Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1071: I'm not a pervert

"Uh, that...this was also an accident..." Mu Hantian was really embarrassed to death at this moment.

He clearly intended to teach her a lesson, but... he hit her in the chest and cheek.

"You... big, change, state!" Claire now has the heart to kill Mu Hantian, you have seen it all, do you still want to touch it?

"Hey, this is force majeure. Who told you to suddenly take your hand away? I was just planning to repel you."

"Who would believe you, a super pervert!"

Claire, who had a raging fire behind her, slowly stood up. The water in the pond boiled instantly and began to bubble.

"'s not like that! You misunderstood!"

"Stop chattering, big pervert! Go to hell!"

"Damn it!" Mu Hantian was speechless, how come I am so unlucky every time.

"Don't hide!" Claire continued to wave the whip on her hand without showing any mercy.

"Anyhow, put on your clothes, what are you thinking about!" If it wasn't for his own fault, Mu Hantian wanted to do it.

"Then turn me around, you pervert!"

"I see." Mu Hantian raised his forehead, but turned around anyway.

five minutes later……

"You, you can turn around now."

Hearing the girl's words, Mu Hantian turned around.

A red-haired girl, Claire Rouge, was standing there with one hand rubbing her waist.

She raised two thin eyebrows and stared at Mu Hantian with sharp eyes.

Not naked this time. The girl has changed into a cute uniform.

The pure white clothes are decorated with black lines, and this is the uniform of the Aresian Elf Academy. The chest is decorated with a bow-tie-style forged belt, and the button part is replaced by an elf amulet. A pair of slender legs peeking out from the gaps between the stockings and the pleated skirt were dazzling. The flaming red hair is tied with thin ribbons to the left and right, which is the so-called double ponytail hairstyle.

"I'm really sorry to see you taking a bath and... touching your chest. However, please believe me, I really didn't mean it." Mu Hantian said seriously.

"What... what..."

Seeing Mu Hantian's serious eyes, Claire couldn't help but look away.

"What does this mean... If it's not a pervert, why did you appear here as a man?"

It is natural to have such doubts. This forest is the forest of the elves, and it is the land used by the Arethia elves academy. The academy is full of pure witches, and no man can appear.

Even if it's not a pervert, it must be a suspicious person.

"That...I fell from the sky, didn't you see it?"

"Huh? It fell from the sky?" Claire was full of suspicion.

"Ah, I was also tricked, and the landing location is completely random. I didn't know it would appear here." Mu Hantian once again threw the blame at the system.

"By the way, do you know where there are powerful elves around here?"

"I do know. Not far from here, there is an ancestral hall dedicated to the ancient holy sword. It is said that a powerful 'seal elf' resides in the sword. Since the establishment of the academy, there has never been a shrine maiden who can follow that elf. Make a contract. I feel like a rather arrogant elf."

The sealed elves here do not refer to those elves that inhabit the element elves.

Among elves, some elves will be sealed in weapons or armors by some powerful elves in ancient times.

Most of these elves will bring disasters to human beings.

Of course, these elves were not controlled by ordinary human elves. Therefore, in order to prevent these elves from being summoned, the powerful elves sealed them in the equipment.

"Sure enough..." The stone in Mu Hantian's heart was put down, and Esther's position did not change.

"Hey, you ask the elves? Is there something wrong? It's impossible for men to be elves, right?"

"Uh, I'm just curious."


Mu Hantian followed the two wobbly red ponytails and headed towards the depths of the forest.

Claire's leather shoes didn't look very suitable for walking, but as expected of a well-trained wizard, her steps were still very light.


Claire stopped suddenly. She wiped her waist with her hands, turned her head, and stared at Mu Hantian with half-squinted eyes.

"Perverted voyeur, why keep following me!"

"I just want to see if I can get back what I've lost. Also, as I've said many times, I'm not a perverted voyeur. My name is Mu Hantian."

"Oh, strange name. Are you Kuna?"

Kuna refers to the Kuna Empire located in the east of the mainland. It is said that the language, culture, and relationship with the elves are very different from those in Odesia.

"I'm not from Kuna. My hometown is farther away." Mu Hantian deliberately blurred his words.

Claire, who sped up her pace, walked farther and farther, and Mu Hantian quickly caught up with the pair of swinging ponytails.

An ancestral hall enshrining the holy sword stands quietly in a clearing in the forest.

Claire easily untied the barrier blocking her way with her fingertips, then stopped, turned her head and said to Mu Hantian, "It will be very dangerous, you, an ordinary person, better stay away."

"I have to get her back!"

"Although I don't know what you're talking about, it's up to you."

Claire shook her head and stepped into the ancestral hall.

Seeing this, Mu Hantian immediately followed.

"Why did you follow me again? I'm not responsible for what happened."

"You don't need to be responsible, and this sentence is more suitable for boys to say to girls." Mu Hantian teased.

"Idiot!" Claire turned her head to the other side, ignoring Mu Hantian.

The ancestral hall is not only dark and humid, and the air is mixed with a musty smell. Claire frowned.

"Flame, light up the darkness!"

Claire chanted the spell gently, and a small fireball immediately appeared from her fingertips.

This is elementary elf magic that uses the power of the flame elf.

The swaying fireball slightly reflected the stalactite cave-like wall of the ancestral hall.

Finally, in the deepest part of the ancestral hall——found the holy sword.

"Aster..." Mu Hantian whispered softly.

The sword was stuck in a huge rock. It looks like it should be antiques from hundreds of years ago, but there is absolutely no trace of rust or damage on the blade. The blade is engraved with very delicate ancient patterns, and it constantly emits a faint blue light.

"This is the 'Severion Holy Sword' that existed here before the academy was established."

Claire walked in the direction of the sword without hesitation.


"Stand back a little, don't come over."

Claire moved to stop Mu Hantian, who was about to speak, and then grabbed the hilt of the holy sword.

Forget it, let her suffer a little. Mu Hantian thought so, and he didn't stop Claire.

The ancestral hall was silent, filled with a heavy silence.

"It's about to begin, Claire Rouge."

Claire took a deep breath and murmured to herself.

——The proud spirit sealed by the ancient holy sword!

——You should be my master and make a covenant, then I will be your scabbard!

The cherry blossom-colored lips sang the Elvish language fluently, and the contract ceremony officially began.

There was a sudden gust of wind in the ancestral hall, and the long red hair flew in the air.

The oath of covenant came to an end. At this moment, there was a sudden gust of wind in the ancestral hall.

Claire was completely unmoved. Calmly continue to sing the contract oath.

At this moment, the Severion holy sword in her hand began to emit a dazzling light.

The holy sword inserted in the stone suddenly burst out with terrifying divine power.

If it were an ordinary wizard, he would have lost consciousness long ago.

"I ordered you three times to make a covenant with me!"

Claire's oath was handed over to the entire ancestral hall, and at that moment——

rustling --

"Pull...pull it out! I pulled it out!"

Claire raised the sword drawn from the stone high and shouted with joy.

However, in the next second——

The ancient pattern engraved on the blade suddenly emits a violent light!


Claire couldn't help but let go of her hand, and then——

The fallen holy sword pierced the ground and exploded into pieces with a burst of light.

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