Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 125: Vattola's letter

After eating breakfast, she couldn't go out, Xuecai waited at the door for Mu Hantian to come out, and softly called good morning.

Mu Hantian felt that he was used to the days of surveillance with her around. It's scary to get used to that stuff.

After passing through the school gate, Mu Hantian, Xuena and the other girls separated again. Yukina and Nagisa, who were in the third grade of junior high school, went to the school building in the middle of the junior high school. Yuma also went to her classroom. Mu Hantian went to the teaching building of the public facilities in the front. The reason was his cooking. The classroom is located there.

Itogami Island is a tropical island floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The sweltering September is clearly over halfway through, but there is no autumn atmosphere at all. The midsummer sunshine is mercilessly falling on the campus in the morning.

On the way, Mu Hantian saw a familiar figure.

The hairstyle is bright, the makeup is refined, and the uniform is sloppy and stylish. In short, it is not mainstream, but a classmate with a striking appearance, a girl who is much more dazzling than ordinary people.

"Morning, teacher. It's rare, that annoying school girl didn't follow."

She spoke in a relaxed tone, with a wicked smile on the corner of her straight mouth, which gave the impression of not being afraid of life. In one of her small hands, she was carrying a large sports bag, which looked very heavy.

"Shallow? What's the one you brought?" Mu Hantian asked casually while accompanying her.

Lan Yu Shallow looked at him like this, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "You came just in time, I'm sorry. This thing is unexpectedly heavy, so troublesome."

"I didn't say anything to help move it." Mu Hantian said speechlessly.

"Hey, you really helped a lot, please put it in front of the locker in the teaching building of the high school for me, senior."

Ignoring Mu Hantian's words, Shallow took care of her own instructions and stuffed the sports bag into Mu Hantian's arms. Mu Hantian shook his head lightly and reluctantly lifted his bag. From the gaps in the zipper that were not fully closed, there were a few old rackets and white feathers that could be seen - badminton.

"Badminton rackets, how come you have so many, and what are you using?" Mu Hantian asked strangely.

"It's for the practice of the ball game. My sister and I just borrowed it. The school's equipment isn't enough, right?" Onion explained.

It turned out to be a ball game, which Mu Hantian heard from Nagisa in the morning.

(“All the boys in the class knelt down and kowtowed and asked Yukina, saying that as long as the princess can wear cheerleading uniforms to support them, they will do anything as retainers, and they will fight to the death to win.”

"All the boys, kneel down and kowtow?"

Mu Hantian was so frightened by Nagisa's words that he was speechless.

"I don't usually use such a tough method. But because of that, the opponent is Yukina-chan. It's understandable for the boys to do such a thing, so the girls will help and persuade her.") That's what I said in the morning.

"You are very considerate sometimes." Mu Hantian chuckled.

"Occasionally two words are superfluous. My nickname is the gentle and considerate high school beauty classmate Shallow. I'm so excited." She puffed out her chest with confidence.

"Where, why didn't I see it." Mu Hantian teased, and Gulu's eyes shot up and down at her.

"Okay. In fact, it's just Ling who asked me to ask me yesterday." Asagi called out the truth without shame, because she wanted to participate in the badminton ball competition, so she used it for practice.

"So, you decided to play badminton?"

"Yes, and it's doubles, the kind of mixed doubles." Onion replied with a smirk. The events of the ball game are assigned by the squad leader Amano Ryo after listening to the wishes of everyone in the class. If you have an opinion on the assigned project, you can also find someone to negotiate and exchange, and your position is fair and reasonable.

"Mixed doubles?" Mu Hantian's expression froze. Of course, he has experience in badminton practice. The partners in the mixed doubles event are all recognized couples.

After helping Shallow put the racket away, Mu Hantian was ready to go to the cooking room.

Suddenly, the bench in front of Mu Hantian burst open like a balloon.


