At the other end of the ruins stood a huge mountain range that left countless abandoned tunnels.

The mountain is called Gade Mine - once a rich source of Elf ore, it is the largest mine in the Empire. During the Great War, after the elf ore was exhausted, the mine was abandoned, more than twenty years ago.

The strategic-level military elf sealed by the Old Orthia Knights is sleeping beneath this mine.

"Hey, you can come down!" Claire glared at Fianna, who was hugging Mu Hantian tightly.

"No. I have to protect Han Tian and cannot leave him."

"You're the one being protected, right. Besides, what about your contract elf? Maybe that elf envoy is hiding nearby, so it's best to call out to prepare."


Fianna was at a loss for words and was speechless for a moment. After biting her lip, she turned her face away.

"It's not... it's not that time yet! The contract spirits of the Odesian royal family are different from your cats, and they can't be called out casually."

"You...what did you say...!"

Claire asked with a murderous expression—— at this moment.

The four people's feet suddenly shook.

"Is it an earthquake?"

"We'd better act quickly. I have an ominous premonition."

Claire said softly, and then used elven magic in her hand, calling out fireballs to illuminate the surroundings.

The group didn't even have to look for it, and they quickly found their destination.

At the end of the main road through the center of the city is the entrance to the mine, with a huge shrine in front of it.

There are several sturdy stone pillars standing inside, which looks very imposing.

Even in the Austrian Empire, such a large-scale temple can only be seen in the imperial capital.


"'s too bad."

The statue was badly damaged, the elf ore set on the stone pillar was knocked out and taken away, and the great temple used to please the elves became a terrible ruin.


The one who noticed the abnormality was Fianna, who had been trained by the Elf Girl.

"What's so strange?"

"This temple has obviously been turned into ruins, but there are traces of a ceremony underground. And it has been carried out several times in the past few months."


Fianna nodded solemnly to Claire, who frowned, and knelt on the ground.

There were scratches and footprints on the slate.

"This dance—seems to have been slightly modified, but it should be a liberation ritual."

"Is the seal about to be lifted?" Claire asked.

"No, it shouldn't matter. Because this temple is not a high-level 'real temple'."

"The real sacrificial hall... what is that?"

"This great temple is just a way to hide the real temple. In places as important as mines, a luxurious temple is usually deliberately built on the ground to hide people's eyes and ears. Although this temple can also be used."

"So, the real temple is hidden somewhere?"

"Well, it should be hidden in the depths of the mine." Fianna raised her head.

Right at this moment...

"Be careful! Something has appeared!" Rinsley, who had been alert to the surrounding situation, suddenly screamed.

Mu Hantian turned his head away...

A large number of wriggling figures surrounded the temple where the four were.

"Flame, light up the darkness!"

Claire chanted an incantation and ignited a fairy magic flame in the air. Under the reflection of the flame, the figure gradually emerges——

"This...what is this!"

A group of skeletons with rusty swords or sticks in their hands. From the slits of the bones, a black mist-like gas is being spewed out.

"What the it an elves?"

"It may be that the discarded corpse was possessed by a low-level elves." Mu Hantian whispered, and then suddenly "Huh? ', and found something unusual.

Claire was reaching out and grabbing Mu Hantian's sleeve.

"Are you...are you very afraid of this kind of supernatural thing?"

"It's... not! What do you take me for!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't force it, hurry up and do it."

"Just... just tell you that I'm not afraid..."

"However, it looks like something is wrong." Mu Hantian frowned.

Usually, lower elves don't have a definite selves. Even if they occasionally attack humans, they don't act collectively like this.

"It's these skeletons who perform the ritual here. Although the movements are not uniform, it is exactly the same as the liberation ceremony."

"You mean, the lower elves are holding a high-level liberation ceremony here? How is that possible?" Claire couldn't believe it.

Mu Hantian stared at the gradually approaching figure. Indeed, after Fianna mentioned this, the movements of the skeletons possessed by spirits seem to have some kind of regularity.

"I think someone is manipulating the elves."

"So these skeletons don't want to attack us?" Claire said while grabbing Mu Hantian's sleeve.

The army of skeletons walked up the stairs of the temple at a slow pace and gradually approached.

"Cold ice teeth, pierce through the enemy - 'Magic Ice Arrow'!"

The ice arrow that Rinslet fired swept across the squirming army of skeletons in one fell swoop.

This is the elf magic outfit of the high magic ice elf 'Fenrir'.

To the elf envoy, an enemy of this level is nothing more than a scoundrel.

The shattered skeleton spewed black mist and disappeared into the air.

Right at this moment...

A loud explosion sounded suddenly from the mine.

"Hantian, let's go!"

After Claire swung the whip with a snap, she rushed out.


This is a spirit ore mine towering over an abandoned city. After arriving at the entrance...

There was a loud banging sound of swords in the tunnel.

"Hantian, that's..."

Claire pointed to the depths of the tunnel, and a sword light flashed in the darkness.

The person fighting inside was Alice Frangolto, who was holding a spear in an elf magic outfit.

The gust of wind ruffled Alice's ponytail. The white armor of the Knights has been damaged, and the whole body is lacerated, it is literally riddled with holes.

"Ha! As expected of the leader of the Knights, I had a great time playing!"

There was a piercing laugh in the tunnel.

In front of Alice, stood a boy with red eyes. This person is Geo Inzaki, the male elf envoy who claims to be the heir of the Demon King.

At his feet lay the wounded Raqqa and Lesia.

"Damn it! How dare my companion—"

Alice wielded the 'windwing spear'. The walls of the tunnel were destroyed, and the hard rock field was shattered like glass.

Geo jumped high while laughing wildly.

"Hey, is this all you can do? Are the Knights just a little kid's trick?"


Hearing that the Knights were insulted, Alice couldn't help but get excited.

"Wind of Calamity, turn into countless blades, cut through my enemies!"

Alice liberated the ability of the magic wind elf 'Smoff', the elf magic outfit - 'Wind Wing Spear'.

"Flesh assault, right - Lujing elf, reflect back!"

The moment Geo shouted, a shining red mirror appeared in front of Alice's eyes.

As soon as the wind blade spear carrying the gust of wind hit the mirror, countless wind blades turned around and attacked Alice.

Alice was slashed by the violent wind blade, and hit the wall under the impact.

"Alice!" Mu Hantian mentioned the protector of the world, Esther, and rushed out.

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