Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1089: Transfer Students

The scene fell into silence.

Claire and the others were naturally stunned, and Raka and Lecia were too frightened to speak.

Time suddenly freezes for a few seconds.

"What did you say……!"

The first to speak was Claire.

She blushed, her mouth opened and closed.

At this moment, Alice suddenly widened her eyes and shook her head suddenly.

"No, no! I didn't mean that!"

"That's what it means... what does it mean!"

"That, is... uh..."

Alice took a deep breath and said, "Mu Hantian, do you... do you want to join our team?"

"What!" Both Claire and Rinsley widened their eyes.

"Cough, Mu Hantian, I want to invite you to join our team. With your ability to defeat the military elves, you must meet the threshold for joining the team." After Alice finished speaking quickly, he looked away.

"No! He is my contract elf!" Claire called out quickly.

She stood up from the chair and clutched Mu Hantian's uniform sleeve tightly.

"Claire, you..."

Mu Hantian turned his head and looked down, meeting his clear ruby ​​eyes. Claire's eyes were full of unease.

Maybe I didn't realize it, but her eyes seemed to be pleading for something.

Mu Hantian exhaled and shook his head. He smiled wryly and put his hand on Claire's head gently.

"Alice, I'm sorry, I have my own principles, since I have promised Claire to team up with her, I can't join someone else's team.

"Cold sky..." Claire raised her head, her eyes widened.

"Is that so?" Alice bit her lip.

But the next second, he immediately returned to his usual determined expression.

"Okay. I'm sorry to mention such a thing suddenly."

"No, that's not the case."

Seeing Mu Hantian apologizing to herself, Alice was shy and seemed a little embarrassed.

"It's's's because you're such a man, that's why I-"


She seemed to say something, but her voice was too low to make out.

"Alas, I was dumped."

"Captain, it's okay, you still have us."

" like that!"

Alice scolded the two friends who were grinning wickedly with a flushed face.

"That...that...cold sky..."


Claire was still clutching the sleeve of her uniform, looking like she wanted to say something.

"What's wrong?"

"Thank you...thank"

"It's okay." Mu Hantian shook his head.

Just then, the door suddenly slammed open—

"Damn - is Mu Hantian here?"

A schoolgirl bursts into the salon cafe. She was panting and seemed very anxious.

She definitely wanted to say big ** just now.

Although he complained in his heart, Mu Hantian still replied, "I'm here."

Seeing Mu Hantian raise his hand, the girl rubbed her chest reassuringly.

"The dean is looking for you and wants you to find her immediately."

"Greyworth looking for me?"


A corner of the academy city where the Aresian Spirit Academy belongs.

On the balcony of the cafe, which stretches far out, sits a wonderful group of guests.

One of them was a beautiful girl in a jet-black dress. She is the dark elf - Restia.

As for the other person—

It was a boy with black hair as hard as steel, not too thin, and a slightly dark complexion.

The boy's facial features are quite decent, but his red eyes are piercing, which can only be described by two words weird.

In terms of this location, these two people are really eye-catching, but the people around them don't even look at them, they don't feel their existence at all.

"Anyway, as long as you take the materials with the designated seal from the academy library, right?"

"Well, but for some reason, I can't get near there."

"Tsk, what a hassle. Why on earth do you need that thing?"

The boy spat on the ground, but no one condemned his actions.

"The thing that slept in the mining city is very precious, and it was sealed by the Austrian army for several layers. To wake it up, it would take several months for the liberation ceremony alone—"

"Hmph, abandoned military elves, right? What are you trying to collect these things for?"

"You have no right to know this." The black-clothed girl shook her head quietly.

The young man couldn't help smacking his tongue. "It's really troublesome. But I already know the strength of the person you chose. There's no such thing as Gio Inzaqi, the uncle, who is the true descendant of the Demon King."

The boy's blood-red lips twisted. The dark-skinned body shone with countless elf engravings. Just like Demon Solomon——the engraving of seventy-two spirits resides.

Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that I can't get close to Hantian now, I wouldn't be chatting with you here. However, as long as Hantian has solved you, you can return to his side.

Restia looked at the boy and thought coldly in her heart.


After separating from Claire and the others, Mu Hantian immediately went to the dean's office.

Knocked twice on the door and opened the door...

"You're here." Greyworth, who was sitting at the desk, said directly.

The Twilight Witch on Greyworth Shermax. In addition to his beautiful appearance, he was also one of the twelve cavalry generals of the empire and was a battle-hardened elf knight.

The long flaxen hair fluttered gracefully, and the gray eyes under the small glasses shone brightly.

"Is there a problem?"

Greyworth turned her chair around and faced the VIP room inside.

"I'm going to introduce a girl to you—you can come in."

"Yes." A silver-colored voice came from the room inside.

When the door opened, what appeared was... a girl.

She was wearing another black dress-like uniform, but not the college uniform. She is a stunningly beautiful girl with bright black long hair that makes a deep impression.


Mu Hantian's eyes met the girl's, but the girl showed a puzzled expression.

"Uh... Excuse me... Are you Mu Hantian's classmate?" The girl asked Mu Hantian with blinking eyes.

"Yes, I am Mu Hantian."

"However, it feels a lot different from what I remember... and that's right... boys will become different when they grow up, and three years have passed." The girl muttered to herself in a voice that Mu Hantian couldn't hear.

Then, she looked at Mu Hantian's face again.

"Hmm, it does have a shadow of that time. Very good, very good—"

"Fianna, what's wrong with you?" Greyworth asked suspiciously.

"Ah... I'm sorry! This... This is the first time I see a male elf, so..."

"Is she...?" Although he had some guesses in his heart, Mu Hantian couldn't help but ask.

At this moment, the girl's expression became a little unhappy for some reason, and she pouted.

"You really don't remember... Forget it."

"She's a transfer student, and she's from the Crow class like you."

"I see." Mu Hantian nodded.

"She is the second princess of the Austrian Empire - Fianna Ray Ordesia."

It was her, but...

"Xiaoguang, what's going on?" Mu Hantian asked in his mind.

"It should be like this. The master summoned Restia and Esther at the beginning, causing the existence of 'Fuzakami' to be erased. However, the master and them came to this world, and the will of the world replaced you Become a 'Feng Zao Shenren'."

"I see." Mu Hantian nodded. Then he looked at Greyworth again...

"Why did you call me here?" Greyworth called herself, absolutely impossible for such a trivial matter.

"Your attitude makes me very sad. Thankfully, I prepared a special mission for you."

"Special mission?"

"Yes. Right now, there is a mission that I want to give to Fianna, and I want your team to go with her on the mission."

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