Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 108: Seeing Yukina for the first time

Yuma is a freshman in high school. The strange thing is that most of their classmates "just happen" to be assigned to the same class, so their life in middle and high school has not changed much.

Mu Hantian originally only taught middle school, but in order to take care of Yuma and the others, they took the initiative to ask for additional classes for the first year of high school. Originally, I planned to wait until Agurolla and the others entered high school, but now it was just ahead of schedule.

"Classmate Shallow Cong, why do you look gloomy? Is there something wrong with you?" Mu Hantian asked, looking at Shallow Cong's distressed face.

"Teacher, you don't need to mind too much, girls feel unwell for a few days every month." As her childhood sweetheart, Kisoseki, who was wearing headphones, said lazily.

The girls in the class blushed and stared fiercely at Jishu.

"So that's the case, then in this class, I will teach the female students a healthy and nutritious food - sweet and delicious red bean rice." Mu Hantian smiled.

In the second dimension, red bean rice is what a girl likes to eat when it is the first time.

"Uh, teacher, can you change it?" the girls said shyly.

"I...I didn't come here, I just did it because of my part-time job!" Shallow explained desperately.

"Is the part-time job you're talking about doing maintenance for the artificial island management commune?" Yuma seemed to know, so she asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's to help the computer in the security room with maintenance work. Since I have errands in the afternoon, I'm worried about whether I can take a leave of absence." Shallow said lightly.

Although she thought it was nothing, other classmates were different. After all, the security department of the artificial island management commune was not something ordinary people could go in and out at will.

"Well, there's no problem, classmate Shallow has always been ranked first, and it's okay to miss a class or two occasionally." Mu Hantian smiled.


After the third get out of class in the morning, Shallow and the others left the cooking classroom with satisfaction. Mu Hantian cleaned up the cooking classroom and left.

Taking advantage of the break between classes, Mu Hantian was going to take a break. While strolling around the campus, Mu Hantian saw a figure - Ji Hiragan Xuecai, and it seemed that the plot was about to begin. Mu Hantian thought.

Mu Hantian looked at Xue Cai, thought about it, and went to the men's bathroom.

The girl was a little distressed, she even forgot to hide her figure, just stood outside the men's bathroom, looking a little overwhelmed.

She didn't want to lose Mu Hantian, so she could only wait outside. But the strange eyes of the people around her troubled her very much.

Mu Hantian felt that she was still waiting outside, smiled and left.

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