Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 132: Machine God

Basically, Sayaka followed Mu Hantian and the others like a follower, and righteously said that she wanted to protect Yukina's safety. The four people took the fast train, and the travel time was greatly shortened.

After leaving the school, it took only about ten minutes to reach the so-called artificial extension island. In front of the vast artificial island. Although there was an army blocking the surrounding area, Nie Kong and the others easily came to the center of the battlefield. The wreckage of the crashed helicopter is burning, and amid the white smoke, the fierce gun battle continues to this day. It seemed that Mu Hantian and the others came a little late, and the battle began.

On the additional artificial islands under construction, there are many construction cranes and monitoring towers standing like dead wood. The largest monitoring tower is a cylindrical building as tall as a five-story building.

Around the tall monitoring tower, several armored vehicles covered with heavy iron plates have been deployed. Numerous mobile members of the Special Administrative Region Police Force were firing wildly with rifles and other weapons from the back of the car. Each wave of the offensive caused the opposing camp to counterattack from the monitoring tower again and again. The fiery gun battle seemed to be in a stalemate. Around the surveillance tower, there were wrecks of destroyed armored vehicles scattered everywhere, and there were not a few injured people. It was like a war of attrition in which both the enemy and us were deeply mired in the quagmire. Fortunately, no ordinary people were injured or killed.

"Hey, what are you doing with a few of them to skip class?"

Before Mu Hantian could confirm where the onion was, a blooming veil suddenly appeared in front of him. As if emerging from the void of nothingness, it was Mu Hantian's lover Nayuejiang. She looked at Mu Hantian angrily, and seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Teacher Yue, aren't you dealing with terrorists?" Xuena said.

"Occasionally, I have to let the people from the special zone guard team behave, and the attacking force seems to have overwhelmed the survivors of the Black Death faction, so I shouldn't have to come forward." That month, looking at the monitoring tower where the shootout continued, replied. Sure enough, as they expected, the Black Death King faction seemed to be there to fight back desperately.

"Father, what should we do now, Asano is being held hostage in their hands." Yuma said anxiously.

"That month, are you sure that Jia Dexiu will be here?" Mu Hantian asked aloud. There have been some changes in the plot now, so he is not very sure.

"Well, what do you think?" In Nayue's heart, Mu Hantian's words were extremely authoritative.

"I took a look, and it seems that there are only a few minions at the scene, and the onion is clearly not inside." Mu Hantian observed it, but found no shadow of the onion.

Without waiting for that month to respond to Mu Hantian's words, the originally violent gunshots were interrupted. There was a huge rumbling, and the sudden bombing sound was deafening. The addition of artificial islands in the hollow structure caused the sound of the explosion to reverberate, causing violent shaking like an earthquake.

The source of the explosion was the monitoring tower that was supposed to be guarded by the Black Death faction. The iron tower made of exposed steel bars was shrouded in flames, and scattered fragments fell on the heads of the special zone guards surrounding the monitoring tower.

"It seems that they blew themselves up with explosives. Some of the orcish terrorists seemed to escape from the monitoring tower in the smoke and dust of the explosion, but many people were affected by the collapse of the monitoring tower." Nayue muttered. The base of the collapsed monitoring tower, and some kind of huge object swept away a large amount of rubble, which seemed to be ready to move.

"What... that breath!" Yukina and Sayaka sensed the difference, and a huge magic power spewed out from the ground. Dense and wonderfully artificial, with an unspeakably ferocious aura. A huge figure loomed in the smoke and dust.

"Oh, I don't understand the situation very well, but isn't the situation very bad?" A cheerful laughter came from behind Yukina, who was shocked by the change.

What Yukina looked back at was a beautiful blond young man wearing a three-piece pure white suit, the vampire Vattola really could be seen wherever there was a war.

"Vattola? Why are you even here?" Sayaka looked back at Vatora and exclaimed.

"What are you doing, snake man?" Nayue frowned in displeasure.

"Oh, wouldn't it be better to ask your troops to retreat first? As His Highness Hantian said, the Jadxiu isn't here anyway, and what's left is just bait."

Valtola said with a smile.

"You said it was a bait, what's the point of having the special zone guards gather here?" That Yue's Yuyan changed her face and glared at him and asked.

"Of course it's because they need a target to test the power of the newly acquired weapon. You will never forget that the Black Death sent something to the artificial island, right? Your Highness Hantian, please join me in witnessing the true ancestor who can kill vampires. weapons." Vattola said with interest.

In an instant, that month's expression was extremely cold. Could it be that the purpose of the Black Death faction is to gather the mobile members of the Special Zone Police Force here, and then defeat them in one fell swoop?

"Narakweiler, a weapon made by God? But how can they interpret the commands of the control?"

"Have you forgotten what Shallow Onions do?" Mu Hantian asked.

Nayue looked at Mu Hantian and said in surprise, "No wonder they want to kidnap Shallow, I said how the orc's wooden head became smart."

"I can guess the reason why Jia Dexiu held Shallow to do things for her."

"Don't worry, as a teacher, I won't let Onion get hurt in the slightest."

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