Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1084: Not all fruit

"Claire, come on!"

Mu Hantian raised his sword and jumped.

At this moment, the giant elf had already shattered the stone wall and was about to step into the square outside the arena.

Mu Hantian quickly circled behind the giant elf, kicked his feet, and stabbed the giant's feet with force.


The giant elf let out a thunderous roar. While resisting the blowing force of the shock wave, Mu Hantian tightly grasped the sword that stabbed at the giant's feet.

No, what the **** is that darkness? After strengthening it, it has such strength, strength has been weakened? Mu Hantian kept thinking in his mind.

The raging giant noticed Mu Hantian at his feet. The giant roared wildly and swung down a giant rock-like fist.

Mu Hantian drew his sword and dodged backwards. Then, using the giant's wrist as a platform, keep jumping on the giant.

Seeing Mu Hantian suddenly appearing above his head, the giant elf stretched out his huge palm, trying to kill him.

Just when the ankle was about to be caught—

"cold day!"

Claire swung the whip of fire and wrapped around the giant's wrist. Since Scarlet had just woken up and didn't have much energy, he couldn't cut off the giant elves, but he could still temporarily block the giant's movements.

The wind roared. The giant elf gave Mu Hantian an angry look on his head.

At this moment, there was a sudden flash of sword light - Mu Hantian slashed the giant's black crystal eyeball with his sword.

The cut eyeball suddenly spewed out a thick black mist-like gas.

The thick black mist that spewed out adhered to the sword. As soon as it hits the mist, the tip of the knife gradually corrodes into black.

"Oops!" Mu Hantian was suddenly startled, and hurriedly twisted his body, trying to shake off the thick black fog.

But because it lost its balance in the air, it fell directly to the ground.

The Giant Elf seized this opportunity and shook his fist.

"Be careful!" Following Claire's words, the giant elf's fist—suddenly stood still on his head.

The flaming whip of flames was tightly wrapping around the wrist that was about to fall at any moment.

"Now! Hurry up!"

"it is good!"

Mu Hantian showed a fearless smile, stood up, and focused all his consciousness on the sword.

As if responding to Mu Hantian, the elf magic outfit of the sword elf Esther was even brighter at this time.

A stride leaped up. Mu Hantian's sword danced in the air again.

"Underworld God Stream - Blue Moon!"

The long sword emitting a dazzling light split the giant's body in two.

At the same time that the giant spirit turned into particles of light and disappeared, the whip of flame also turned into a small fire cat.

The little flame elf was like a newborn kitten, and Claire held it lovingly in the palm of her hand.

"Thank you, Scarlet."

"Okay, this is the end of things here, let's go, Claire."


Claire blushed for some reason and looked away.

In the next moment...

Claire's lips blocked Mu Hantian's lips.

So hot. Wet, soft touch. The red hair scratched the tip of her nose, slightly exuding a fragrance.


After a few seconds, the lips slowly moved away.

"This...this...don't get me wrong, I just thanked me for helping me, don't get me wrong! Also, you are not allowed to tell anyone else! You know?"

"I see, it's true." Mu Hantian shook his head helplessly, was he being forcibly kissed?


"Um... um..."

This is the house of the headmaster of Aresia Elf Academy.

The soft morning sun shone into one of the rooms, and Mu Hantian, who was sleeping in the room, had just woken up from his sleep.

Mu Hantian lifted the quilt and was about to reach out and raise his body——


It seems to have hit something soft.

"What's this? It's small, soft, icy... it feels good to the touch."

puff. puff.

Mu Hantian, who had not woken up yet, just stretched out his hand to play with the mysterious object. Then……

"You finally woke up, Han Tian."

Mu Hantian was dumbfounded on the spot.

A beautiful girl with full fruit is riding on his chest.

Silver hair gleamed in the morning sun. Her bare skin was as white as freshly milked milk. Although she is petite, she has exquisite curves and is full of the youthful atmosphere of a girl. Deep purple eyes full of mystery, looking down at Mu Hantian expressionlessly.

"What's wrong with you? Stop playing with my boobs?"

"Ai... Ai... Esther, I've told you many times, you..." Mu Hantian really wanted to cry without tears.

"You... what are you doing! And why is it Quan Guo again? Didn't he tell you to wear clothes?"

"It's not Quanguo. I wore knee socks." The girl kept her posture astride Mu Hantian's abdomen, raised her feet and said.

"Forget it, forget it, anyway... In short, you're coming down soon!"

"Understood, Han Tian."

Esther seemed a little unhappy, but still obeyed.

The quilt began to wriggle, and there was a soft thigh touch...

Mu Hantian reluctantly scratched his sleepy hair, and finally sat up. Right at this moment-


A surprise hit.

It took a few seconds before Mu Han knew that he had been kissed.

The soft lips gently move away from the mouth. Mu Hantian's cheeks suddenly became hot.

"You...what are you suddenly doing!"

"It's a wake-up kiss, Han Tian." Esther replied blankly.

"Who taught you all!" Mu Hantian couldn't help holding his forehead. Aster, who has always been pure, would actually do such a thing? So unscientific. Well, the world just can't be explained by science.

"It's Miss Greyworth, she said you'd be very happy about it."

"Aster, I'll say it one last time, you must wear clothes in the future."

"Understood!" Esther nodded dumbly.

"Okay, that's it, put on your clothes and go eat."


"Yo, you're up."

Mu Hantian and Esther heard such words as soon as they walked to the dining table.

"Greyworth, you are not allowed to teach Esther these strange things in the future."

"Oh, then I'll come in person in the future." Greyworth laughed.

"No." Esther put Mu Hantian behind him and looked at Greyworth vigilantly.

"It's surprisingly innocent."

"Okay, stop joking. I'm still annoying."

"Huh? Haven't you thought of it yet?"

"No, I can only say that I have some ideas, but I can't be sure!" Mu Hantian shook his head and said so.

"Really? Forget it, it's your business to react. With my current physical condition, I can't help you."

"I know. But..." Is that "darkness" the evil thoughts of this world? Judging from the information given by Yi, the world was destroyed by him, so there were those darkness. But……

"Forget it, I can only find him and ask about the situation later."

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