The shattered wood shards burst, passing over Mu Hantian's cheek. Even so, he couldn't understand what happened for a while. After the bench exploded, the wreckage was falling in slow motion, but like a prank, it did not carry a strong lethality. The keen Mu Hantian reacted on his own and learned that there was a new danger. A silver flash quickly flashed towards Nie Kong's feet, like a thunderbolt.

The body moved before thinking, and Mu Hantian held the flash in a thrilling way. Shining's true face is a metal arrow. Western arrows with sharp arrows and feathers, with some mysterious spells.

"Is Shashihua? Che, it seems that I have to experience what happened to Gucheng in the original book. Is it really because of Xuecai?" Mu Hantian pondered.

But at this moment, the arrow in his hand suddenly melted and changed its shape. As if the curtains had lost their hooks, they turned into thin metal sheets and stretched out flexibly, gradually changing their shape again.

The metal plate that was swollen and bent at an acute angle turned into a beast with a complex outline. The appearance is reminiscent, as if two invisible forces change the shape of the steel plate.

"Shikigami!" The metal plate imbued with life for an instant is like a beast stepping on the ground and roaring. The wild movements are like a real beast, which is undoubtedly a monster created by magic.

Mu Hantian threw it out, the shape of a lion tumbled several times on the ground, facing the front limbs that Mu Hantian swung down. The animal legs made of steel were as sharp and sharp as knives, and they cracked in the cement. Although it is a fake creature created by magic, its agility is still the same as that of a real beast. Considering that their entire bodies are made of sharp blades, it might be more dangerous than beasts.

Immediately after Mu Hantian, another beast appeared. The one who kicked away the wreckage of the bench was a wolf also made of metal plates. It was probably formed by the arrow that was shot at first, and the chair exploded.

Flanked by the lions and wolves who were incarnated in steel, Mu Hantian's body emitted a burst of white flames, ready to start.

"Teacher, please don't be impulsive!" When Mu Hantian was about to take action, a familiar girl's voice rose. In the sky above Mu Hantian, something flew by the wind with a thud. It was a silver spear, Xuexia Wolf of Yukina.

The spear that flew like a gust of wind pierced through and smashed the steel lion that attacked Nie Kong.

"Xuecai?" The one who threw out the spear to help Mu Hantian was the middle school girl Xuena, who had been monitoring him. She galloped like a charming beast, flew out of her legs, and kicked away the steel mad wolf that rushed towards Mu Hantian from behind.

The wolf, whose body is as sharp as a knife, is just a thin metal plate when viewed from the side. After being hit by Yukina's strong roundhouse kick, it immediately shot backwards and sank into the wall with a loud bang.

Yukina pulled out the gun that was stuck on the ground. With smooth movements, she pierced the silver spear tip into the steel wolf, and with one move, the wolf's body was easily shattered.

"Are you all right, teacher?" Yukina raised the tip of her spear and asked without hesitation. The delicate appearance that made the tension disappear, made Mu Hantian hide the power in his body.

"I'm sorry, I asked you to come and save me, but the clothes are stained with dust." Mu Hantian's physical strength is not a joke, that attack can't hurt him at all.

"The shikigami I used to monitor the senior informed me that there was an offensive magic power. I came to take a look when I thought I was concerned, but I didn't expect it to be a disaster. Teacher, you have to promise me not to use the power in your body again. ." Yukina still held the handle of the gun, her back froze in shock.

"Okay, okay, you will always be by my side, Xuecai." Mu Hantian looked at her lowered face and said indifferently.

So she raised her head and coughed a few times, hiding the shyness on her cheeks.

"It's a mission after all, let's not mention that, teacher. Did you ever think who was going to attack you?"

"I know who it is, hehe, provoke me..." Mu Hantian muttered to himself, and at the same time, from the scattered chair, he picked up a letter in a brand-new envelope, gorgeously gilded The envelope was sealed with silver sealing wax. Noticing the wax marks branded on her head, her face tightened. It is a pattern emblem carved after a snake and a sword. Although the style is elegant, the shape is indescribably strange.

"Vattola? Hehe."

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