Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1069: determination

"Is that so... Then start with the spirit of Anding Orange and satisfy her needs."

Hasegawa smiled lightly and said, "To do this, you must first find out the cause of her physical and mental confusion... Tachibana, can I speak for you?"

"Huh...?" Hasegawa's unexpected question caused Nanao to ask back.

Mu Hantian followed inexplicably and asked, "Did you think of a possible reason?"

"It's not just thinking, it's already certain... However, Tachibana is subconsciously afraid to face the problem, so it should be left to me."

After saying that, Hasegawa gave a slightly teasing smile——and then said it.

"Tachi, you just hope that Hantian treats you as a girl."

"Eh? I... hope classmate Han Tian...?"

After hearing Hasegawa's words, Nanao originally wanted to add "how is it possible", but in the end he opened his mouth and was speechless.

That's not dumbing down the truth - just not being able to say anything.

For, why?

In more than dazed astonishment—

"Because you used the magic eye. In order to suppress your feelings for Hantian in your heart - you used the magic eye on yourself."

Hasegawa asserts: "You may have used something like a mirror—that's more effective than strong autosuggestion, resulting in something like self-hypnosis. After all, it's your own power, and it doesn't look like anything. Magical changes will not be discovered by others... It's a good method. However, your feelings for Han Tian may be too strong, and in the end, it will be reflected in the body like this."

"I... hypnotize myself..."

"What do you think, then you have to ask yourself. I think you did this because you were worried about causing Han Tian's troubles."

Nanao fell silent.

"What do you want?"

Hasegawa said to Nanao, who was still a little skeptical: "You should also set the conditions for removal, but... I can remove the magic eye you have on yourself, just like the effect of unlocking Kajiura, and I can also remove you from your heart. Feelings for Han Tian. At that time, you should be able to restore the so-called physical state of men and women before the age of eighteen. This is your personal problem, you can decide for yourself. I don't care what you do?"


When Nanaoichi was unable to make a decision in the choice that was forced upon him and remained silent——

"Can you say something?"

Mu Hantian, who remained silent beside Qixu, looked at her and said, "If everything Qianli said is true, the reason why you cast an evil eye on yourself is because of me... I can tell you that I will never hate you for doing that. ."

"Huh...?" Nanao asked in surprise.

"It's an honor to be liked, and I don't feel bothered at all. It doesn't matter if it's friendship or love."

"If it's really like what Qianli said, that... your real wish is that I can treat you as a girl, then I will treat you as a girl in the future. Nanao!"

After hearing what Mu Hantian said, Tachibana Nanao suddenly felt a burst in his heart, and at the same time——

This is……

The memories of Mu Hantian suddenly flooded in—and Nanao also understood what the situation was. The magic eye effect she used to bind her disappeared just now.

Then I thought of myself standing in front of the mirror in the dressing room at home.

"Classmate Hantian...I...!" Nanao gradually wet his eyes with tears.

"Unfortunate, the effect of the magic eye has been..."

"It seems to be right... The condition she set for the removal of the magic eye may be the moment you accept her will."

Hasegawa expressed her speculation to the surprised Mu Hantian, and it was indeed the case - Nanao nodded vigorously.

"Is that so..."

Mu Hantian briefly expressed his thoughts, and lightly hugged Nanao's shoulder. His gentleness made Tachibana Nanao think - being able to fall in love with this person is a blessing.

"Then next - it should be the end."


After hearing Hasegawa's words, Mu Hantian asked back.

"Yes. Because her feelings are settled, but her body is not. Since Tachibana has made up her mind, there is no need to wait until she is eighteen. To completely eliminate Tachibana's anxiety, it's better to settle for her today—let She lives as a woman."

"Sir, can you even do such a thing...?" Hasegawa's suggestion surprised Nanao again.

"Because this is about Han Tian... This is just a trivial matter. However, as I said earlier, this is an issue that affects your life, and you have to decide for yourself."

"And even if I don't do that, your own feelings for Han Tian have already fixed your body in a female state... As long as you strengthen it, your gender will be fixed as female."

"Strengthen the relationship? ... What should we do then?"

"Don't you understand? Then I'll show you a demonstration."

Hasegawa laughed playfully, and hooked his hands to the back of Mu Hantian's neck.

The next second - her lips had already blocked Mu Hantian's mouth.

A sudden kiss—

"Uh, a thousand miles...?"

Mu Hantian couldn't help letting go of the hand that was holding Nanao, grabbing Hasegawa's shoulder and pushing her away.

"What's the matter? Don't Tachibana need to further feel that she is a woman, and the joy of being regarded as a woman by you... So that's the only way to do it."

Hasegawa explained it as a matter of course, and added, "Besides, Tachibana lacks this knowledge, isn't it too much to ask her to solve it by herself suddenly?"

"But you don't need to do such a thing. I think you've thought about it yourself." Mu Hantian was no longer able to complain.

"Although I want to do it with you myself, what I said is the truth."

"No need." Mu Hantian was a little embarrassed, but he immediately adjusted his state and took the orange directly.

"Kajiura-senpai, please, Chisato."

After leaving such a sentence, Mu Hantian took Tachibana Nanao out of the health room.


"Classmate Hantian, actually...I don't mind...if it's Hantian's classmate, I have no problem at all." Nanao explained to Mu Hantian while walking in the corridor.

"Nanao, I know what you're thinking, but... I'm still a little unacceptable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to you when I say unacceptable, but I'm a little unacceptable about this matter."

Mu Hantian tried his best to explain to Qixu, but she did not obey, but kept approaching Mu Hantian.


"Sorry, classmate Han Tian, ​​I really... still can't. There is no way to suppress my feelings."

Nanao made up his mind, and took the initiative to hug Mu Hantian.

Then he kissed him in Mu Hantian's unbelievable eyes.

I can't help it, Nanao. Since you have done this, I can't refuse.

Mu Hantian also began to respond to Nanao's kiss.

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