Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1082: sad girl

"Hahahahahahahaha...!" Mu Hantian roared furiously as he charged towards the demon spirit with all his strength.

The holy sword of annihilation, Esther, clenched tightly in his hand, is gathering powerful magic power.

"Disappear for me, chop!"

The steel sword was swung down, and the powerful magic power instantly penetrated the jaws of the demon elf.

Seeing the disappearing demon spirit, Mu Hantian frowned.

It turns out that this Demon Spirit is not made by Restia, is it the 'darkness'? But it came so fast...


It started to rain in the air, drenching Claire's back. The two red ponytails collapsed from the rain, clinging to the skin.

"Claire...Are you alright?" Mu Hantian called to her with his back to Claire who was squatting on the ground.

"How could it be okay!"

Claire said in a trembling voice, "I... my Scarlet..."

The red eyes turned and tears welled up.



"Since there is such a powerful force, why not start—" Claire grabbed Mu Hantian's uniform collar.

Suddenly, she let go of her hand weakly.

"No, I'm too weak."

She said softly, "Because I'm too weak to save Scarlett's life. Because I'm too useless..."

"If...if I had more power...this would not have happened..."

Letting the rain hit her, Claire's eyes were hollow, and she kept repeating the same sentence.

"Scarlet is not dead, but there is no way for you to revive it now." Mu Hantian sighed. Surely some things can't be changed...

"You said Scarlet wasn't dead? Then why can't I feel its existence at all!"

"Scarlet itself isn't gone, but with that kind of injury there's no way to respond to you. I think it's sleeping now. So don't worry."

"What you said... is it true?" Claire grabbed Mu Hantian's hand tightly, eager to know the answer.

"Of course it's true."

"That's good." Claire smiled, and then her body swayed suddenly.

There was darkness in front of him. Consciousness quickly drifted into the distance.

Claire fell.

"Is she all right?"

"It's alright, it's just too tired. She asked you to take it back. After all, she is a girl and I am a man. It's not appropriate to enter the girls' dormitory." After answering Alice's question, Mu Hantian sent Klei I handed it over to her, and just left.


Mu Hantian opened his eyes and stretched.

There was a chirping of birds outside the window. The dazzling morning sun slanted into the house.

Mu Hantian slowly turned his neck and sat up. At this time, he suddenly noticed something.

The clothes he was wearing were not the uniform of Aresia Elven Academy.

It seemed that someone had helped him change into his pajamas. It feels very comfortable just after washing.

Mu Hantian looked around the house, it was very clean. It seems that Greyworth has taken care of herself.

That's right, the room Mu Hantian lives in now is Greyworth's private house, but the two of them didn't sleep together.

When Mu Hantian was about to get up from the bed—


Something seemed to move in the quilt.


Mu Hantian jumped up and lifted the quilt.

In the quilt... an impossible thing appeared. A beautiful girl with silver hair. And it's naked and naked. No, not exactly naked, she has black over-the-knee socks on her feet. A beautiful, naked, silver-haired girl wearing only knee-high socks.

After tens of seconds of silence...

"Aster, why are you dressed like this?"

"Hmm..." Esther pouted and didn't answer Mu Hantian's question.

At this time...

"It's time to get up for breakfast." Greyworth pushed the door open.

In an instant, Mu Hantian felt a murderous aura.

"This... I can explain it." Mu Hantian looked at Greyworth with some embarrassment.

"Although she is your contract elf, with a sword or something... You have such a strong taste."

"Eh? You know what?"

"Of course. If I can't even see this little thing, I've been living in vain all these years. Come out for breakfast, I just have a lot to do today." After finishing speaking, Greyworth left the room.

"Astor, this is not allowed in the future. Just like before, get dressed."

"I know."

"Yeah. Here, put this dress on, and we're going to dinner." After taking out a girl's dress from the system space and handing it to Esther, Mu Hantian also began to put on clothes. You can't wear pajamas all the time.


After breakfast, Mu Hantian wanted to keep Esther, but she insisted on following. Mu Hantian had no choice but to let her follow him.

Walking along the corridor to the classroom with Esther, whispers kept coming from all directions.

"Look, it's the boy who turned in."

"It's really amazing, and I conquered another girl."

"What a beautiful girl... But does our college have this student?"

"Hey, I heard that Alice and the others fought him last night, is that true?"

"He...isn't he planning to indulge all the girls in our academy!"

twitter twitter…

What are you guys thinking about! Mu Hantian was speechless.

At this moment, there was a sudden bang from behind, and there was the sound of drawing a sword.

"Mu Hantian, you hateful man!"

Before he could turn his head, the blade was already on his neck.

Mu Hantian raised his hands as if surrendering, and moved his eyes—

The person standing there was the leader of the Knights of the Horsetails, and his whole body was filled with terrifying murderous aura.

"Ai...Alice...what are you doing?"

"*** actually attacking such a young girl, I misread you!"


Mu Hantian sighed and said with half-squinted eyes, "It's really rude of you to misunderstand people like this, Esther is my contract elf."

"What?" Alice raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"You said, this girl is the elf of the sword that cut off that demon elf with one blow?"

Alice stared at Esther with a suspicious expression for a while, then turned to Mu Hantian again.

"Stop talking about such unwise lies! Mu Hantian!"

Qiang - The blade rises again.

But the next second, Alice's eyes widened in astonishment.

The sword that stabbed at the neck actually bent down softly.

"How is this going!"

"It's attribute resonance - as a sword elf, I can change the form of any sword-like weapon at will. Are you willing to believe us?"

Alice's eyes widened, staring at her bent sword.

Although elf magic can achieve a similar level, Esther bent the sword without moving a finger.

"I see... I'm sorry for doubting you." Alice put away her sword and bowed her head to apologise to the two of them.

"No, no, it's nothing, you don't need to apologize." Mu Hantian shrugged and shook his head.

"By the way, are those two okay? They belong to the Knights..."

"Are you talking about Racha and Lecia? I woke up this morning. They were beaten so badly by you that they can't manipulate the elves for the time being and need to rest for a while."

"I'm sorry."

"It's a duel, don't worry about it. It's a good lesson for them too."

At this moment, Alice coughed deliberately, and then... "That... I'm sorry."


"I...I mean, I'm sorry. I used to hate you so much, just because you were a boy. So I felt I had to apologize to you."

She blushed into Mu Hantian's eyes. "Seeing you stand up against the elf in order to save Claire look really handsome. To be honest, my legs are weak."

"No, it's nothing."

"Hantian, I'm very unhappy that you have been taking care of yourselves and ignoring me." Esther said with displeased puffing of her cheeks.

"Oh, sorry..."

"Okay, I'm going to the classroom."



Watching Alice walk to the classroom, Mu Hantian also took Esther to his classroom.

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