"Are you alright?" Mu Hantian laughed a little at the blushing Claire in his arms.

"Um...stupid...stupid! Put me down!"

"Hey...hey! Don't move! It will fall."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Let me down!"

"Got it, got it." Mu Hantian shook his head helplessly as he put Claire down.

At this time, the shell elves had long disappeared. Perhaps because the attack just now failed to defeat Claire, she hid and waited for the next opportunity to attack. Although he is very imposing in battle, his personality is quite cautious.

At this moment, Scarlet, who was chasing the Thunder Spirit Envoy, returned. It doesn't appear to be injured, but it seems to have allowed the prey to escape.

"Damn it, while I jumped to the ground to chase after her, let the shell elf make a sneak attack. We are completely caught in the trap they set up together."

Claire was so angry that she swung the whip on the ground.

"Surely the sly weasel class!"

"You can't say that. After all, fighting is always tricky, and you are too impulsive. You should look around more."

Hearing Mu Hantian say this, Claire couldn't help but shut her mouth.

The forest in the element spirit world fell into silence at this time. The surrounding bushes and ground can't feel any breath at all.

"I really want to find someone to investigate the enemy's situation." Claire couldn't help sighing.

"You seem to be in a tough fight."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Mu Hantian turned his head and saw a black figure emerging from the shadow on the ground. The figure gradually took shape, becoming a mature woman. Glossy black hair. The facial features with glasses are full of intellectual beauty. The beauty in a long white dress on the suit is—

"Mr. Freya?"

This beauty is Freya Gurando, the class tutor of the Crow class and the judge of this competition. Being able to emerge from the shadows may be one of the abilities of her contract spirit.

"Is it okay for the teacher to break into the game?" Claire couldn't help asking.

"Just give some advice to students with bad brains, it's not a problem."

Freya smiled and pushed her glasses.

"Your opponents are originally ranked higher teams, and there is nothing you can do to fight hard. Their own abilities may not be comparable to yours at all, but they are very tacit, and their team strength is very outstanding. Moreover, this game is five pairs. Two, there were problems."

There are only two people here, but there are five people on the other side. Although two people have been defeated, there are still the Thunder Spirit Master, the fighting-type Shell Spirit Master, and the last person who has not yet appeared.

"I can't handle that much. Who taught you that there are only two people in the team. This time the 'Sword Dance Festival' is a five-person group system. If the number of people is insufficient, you cannot participate. What are you going to do?"

"I will gather the number of people before the deadline. Anyway, not everyone has to be a higher-level elf. As long as there is me—and this slave elf, we can win." Claire said hesitantly.

Freya couldn't help showing a serious expression when she heard this, staring straight at her.

"Claire Rouge, you'd better not underestimate the team competition. As a wizard, you are indeed very good, but you will never win against a team with a good understanding."

"Claire Luqiu, you don't know how to fight in groups at all. And you, Mu Hantian, you obviously have your own ideas, why are you so used to Claire?"

"Well, who called this guy the captain. And... no matter what tricks the opponent plays, it's useless in the face of absolute power."

"Then let me wait and see." Freya sighed, then returned to the shadow and disappeared.

"Huh, this conversation took two minutes. Only five minutes left."

If there is no winner or loser, the intra-school rankings of the two teams will drop. For the two who are still in the second half of the ranking, such a result is undoubtedly a fatal injury.

At this moment, the fire cat that was sticking to Claire's feet suddenly screamed.

"Well, that's what it is."

Claire listened with a serious face and raised her eyebrows——

"It's there!"

Then, she suddenly released fire-type spirit magic in the direction of the forest. Flame Ball - Burns the target to ashes with ultra-high temperature flames, which is a very high level of elf magic.

Searing flames slashed across the ground, burning the nearby forest to pieces. Amidst the rising black smoke, a stout figure slowly appeared.

"Hmph, what a dangerous lady."

She is a girl who is covered in a magical elf outfit—a carapace. Even though she was attacked by the flame ball, the girl did not suffer any damage.

"To show your face so simply...Aren't you going to attack us?"

"Our mission is complete because the captain is ready."

"Ready?" Mu Hantian couldn't help frowning. This episode is from five years ago, and I have only watched this kind of plot once or twice, and I can't remember much at all.

While Mu Hantian was thinking, something appeared on the other end of the black smoke—

"Then... what is that!"

It was a huge wooden platform. Although the structure is simple, it is still very imposing, and it is an uncompromising altar.

At the top of the altar was a small girl in a school uniform, dancing some sort of ritual dance. Holding a wooden staff, she is a beautiful girl with light blond hair.

"My compatriots, swing the hammer of anger at the unscrupulous elements who disturb the peace of the forest!"

The girl raised her wooden staff on the huge high platform and gestured towards Mu Hantian and Claire.

"This... what's going on here? When did such a huge altar come out?"

"For today's game, we prepared in advance in the middle of the night last night." The Crustacean made the girl proudly raise her giant claws.

It turned out to be the case, with the help of the power of that elf, this huge altar could indeed be completed overnight.

"Too...too cunning! How can you use this trick of ritual Kagura!"

"Oh! Not cunning at all! If my contract spirit doesn't prepare for a grand ceremony, I won't be able to call it out!" the girl with a wooden staff shouted on the high platform.

"Stop chattering! Shut up, dead child!"

"Hmm! What a dead child! Your **** aren't like a child!"

"You... what did you say!"

slap. Mu Hantian's ears sounded like a branch being trampled, and at the same time Claire's red hair stood on end like a burning flame.

"Claire, do you know what that is?" Mu Hantian really couldn't remember.

"The sage of the woods - the Druids." Claire murmured while wiping the sweat from her forehead.

The Druids were not the nobles of the Austrian Empire. Long before the birth of the empire, the Druids have always used the elf forest as their home, and inherited the lineage of the shrine maiden in a way unique to this clan. They are the orthodox elves family.

"The girl's elf is very special, and it will take a long time to summon it."

"So that's the case. I've been fighting for time before, so it's because of this." Mu Hantian finally understood at this moment.

At this point, the ground began to shake violently. The torches that lighted around the altar burned violently.

"I won't let you call it out! Scarlet!"

Claire transformed Scarlet into an elf magic outfit, and the Flaming Whip swiped **** the ground.

"Hantian, I'm going to trip this guy. You go and destroy the altar."

"it is good!"

Mu Hantian nodded, and rushed out with the silver protector God Esther.

As an elves, Claire is indeed a genius.

Although the attributes are not compatible with the shell spirit, if it is one-on-one, it will definitely not lose to the opponent.

Mu Hantian's position was a long way from the altar - but at his speed, he could definitely catch up.

At this moment, the ground in front of Mu Hantian suddenly exploded. The elf magic lightning bolt was shot from the grass. It was the attack of the Thunder Spirit envoy girl. Of course, Mu Hantian had long expected an ambush in the forest.


"Drink ah ah ah ah!"

"To do such a thing."

The action of the girl surprised Mu Hantian. She herself rushed over.

"It's really troublesome, but... your speed is too slow."

"What...!" The girl turned her head blankly and looked at Mu Hantian who was rushing towards the altar behind her.


Following Mu Hantian's words, a sword light flashed, and the tall altar was divided into two.

"Hantian, so we can..."

"No, Claire, we lost. Because the time has come."

As soon as Mu Hantian's words fell, Freya, who emerged from the shadow, blew the whistle that the game was over.

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