waiting for the red light on the opposite road.


After Mu Hantian murmured his name, Mio and the others behind him discovered his existence.

The opposite Takikawa also met them, squinting and smiling.

The lights changed, and the crowds of people on both sides began to flow.

Mu Hantian and his party walked forward, while Takichuan waited in the same place.

"Yo, Xiaotian, let's go out on a date together? As expected of a big star of the moderate school, his style is really different. But, have you ever thought about how we singles feel?" Takichuan said to Mu Hantian who was walking step by step sarcasm.

"Don't say that, and don't you have Noye? But since you're here, it means..."

Seeing that Mu Hantian asked this question while speculating about the current situation, Takikawa Yahiro shrugged and smiled wryly.

"Yeah...but if you have something to talk about, find a place to sit. I don't want to stand and talk in this cold, **** winter."

So, Mu Hantian and his party and Takichuan entered the nearby coffee shop.

Perhaps because it was a holiday afternoon, there were quite a lot of people in the store, and the order counter was already lined up.

"Let's queue, the three of you will find a seat first."

After Mu Hantian said that he would pay the bill and deliver the food himself, Mio and Maria ordered special coffee and coffee latte and went to the store to find a seat for five people; Jest did not want to let Mu Hantian do it. Such a chore, but in the end, he took his words as an order to convince himself, saying, "Then I'll be just like Master Hantian." They left with Mio.

After Mu Hantian and Takikawa stayed behind, they chatted directly regardless of the surrounding customers.

"The Moderate faction and the current Demon King faction have already discussed what to do with you..."

"Yeah. I'm continuing my surveillance work with mutual consent... But it's not just Naruse Mio, but all of you."

The average person - doesn't take much interest in the conversations of others around you.

Even if it is heard by others, most of them will think it is a fictional topic such as movies and games, just listen to it. No one will think that Takigawa is really a demon, but only think of them as two junior high school boys.

"But then again, it's only been a day or two... You guys are too quick to deal with it."

The moderate faction and the current demon king faction held their first summit meeting in Verda for the purpose of negotiating peace. It was not long after Mu Hantian and the others returned from the demon world—that is, what happened yesterday.

Takikawa said as he followed the ordering team, "What nonsense... It's not all your fault, Xiaotian."

"Did I hurt?"

Takikawa's complaint made Mu Hantian smile bitterly.

At this time, it was just the turn of Mu Hantian and Takichuan. The two ordered food from the clerk together, and Mu Hantian paid the bill for Takichuan, took back the change, and moved to the pick-up counter.

"Could it be that—they brought up the Belphegor matter at the meeting?"

While waiting for the clerk to serve the meal, the two continued to talk.

Before the duel between the Moderate faction and the current Demon King faction began, Mu Hantian assassinated Belphegor by himself.

Those in the know, apart from Mu Hantian himself who started the attack—it should be the only one Takigawa who told him the location of the playground.

Of course, after their inference, the possibility of doubting Mu Hantian is not zero.

Xun seemed to have vaguely noticed that when he saw Leohart for the last time in Wilda City, his expression also seemed to think that Mu Hantian did it.

However—Mu Hantian did not leave any evidence that could point the murderer directly at him.

As for Leohart, they should not publicly admit that Belphegor was killed by Mu Hantian, the duel candidate of the Moderate Faction.

Burying the truth in the dark is also beneficial to the moderate faction and the current demon king faction, and to move smoothly from peaceful coexistence to military alliance. The truth of Belphegor's death is not only a difficult fact for Mu Hantian - even for the moderate faction or the current Demon King faction.

Unless someone jumps out to testify that Mu Hantian is the murderer, but Takikawa, the only one who knows the truth, shouldn't do that. If he confessed to Mu Hantian, his role as an accomplice would be easily exposed.

"Don't worry... Belphegor wasn't mentioned at all in the meeting, and I wasn't stupid enough to say it myself."

When Takigawa said this, he suddenly looked annoyed.

"It's just—after that duel, I was targeted by Leohart's sister, and she pestered me if I had nothing to do, asking me to tell you about you and our relationship."

"Is Liara..."

Indeed—it wouldn't be surprising if she traced the truth of Belphegor's death. This can also explain why Leohart, who came to the meeting, made a move that seemed to think that Mu Hantian was the real murderer. What's really puzzling is-

"Speaking of which—who is she?"

Mu Hantian, who had fought with her, could clearly feel her power. Very strong, although not as good as himself, but definitely the top five existences in this world.

"God knows, I don't know very well... When did Her Royal Highness Liara 'become like that'. I heard that she could not inherit the duke's family because of her appearance, so the duke adopted Leoha, who was an orphan. Special, want him to be the heir. Also—"

Takigawa added: "In order to prevent people from finding out that Leohart has no Duke blood, the duke and his wife also lost a lot of blood to him. They chose Leohart among so many orphans, it seems that it was because of prior investigation. After his blood transfusion, he won't be repelled. Although it is completely selfish and noble, but when Leohart told me these things, he was actually very happy... What's the matter with my sister? become a family'."

"And Liara herself is also very fond of Leohart... When she let out the fierce aura of the old men in the Jae Kwang Cardinal and asked me 'Do you know which child killed Belphegor', I thought I was dead."

"So... how did you answer her, Takigawa?"

"Then there's no need to say it... Of course, I tried my best to fool Belphegor's side, and I told everything about your affairs and our relationship. Let's just say that you are the son of Xun Dongcheng, who is extremely powerful. Strength, we've eaten roast pork together, and we've worked together to clean up Zokiel or something."

"So she accepted it? Don't the current Demon Lord faction know about this level of information?"

"Yeah. I thought she'd heard it all from Leohart... But for some reason, she was happy to hear it, but—"

Takigawa's tone changed.

"She said that if she had known that someone like you was there, she would have played the duel herself, which scared me to the core."

"Me too. Thankfully she didn't show up."

If Liara also joins the duel, Mu Hantian can only say that no one is her opponent except himself.

"So, I wanted to stay away from the current Demon Lord faction for a while to avoid the limelight, so I turned down Leohart's invitation, but he asked me to monitor Xiaotian and you... And of course I seized this great opportunity and ran away immediately. come here."

Takigawa said that with all kinds of annoyance, and took his Americano from the clerk.

"Is that so... I'm sorry, Takigawa. I've caused you trouble."

Mu Hantian also took the coffee for himself, Mio and the other four with a wry smile, and took Takigawa to the place they occupied first.

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